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Everything posted by sick_skidz

  1. sick_skidz


    From the album: my baby

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  2. sick_skidz

    my baby

    pics of my bitch
  3. well thats sort o the point but no i have tuned cars succesfullyy carbss nd the such with msd ignitions but yeah i know what im doing im jusst playing with the decel cut andacell pump and stuff like that tuner didnt realy tuch low map, im a machinist /deislefitt/ fabricator so i got a good knowledge base if i can fix draglines and othr large machhinery i should be fine. i speent like 2 years reaserrching before i even got the softwware soo i didnt get temped before i know what i was doing its a good ecu ill try and post the user manual up it is a good ecu and tuning is all 3d so its a bout an easy ecu as u can get to tune anny good info would be nice. should be getting dyno done when i get it back from pedders
  4. i got a haltech e11v2 in my r33 with all the required mods done ready for a 3ltr bottem end but untill then i want to get my tuning skills up to scratch i have had basic tuning experience with fc (over mates sholder) and i have a good grasp on the owners guide and the principals of tuning a turbo efi motor, im getting the com cable and software soon. i read that its a good user friendly unit but was wondering if anyone had ne experience tuning theses ecus? ne help/tips will be rewarded with ample gratitude the car runs good but know there is heaps left in it as it was tuned for 95 octane and then safely at that pretty much a stock map that spits fuel and has no timing in it.
  5. thats a sick car would love to see the look on a high end euro drivers face when a famly waggon smashes him at the lights and disapears lol good work. grats
  6. i found a flare in my fresh import its sick i let it off when blind lol.
  7. only thing i suggest is to check if it is your intercooler is to take it out and dummy fit a pipe and just give it a ramp on the dyno if you got alot of timing in it just back it off in 1 runn you will know if its an intercooler prob or not. do it on 1st ramp to so inlet temps stay down tho.
  8. yeah got phots now will post after work tomoro. as i said in 1st post its a track car its already done with big breaks and stuff biggest you can get under 13s lol. the rb 30et is good for 250 to 275 kw easy with good tune but we are only going for rough ly 300- 350hp per ton with small twins. prob get 2 cheap rb25 turbs and run them off 3 cylinders each into custom dumps with 2.5 inch pipe on each turbo back with a balancer pipe cough..no restrictions cough... would this work we are looking for early as possible boost with no huge power surge. 350 hp will easily be too much for a track car. and then for power cruise just wind the wick up and point and fire aim = not to much power + reliability + new school and the ability to wind the wick up and scare yourself to sh*t cmr shop got a chasi kit and engine mounts with my name on it. but we decided to fin my r33 first will be owner built rb30det thats the last piece of my puzzle and after reading about it on sau i know the hard bit will be the tuning 1s time on efi i have good understanding im going to tune the rb25 to practice and see what i can get out of it b4 it go pop
  9. should just save up a bit more for trust 1 i got 1 and stuff all pressure drop cost bit more but the old saying goes here to "mesure twice cut 1ce" i wont need to change intercoolers for my build target now
  10. its the gear boxes front bearing thats shrown a .000somethink of a milimeter out of true ie: square of the shaft. got my car 1st owner in aus no noise at all then prob a week or 2 later and one trip to the drags meaning hard launches and warming tires cough cough.... it started makinging a grumbling and werrining (rotational friction) so week later i repaced the throwout flywheel and clutch with after market (extreme molly f.w.,xtreme button clutch comes with throwout.) noise still there that gere box is still going strong and noise hasnt got worse. its not worth the xpens to rebuild it.
  11. thats the shot i was just thinking for piece of mind for him. but if more mods are on the way than dont bother go get a ecu best thing i ever did aside from a turbo.
  12. got it in 1 this is what will happen when u pump up perssure in a hight flow you either put in a reducer plate or weld up wastegate and mount one externaly its simple air flow dynamicy stuff (uhh hu) the air will go the easiest path and your wastegate cant flow that much check that they machined out the wastegate port and fiteed a lager flap. i hate high flows tsk tsk you can get a plain bearing garrett for not much more and they can be low mounted to i got a 3576 bb unit running same boost as a mates "fully sick hi flo" and i leave him behind while layin marks cost a bit more but i know what i would rather
  13. get a aftermarket stoichemeter (i cant spell it can you) mounted to an exhaust o2 sensor that will give good indication on how its going during driving im going to put one in my car, hooked up through the e11v2 though. your car would/should be fine but have terible fuel economy tho
  14. thanks for the ideas guys thought about all of this all goood stuff. as i said at the top of the post its had the whole running gear done and the suspension just had 6 g put in it. it lifts wheels.... nuff said. its a 4 dr lc painted and kitted to look like xu1 red w black stone trim. will get photos of it soon just still at pedders. i thought about doing a 25 but ultimatly i want to work with my r33 gtst and build a 25/30 combo so this a warm up build sort of so i can lern more about tuning i know how to rebuild a motor so thats not much of a problem and a warm 30 has much more power and torque when matched with a garrett gt35/40 it will also be responive enough for track duties on low boost 14psi ish. we want a tourque monster without going 2 j power lol. i wnated to c if the celica box could be maed but prob wont lol just try get a vl box with motor and later a 33 box. personaly as the person doing majority of the build i am going to fab all that can be fabbed for this car, sort of want to try make something of my trade so yeah should look wild and i recon with mt's on rear looking at low 11's if it can hook up but its a track car ultimatly. a mikture of the best parts that the general has ever offered the rb30 torana lol ne way nuff from me post pics soon......
  15. my mate has got a lc torana track car that has just had the suspension and bushes done, been dumped and sway bars been added all round and painted and all that. already got a 9 inch thtats been modified to to take torana stud pattern. its curently running an old school warm l..u..m..p..y 202 but he wants more power. i managed to convince him that if he wants a reliable kick in the pants go the best the general has offered in the form of a rb30et with a properly matched turbo. (he he i got an import and i got the chance to put a boosted nisan motor in ausi classic). i fugured a few guys on this forum would be able to give me some help should problems arise during build thats why i wana know if people would be interested in this build if i posted it? the whole convert will be done by my self and my mate (owner of torry), so far i got the folowing planed. -rb30et motor -c if i can mate his supra 5 speed to the rb30 -custom mounts and plenum, exhast manifold (might go tuned length for shiz and giggz) -front mount and moved bov (mad inglish) v8 throtle body (prob polish allup) -acl race bearing kit, new front and rear main seals, full gasket kit, oil pump drive crank colar and n1 oil pump, full new set fastners throughout, wisco forgies low comp, rods all treated and stuff -im going to do the head work port and polish valve re grind and springs. deck block and head also -do a custom o44 fule system with surge tank in boot ans it already has 40 ltr cell in boot also move batery to boot to. -going to get Haltech e6x with loom and software to tune as i have read that its a fairly user friendly system as i want to be able to atleast base tune it with posibility of race tuning it in future. i got access to gear and hoist and workshop for job. im a fitter turner with expeience indoing re- desigin and break down machining work in coal mines on draglines and 2 years of fab work with stainless and alloy and other materials of the such so i know the fundemental workings of mechanical parts. also i have taken in as much information about other custom fab and motor engineering projects. the only thing i belive i will struggle with is the tune but i got time. has ne one here tuned this type of ecu was it good or can u recomend another any info or ideas would be great as this is the first of my builds that i undertake this will train me up to do my rb25/30 convert in my r33 but ill be happy with my bolt on beast (makes mid to hi 300hp at rears) for now if people are interested ill post up picks and build details over the next year (he got 1 year of p's left). we are aiming for 300to 350 kw atw which is perfectly doable from a preped rb30 so im lead to belive if its tuned good. this is all going in a 1100-1200 kg car wich should be a strip and track monster to say the least with the odd power cruise thrown in i would dare say. well let me know ur thoughts dont be shy were all mates here
  16. sick_skidz


    hey name is matthew and i drive a ser1 r33 thats ford blueprint blend in color and has the folowing mods nizmo ajustable susspension 700ish cc inj bosh 040 pump and reg halteck e11 v2 ecu garret 35/40 low mounted (stealth as) custom dump and 3" hks super dragger xsaust (not much sounds better i recon on rb25) trust fmc and half done stainless custom piping (made redundent b4 i could scrape together enough stainless) gizmo boost controller. i live at burleigh but car is off the road i need to do some running repairs just usual stuff on a 16yr old car ill keep updates as car is on going project hmmm now to source a rb30 block lol.
  17. these are the part numbers i got and prices tie end rod (part that attaches to hub) right- pn#4852115u26 lh rack bush- pn#5444503u00 rh rack bush- Pn# 5444419u00 4 bolt manifold to turbo gasket 14445v2700 not to sure if it is right but i told him what i wanted and that it is for an ser 1 r33 gtst hope it helps
  18. dont know what they are worth soz. got a bov question how much bost can the standard unit put up with cos i got a 35/40 garrett low mounted and got stock bov only running 14 psi boost and its now dumping to the atmosphere (shhh).
  19. just rang tweed nissan and quoted me 41 dollars each for 2xmanifold to turbo (as i have aftermarket low mount 35/40 that uses stock flanges and uses a 1 inch spacer to give the turbo 40 thou clearence between block and housing) and the turbo dump is bout 41 dollars to. they even said they would drop it in my mail box cos they come up here often. so they get my thumbs up. tweed nissan ftw
  20. dont spose you guys do front end susspension and bushes and stuff of that sorts. gota fix what the insurance repairer calles "fixed". other than that she is a series 1 r33 gtst with fruit punched nearly 380 hp at back wheels
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