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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. I know it sounds a bit over the top, what I've posted, but folks are just not motivated anymore and even try to see the benefits of government corrruption. What can we do? We get involved and tell the government they are wrong Try www.roadsense.com.au as a starting point Get on the forum at http://www.roadlegaloz.com.au/phpbb/index.php Sign up at http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/RoadSenseOz/ Educate ourselves and work together to stop government theft. http://sense.bc.ca/research.htm Don't whine about the fine you just got, but discuss how you may have been wrongly cited. If you speed by a clearly irresponsible margin then TOUGH (BTW Italy increased their limits to 150 with their Transport Minister stating that faster drivers are more alert, safer drivers.) You don't have to be passionate, just believe in justice and majority rule.
  2. I can understand the concept of getting the benefit without having to pay for it. Unfortunately I cannot condone it. It would be like swapping rego from one skyline to the other to save on rego, but just to clarify, some of you guys (everyone who voted for camera fines) condone theft right? That's essentially what is proposed. Others pay for the infrastructure and if you are smart enough to you avoid the revenue raising. Do you really sleep at night? That's just downright Un-Australian and you should be ashamed. Simply by raising the issue here, running a poll with limited options and people voting without energising some grey matter you can lead the government to start thinking they have SAU support. I'm no conspiracy theorist but who knows who reads this site in the interests of "getting in touch with the people". Tolls I have no issue with, except where the government straight out lies. (Another reason to bail from Vic - every time I get posted here there is some blunder to pay for) As for infrastructure, the roads in Brisbane simply shame Melbourne for quality of traffic flow. For christ's sake run Hoddle St straight over the top like the major trafficway it is then work outwards. Anyway, the core of my argument is the increasing govt addiction to speed revenue, driving them to "tougher measures" to obtain more funds when they clearly know the program doesn't save lives. When will they stop? Their equipment is not infallible, their employees utilise it incorrectly far too often and their magistrates are simply too uneducated in the technology to rule in favour of the defendent. If you want to take the gamble, Victoria is welcome to it but at least put up a few more options for the poll. Major infrastructure is everyones responsibility, and the govt gets more than enough money without impacting the economy with this revenue raising method.
  3. Roy, how's the search going mate? I'm coming up cold.
  4. Umm, No, it won't help. As aimply as I can, keeping the turbo, and susequently the exhaust gasses hot or more energised maintains flow velocity so improving power potential.
  5. Snowy are you mental mate?? No it's ok, I see where you are coming from but disagree violently. Roads are a user pays system so fuel or rego or tax should be the basis of revenue, not fines that come out of the blue without warning. That concept is both morally and constitutionally corrupt. This attitude and the fact that there are Victorians who would even consider it appropriate are one of the elements that makes Vic so damned unattractive to me as a place to exist. Gordon has it on the head although being back in Qld just a couple of weeks ago I found fuel the same or cheaper, the roads good and the sense of relief to be able to drive without staring at the speedo and worrying about every car on the side of the road an absolute pleasure, even though I was there to bury an old mate. Point to note, I haven't had a fine in over 10 years. I'm active on a couple of forums where we are in the process of developing the data to challenge the governments that have this speed kills BS as a cover for revenue raising. It is governments, not police, as our target. Now I'd suggest the government start to learn proper economic management instead of leaning on a select group of citizens who are really only guilty of not following what should be a firm guideline based upon the 85th percentile of road users average speeds, as opposed to a hard law imposed and policed with an innappropriate 3kmh tolerance unsupported by the engineering community. This policy only makes everyone in the community who drives a criminal (and everyone finds themselves speeding occasionally), with subsequent increasing disrepect for the police and government. Once upon a time criminals were the lesser element of society, about 3%, where now up to 70% of us are breaking the law. In GB the anti speed kills movements and uni studies are starting to gain momentum and data that shows the equipment inaccurate, the locations fraudulent, the operations suspect, the impact overall not decreasing the road toll but increasing it and the people starting to get jacked off. Sound familiar? A number of countries they have abolished cameras with the effect a reduction in the toll and people driving are looking at the road, not the speedo. People are on the whole good, so lets focus again on just dealing with the truly bad people. This is not the simple poll you have proposed but a far reaching problem that has the potential to destroy the faith of the community in government and police, and bring economic hardship to those who can least afford it. I don't individually have the mental capacity to completely diagnose the problem and find a solution, so I am relying on the power of group effort and assisting in the areas of driver training and technology. Not all of us are victims of govt corruption but have the clarity of thought to oppose this rubbish. I'll leave it with a scenario. The electorate does nothing or starts to accept the policy so the govt thinks it apporpriate to continue, but they start to "toughen up" and close tolerances to make a little more money, then they implement a random algorithm or "fail" to apply a rigorous testing program when the "accuracy" slips in their favour, where a motorist is fined for no reason but the hardware meets the bogus standards developed without industryand scientific input. The secrecy that they hold over their equipment and operating policies is tightened even more than now where it is almost impossible to obtain any data through FOI and govt transparency disappears. I don't want to live there, and I am a law abiding citizen but this is already happening and that scenario was just in the late 90's. Sorry to go outside your guidelines for the poll, and I won't vote either, but I think you have missed the issues. Good effort though in your argument and I appreciate the thoughts you have worked through, but this is an intense issue that shouldn't be fuelling the governments agenda.
  6. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=71682 Waratahs are gunna choke again. What we need is a venue with foxtel and beer. Any suggestions Ni? ...Anyone?
  7. I neither have the time or patience to have a battle of wits with someone who is so obviously completely unarmed. The trouble with arguing with idiots is they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience....
  8. I also have to add that I'm from Qld so am officially mentally roadworthy.
  9. I'm a bit worried about drinking and watching the rugby with him friday now.........
  10. No there is no self adjustment, but beware of the tension. Too loose or tight can cause problems, but your mechanic should be OK on this. The crank seal is not too hard but will get destroyed removing as you need to go past it to pull it out. Gentle installation is the key with a seal setting tool or gentle pressure with a brass drift working around the edges. It should just press in without need to hammer. The seals get hard with age and can fail suddenly allowing oil past so it is worth doing.
  11. No need to replace the spring it is only tension for fitting the cam belt. The real tension is applied be a hex key and lock nut. Got a new key from nissan for about $5 but the locktite was needed due to damage to the crank keyway. Do the seals as they are pretty easy once the rest is out but it all comes out again if a seal goes. Just get VL turbo front seals from Repco for about $15 each.
  12. What exactly is wrong with the rear muffler? If it's no biggie I'll take the exhaust.
  13. Ben, I've experienced a similar problem that I discovered to be the woodruff key failing, allowing the harmonic balancer to slop about damaging the keyway in the process. It was a harshness between 2500 and 3000 that could be felt through the gearshift. Fortunately nothing some loctite bearing mount couldn't fix. Depending on the state of balance of your engine it could reveal at the much lower rpm. Certainly keep this in mind and seriously consider replacing the bearings at the same time as the cam belt. There is an extensive thread on doing this and sourcing the bearings for about 120.
  14. I love the smell of exhaust in the mornings.......sniff.........the smell of trackdays!!
  15. Andrew, both the individual corner heights and the anti-roll bar balances are adjusted to achieve this. Chris at centreline will be your guy.
  16. And momentarily, until I looked at the time stamp, I thought "What alcohol soaked hour of the evening was this typed?" But it looks like he's just off to work LOL
  17. It's much more polished in the final release, and even the english release has been improved over the german copy (which I also have). Online racing leagues are brilliant and dispose of the AI BS that makes them boring with the added advantage of competing toward a goal.
  18. Gerard, my mate and I bought this from England after playing the Addon SimBin developed for the F1 series. Having played this and GT4...well, GT4 is a con. It is just kiddie platform crap in comparison! I checked with EB and they had no idea the sim existed, let alone plans to sell in Oz. I have a rig setup with a Logitech MOMO FF wheel, a seat with 2 impulse drivers for vibration feedback and good speakers from Hercules. I didn't bother with the other gameplay levels but went straight to pro. Some who play GT4 have tried and completely fail to control the cars. Unfortunately I don't get enough time to play online much but that is a lot of fun. Overall I find it a good substitute while the track car is off the road. Now to get my mate online and whup his butt again
  19. Which model is it off? What series PFC, one of the new ones or an older one?
  20. email me, of course.
  21. GTRgeoff

    Im goin to hell!

    I go away for 5 days and the place turns to hell. What'll happen when I'm in Qld permanently???
  22. Andrew, it's a just in case issue, and Skylines can have that stalling saga. I've had a few vehicles with stalling problems so I see the merit. 2 were trucks that weren't my regular drives and it scared the crap outta me.
  23. Actually, all good points above but when I was instructing new drivers in Cars, 4WD's and Trucks the primary issue is if the engine stalls. First, the power steering will continue to run even if the engine is not fuelled or sparked. Ever try to turn the wheel in a modern car without power steer? It can literally drag you off the road. Second, the brake booster is vacuum assisted so likewise your brakes will work much less powerfully, but will still be powerful if the throttle is closed and the engine turning. Finally on a truck the engine brake can still operate even is something else has failed and clutching would cause stalling. Bottom line, keep it in gear and the clutch out.
  24. Scott, if you want to take a drive, Northwest Tyres in Reservior (Newlands Road) do second hand for about $100 each for 255 40 17. Don't have a number though. Just drive in.
  25. Hmmm, be a great cruise/pose car tho....
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