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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. GTRgeoff


    From the album: GTRgeoff's Gallery

  2. GTRgeoff


    From the album: GTRgeoff's Gallery

  3. Why? does your beer get cold too fast As mentioned elsewhere, I'm probably a day tripper.
  4. Adam, I take a trolley jack, stands, tools, all fluids and a chair. Any spares that may help are thrown in as well, such as extra brake pads. This shouldn't be too tough on the car though so don't get too worried.
  5. You'll have to change that username then With the Supra, try stick with the later model (I recall after 95/96) for the better brake package. No idea of price lately and I expect they are holding value well, but an early GTR32 might be a better priced option.
  6. Mate look over there . Reach across and crank up the tunes on the 7 speaker sound system (91 model with over 200K km and it still sounds great) but hey, I do still like to build a crankin' stereo as in the Lynx I have so I have something to compare it to. If you want to race, get a GTR or work hard building a GTS25t that will go for that rwd action. In fact I'm selling one of the five cars to keep the Soarer, and it's the auto skyline R33 that's going as I also wanna keep the 4 banger Lynx. Once again though, they are different beasts and I couldn't choose between the GTR, GTS25t and the Soarer so I just keep them all.
  7. Mike, I have both in the driveway, that is if you are looking at the V8. As Rianto said, apples and oranges. Don't even think of the sixes in the Soarer. Lowbrow low budget wannabes. V8, leather with as many options as possible including the airbag or active suspension. Yeah, there are problems with both. Take a look at the ALSC website for Soarer problems and fixes. http://www.lexus.australia.as/entry.htm
  8. If it weren't for GOLGO, I'd label you a "...sad strange little man...and you have my pity!"
  9. Denham, the whole shock from pillow tops. I just got the standard rate which is a bit hard. Do a search and find SK's recommended rates as you can buy the extra springs pretty cheap, or spec them with what you want (I believe). Check the UAS website.
  10. Quality is great, you can go very low and the highest setting is just a bit higher than legal. The spring rate is pretty hard ut about right for track. Nowhere near as hard as the HKS crap in my GTR so that will be replaced soonish. JP is there any new word on the HR model for GTR33 yet? I'll probably get slightly softer springs than standard this time if the ones I got before are anything to go by.
  11. Drive it, then make a decision :D
  12. I guess you could have made that many laps........
  13. This has to be close to the end for F1 as legitimate motorsport. What a joke.
  14. Yep, was used on the Bates WRC when I whored for them. smaller package but more complex than fmic depending on usage requirements. Good for road use and drags. Properly configured they are worth using.
  15. Mate, I'm a bit tougher on the extended family and unwanted advice. If he don't like it then GTF out of the house and go home to his paludrin. My old man doesn't like my wife of 17 years so I haven't spoken to him for 10 years after telling him to get out. MY choice. This woman is more important to me than anything else. We discuss what happens in our life together...no-one else gets a say. 20 years in the Army in the most dangerous crap you could imagine from live fire assaults, explosives, rock climbing, parachuting, abseiling out of choppers and a bit of the 2 way shooting range and I end up half crippled from a jogging slip Live what you can of your life IN CASE it goes to hell. I often can't race, let alone drive properly or safely due to nerve pain. My passions for cycling and refereeing Rugby Union go unfulfilled. Work is all but impossible due to the drugs and chronic pain affecting my memory and concentration, added to an inability to sit comfortably unless in a recliner. I've had a pretty fair chop at life, probably lived enough for 2 or 3 but I've got things to do yet so I'm justifiably bitter at such a pathetic incident spoiling things. Talk it over with the wife, confront the F in law with reality and do what you your wife think is best.
  16. I'm certain at my last rebuild I just got them from Repco. Maybe someone on here will be nice enough to get the seals and send them.
  17. Gareth, PM'd you about taillights.
  18. Seals, try RB30 items from Repco as well. I'm sure the rear was the same as well, and about $12 each from memory
  19. Liz I've rebuilt my track car RB25 twice now but the last one got: Arias forged $1300 GTR rods $300 Machining $1200 which included full balance, lightened flywheel, o ringed block (so you can use the standard head gasket for good power easily > 300rwkw), machine clean and straighten crank, prep clean block for build and size rods. ACL Race bearings $140 plus all the gaskets etc. I do my builds myself so save on about 25 hours of labour. Doesn't help though when my new R34 GTR turbos blow wrecking the engine Be cautious of the bore size as it may already have been rebuilt but Rocket industries http://www.rocketindustries.com.au/ ship the Arias overnight, so check 'em then order. I'll be back home in Brisvegas later in the year so hope to see the finished product.
  20. That makes it hard then. I have a sprocket holder that fits in the balancer and gives me something to work against. Holding on the gearbox just has enough give to take the sting out of it.
  21. Next time, wedge the breaker bar, with a piece of pipe to lenghten it, against the chassis rail, then disconnect the ignitor and turn the motor over on the starter. I assume you are talking about the balancer bolt.
  22. Denham, about time you fixed the wallow. I'm considering the whiteline stuff for the GTR as everytime I hit a bump, the last thing to go through my mind is my asshole. Have you considered the HD Systems from UAS with a realistic spring rate if you want more performance handling than comfort? The springs are cheap too. I have them on the GTSt and they are good, but too hard. Still do the whiteline swaybars though.
  23. So what will happen Dan? Repair, replace or cash payout? Time for a GTR33 mate. Prices are falling
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