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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Andrew got a purple 33 I am not racing as I have guests all weekend, plus I race an R33 GTS25t twin turbo (or will when fixed )
  2. No it's not the engines, they are a brilliant piece of machinery. By an large every problem can be attributed to too much power without appropriate preparation, silly tuning or owner abuse (this is the major cause). My reasoning for this thread is to determine the most common issues, and I'm yet to see an engine just let go totally stock and well cared for.
  3. Glad they are on and running OK. I fitted a pair to the RB25 and it appears the front one shattered the turbine, wrecking cyls 1,2 and 3. They can last ages, or go with no reason but the ceramic GTR turbines are a time bomb.
  4. Looking at the engine, on the left at the front above the water fitting is a long hex shaped object with a plug into the end. Make sure this is plugged in.
  5. Roy said you were a track Junkie. Maybe we can form a support group. Hi, I'm Geoff and I'm a Track Junkie. I have been cold the sphincter of the universe for 6 months :sob: and I'm really struggling.
  6. Cam, big effort. I think you may do ok with the electric HICAS as the motor and gearing should have enough feedback torque to resist movement when it is switched off/locked. There may still be a small amount of slop but that would be fairly small. Regardless how clever Nissan tried to be, the fact remains that every track driver who has locked HICAS considers their handling more predictable after locking. Do it because you can. I suppport you all the way and good luck.
  7. So back on topic, don't get a GTt if you are even considering that you want a GTR. 32,33,34 are all better.....No Question. Ali, hope to catch up Sunday. Look for the fat Old guy in a Purple thang
  8. Hah, nice. The 32 feels more agile due to the more "taily" nature of the attessa programming, but 95% of the folk saying they drive better wouldn't know a racetrack if they fell over it. It's true that it's all preference but why buy a drivers car then go straight. We'd love to see you at the racetrack sometime, you'd love it too. Come to Sandown for a look Sunday. People will also prefer what they can afford, or percieve to have a chance of owning, and make excuses for everything else except their Ültimate. Take the polls with a grain of salt. Most, if they were offered a freebie would take the 33 over the 32 in GTSt or GTR anyday, regardless of what they might otherwise say. It's always hard to accept, but laptimes count for more than quarters.
  9. Nice one. Picked mine up Friday, purple R33 GTR and major surprises in the engine department. Basically fully worked at Racepace with Arias and Argus rods, just begging for a PFC. 250rwkw and steel turbo wheels. Stock 'puter but still will hit 125 in second if you clutch just right and allow it to roll a bit on the acceleration .
  10. Yes a 19 year old would know it all. Maybe 0-100 by about 1/10th but the more advanced ATTESSA on a 33 would mean a faster car on the track, where it really counts. Look the 32 is good, but as an overall drive experience the 33 is better, and the GTR34 is by far the best from a brief lap of Phillip Island with Snowman.
  11. I was always happy with the R33 GTSt, and admit openly what a good car the R34 GTt is standard. I'd also driven a number of R32 GTR's and while good, didn't rate them that highly as an overall experience. Now having bought an R33 GTR (95) as well I can only say they are a whole order of magnitude better than The GTt or even the R32 GTR. Unless you can afford an R34 GTR there is only one choice.
  12. Scott, it would appear that your steering wheel is not centred (I'm guessing an aftermarket wheel) so the HICAS goes into disabled mode after about 6-7km. There is a sensor in the steering wheel to tell the HICAS where it is pointing and if it is not centred/doesn't move when driving it shuts down HICAS. For more info on HICAS go to the tutorial in my sig.
  13. Snowie might be able to fix you up, but entries may have closed and you'd have to join SAU Vic.
  14. No worries. Just if they get rude, ask the conversation to be recorded and they get nice again. If they are going over the car to defect it ask questions as they record, such as "why do you think it is too low? How are you going to measure that? Where can I find the law that covers this defect?" and then that can be asked for in court if necessary. You will see a complete change in their attitude if they are being rude and ignorant and especially racist.
  15. BTW if you ask for the conversation to be recorded they have to do so, but new rules are they can search your car for defects if they wish.
  16. Did he use a wheel under the car to determine it was too low? If not then he is subjective and has no proof so make the complaint.
  17. Had to be you or Duncan. The only mods in there (you know where I mean), but it's cool. I'll reinvent myself. Looking for an R33 GTR Race Rally only for track now. Doubt I'd be as lucky though. Wanna Drive Shan?
  18. How's $220 delivered sound? Melbourne.
  19. And now i'm being stalked.....
  20. Maybe I can reinvent myself. Wanna know the engine specs?
  21. I'll bring a pewter I'm coming and should bring the wife.
  22. Arghhhhhhh. Identity crisis!!!!!!
  23. Arghhhhh, who changed my username???????
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