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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Actually, I do have something to hate Snowie for. He hasn't come up to Brissy do a trackfest yet. Might I add Lakeside is on the verge of reopening??? So with the paperclip and Morgan park that is 3 within an hour drive of me.
  2. And replied Be good to have another club member.
  3. How can anyone resist them ?
  4. Shane for the benefit of everyone, my immediate step would be to remove the filter/cooler block and make Dave get a relocator and cooler. The relocator will screw straight onto the block just as onto the cooler setup IIRC. When I conducted the fairly simple process of designing the lightest and most foolproof HICAS bar I went through several iterations of design, a batch of 10 that had 2 fail (not catastrophically due to the underlying design principle that compensated for that specifically) through a fabrication error so all 10 were recalled and immediately replaced and finally, after a ludicrous number of hours of hand fabrication and modification I had the right design. NC machined components, the perfect materials for the job, only 700grams in weight and idiot proof to fabricate. For all that, it just isn't worth it to produce any more due to cheaper products using much cheaper materials (that are fine from what I have inspected from a functional perspective). The first prototype is still in my racecar so surely that was good enough? Not for me. Giants 32GTR still has an early robust design without a problem but still I moved on looking for a better product. The end product had to look good for the consumer and be safe enough for someone close to me to be at zero risk if using it as well as be uber light for a commercial enterprise that was interested. I even had Autobarns' national supply manager ask for a regular supply of product. Yes, you can do things by the seat of the pants, but that will almost never be a commercially viable solution and customers will demand more. I, probably more than anyone here can understand what Shane is facing but I think for limited return on investment.
  5. Brett, just how would the bar, which sits in exactly the same location as the HICAS unit, possibly damage anything the HICAS unit wouldn't damage? Find the IDIOT that suggested this and tell him to back to the village he is depriving of his services. If you race or have HICAS problems, get the bar. If not leave it alone.
  6. My GTR inlet setup cost $800 with injectors a while back. With the cost of the adaptor plate, factor in the throttles and fabbing up a plenum I reckon this would be lineball on the cost of doing a completely custom job. if you could get the inlet system for around 300-400 you are well ahead.
  7. Mike with the 26/30 in my race car I used the stoc cable but needed to make a bracket for it to mount to. I have the 26 AAC under the plenum but with a 9:1 3 litre under there I have not difficulty running the AC at 600rpm. Doesn't miss a beat when it cuts in. Otherwise the plugs are different. For the water temp sensor, I had to change to the 25 unit as the 26 one sent a signal that left the temp maxed out. I investigated no further but might look further tomorrow. Now the good bit. The TPS is a straight plugin and off the FC Datalogit I have shows the same closed and fully open voltages. for the injectors I initially used GTR low impedence with a resistor pack that cost $10 and half an hour of soldering. I have since moved to Delphi 65lb/min injectors, low impedence and still no issues on an RB25 PFC.
  8. Well Jono, you have been called out by a couple of hands-on Mechanical Engineers and a guy with a background in HP drag cars with exceptional attention to detail. Time to produce or slide back into obscurity. I'll be looking forward to seeing these for sale in bulk for about $350 each I've employed and sacked some exceptional welders and boilermakers. At the end of the day I only want them to produce what's on the drawings. If he is really talented he'll get an engineering degree to understand what he doesn't know and to what extent. As for twin throttles, I've seen them on Excels too. Made an extra 50kw with all the other mods on a 55kw NA engine. Julian Edgar did it years ago with Zoom Magazine. Staging them was a little trick but he made it work. But what would we know??? We've never worked where everything costs a carton on someone else's equipment and time........
  9. Evan I'll take it for $150, posted to Qld 4305. I'll get you to post express and throw it in some padding for $10 if that works for you mate. Geoff
  10. Dammit Russ, I was 10 seconds faster than the next quickest car until you turned up. BASTARD!!! Took another 8 seconds off me.
  11. Craig, I'll take the head mate @ 500 plus the valves you've ordered. Can you let me know exactly what is included via PM? Happy to pickup too mate. let me know when is good for you. Cash as well.
  12. Andrew, I have a S1 GTR steering wheel and airbag, but no screws to put them together or the cover inserts. I had them just in case I was forced by VicPol filth to remove the MOMO. I won't need them here in the beautiful country. If you just want the bag that's fine. It is the big bulbous one though.
  13. Greg, let me have it for $200 the lot plus I'll also pay for your first year membership with SAUQld Cheers Geoff
  14. I don't hate Snowie. Any Victorian who wants to stay in Victoria is fine by me
  15. I've looked at all the alternatives and short of a 26 Head this is the most elegant option. A welded plate would be the cheapest and would allow 25 injectors. The wiring and piping is easy. Don't even consider this for a 20 head. The velocities are going to be very slow through the runners for that capacity and would be a backward step. As for the production costs for the local option, sounds fair to me having done a fair amount of NC machining and production work, but if Jono were to do it for zero profit I'm sure he would be popular for a while... but the price would soon go up dealing with sales, production, startup costs, warranties, insurance.......
  16. Yeah I think Tacker gave them a shot. BTW on a side note, if you do make a mod to brakes like a setup change, FFS get them engineered or you could void all insurance. CTP, comprehensive, the lot. It would be considered a major change and would need some calcs to be done and a braking test.
  17. Which is exactly why I drive a Midnight Purple GTR33 with Bronze TE37s Except when I'm whoring in a Lambo/Porka/Fezza CS.
  18. Shake and Bake Shreksta. My thoughts entirely. Dan, those are a decent price but you get what you pay for. 2 piece design and not extended far enough around the disc to allow an extra stud each end to prevent flex due to the pistons being set well within the line of the existing studs, just past halfway. Pretty and great to go with a colour scheme, but I wouldn't buy them myself. I certainly wouldn't race on them unless I had a full spec sheet with piston sizes to calculate the balance, knew exactly what pads and rotors fit to see what the costs will be and know what the swept area will be on the disc, even if they were free sponsorship product.
  19. Yep. Gotta see the rest to understand how good it is here. I don't regret having seen the place, just that it took so long to leave it when I was done with it.
  20. Weather, ignorance, 3kmh tolerance, wankers, GayFL, miserable one day, sh*thouse the next, metros, hammered with canaries, the list goes on. Feel free to check it out Josh Despise Vic. Except for SAUVic.
  21. Shane, STFU
  22. Ahh, Dan. Someone with a clue. Thank god. Actually I would not run a proper race setup on the roads in a daily. The temps are too hard to maintain for the pads. Otherwise, it will work fine but seriously wasted. And a heavily sintered pad will also chew your discs to pieces if you can't keep the temps up. Hi Anna!!!!!
  23. Sorry Col, that time I was actually being condescending. You shouldn't try so hard to make it so easy for us. I was talking about the QR 6 hour. I'd run in a 12 hour on stockers in the GTS30tt. There would be a 15min stop for pads along the way.... maybe even a second. At the 6 hour this year I'm trying to get all the stars to line up and run. Otherwise maybe P1 Supercar Club might sponsor me in a Lamborghini or Porka. The reason the taxis use the callipers they do is so they can do a pad change mega early in the pad wear range. This stops piston rock which can make it hard to drive the pistons back in for a change or to knock off slightly after an application. Their pad thickness is massive just for that reason. I have to admit a nice package looks good, but for 98 percent of people using them they are not ever going to work to capacity. I have a damn fine document that demonstrates incredibly well the difference between a set of stock Impreza sliding callipers against a range of upgrades, including a set of F40 Brembos. Amazingly the F40s didn't do that well over the course of 20 hard stops.
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