What pisses me off is people with stickers that say "JDM as f**k". From a literal point of view it doesn't even make sense.
How can one be Japanese domestic Market as f**k. WOW MAN STRAIGHT OUTTA THE JDM . f**k YEAH.
How to get a performance upgrade for under 6k for your R34GTT
1. $50 for an ad in carsales to sell your car
2. Free to search car sales for a GTR
3. $60 Tank of bp98 to get to said GTR owners house to view car
4. $X amount of money for aforementioned GTR (obviously not as much as an R34 GTT will cost stock).
5. $Stamp duty
6. $ Taxi to get to house of GTR owner to pick up your new car (If possible and not contstrained due to owner being over east)
This will get you about 2 x the performance and over 9000x more enjoyment.
Feel free to add to this list.
I have made the change and a few others also ^ refer to Gersfan.
TBH this is why i don't like cruising with randoms off the forum.
Shit like this can happen.
Generally people on the forums are a little bit more responsible.
Thanks heaps for that WALKEEEERRR. I appreciate it. Car is fine and dandy getting it repaired this week
Easy job.
@ Melski - MY BAD AT FAIL, soz should learn my shitter models at a more competent level. Thought he was vt with altezzas
Yeah i saw nr 32 wa get rear ended by the altezza wielding Vt f**kwit.
He was reading his map while driving and BANG.
Have 3 witnesses btw mate if you would like to contact me.