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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Depends who it was. Howard is the only one there I will deal with, but he can be blunt, and is no dickhead. Also his preference is the AP Racing setup. At about $4K all up. Nice but a bit pricey. I suggest taking a look for Roy's thread on this very mod and determining it's pros and cons, which it has a few of each. In fact it's in his sig above.
  2. Hit them with a claim for non-economic loss for the lost time, and time is money, and watch them squirm. It should be the first question "are you thinking of locking it?" CRD... is that Croydon? Just contemplating some of their product on a race car at the moment.
  3. Since all the places I could think of are mentioned, here's a small one from Phillip Island
  4. Checked all fuses (inder drivers side dash and bonnet)? What are the lights on the dash doing? All lights working?
  5. Ignorance like this amazes me. Almost guarantee is a bit different to putting time and money into R&D which must be recovered in small manufacture runs, allowing the possible comsumers to rip apart your product approach and early performance measures and idiots with bugger all technical competency to make their own judgements. First, don't insult us by posting links to whatever other forum you lurk on that then don't work. Learn to post the pics using the attachment tool in the advanced post page. This way you look less of a tool. I myself am well experienced in this field. Second, if the plenum (not plenium) is custom made then there has been no research and development, no repeatability, and no credibility. I'll leave the rest of your spelling skills to the true Nazis. Third, my point is now made about the product "looking good" and the ricers who will buy it. John, make sure it comes with a big colorful badge and a sticker for the car. Finally, John is a member of the SAU crowd who is active amongst the track crew and is well liked and respected. He is accepting risk and exposing himself to unnecessary criticism to offer and discuss with us products that seem to be in demand. He is allowed, in fact encouraged, to make money from his ventures as places like UAS maintain a limited resource to the import modification crowd in Australia. You have been getting some valuable info from this forum for free recently, and some of that has possibly originated from the likes of John at some stage. Please be a little more considerate when blowing your trumpet and comparing apples with lemons (as most "custom" plenums end up). If you disagree with the pricing structure, keep it to yourself or use PM, or show some diplomacy in the way you present you argument. I also challenge you to reread the thread and discover some of the truths regarding that quality plenum you say flows better and attempt to understand some of what has been discussed. Rant over.
  6. You lot are limp. Ever see a real mechanic at work? We use a half inch breaker bar, an extension pipe and wedge it against the chassis rail, then use the starter motor I do have a tool I made to make it easier if that don't work though. I have had bolts at 1000 foot pounds on my old Mack truck that took some sweat out of me. 270 is like lifting a slab of beer. It's all in the way you hold your tongue Sorry but I'm not doing any work for anyone at the moment. Too busy getting ready to sell the house so I can "punch out" of Victoria for good. (caught up with some jet jockey mates during the airshow so adopting new cool additions to my vocab, still concerned at a helo pilot using that one though...talk about mental images of slice and dice) While it is apart I recommend the idler and tensioner pulleys be changed. Do a search for the thread that details it all.
  7. They should not lock the maps or the PFC. It is your property and they are removing your right to change the settings (which is for track use right ). Imagine I was paid to put in a pool and filter/pump assy and let you use the pool but locked all the hardware so you had to get me back to service etc, and didn't tell you, on the grounds someone might see my secret pump/filter system. You would cut the lock and use someone else for the sake of teaching me a lesson. You have paid for their time and what they have provided is not classed as Intellectual Property (IP) and they (it would appear) did not advise you they would be locking the PFC or ask for a signature on a non-disclosure agreement. If they can patent it or show original content they can claim IP so Nuh Uhh, they lose. They should have had the initial tune saved, but you did get a retune for the new combo at a good price. Demand they provide the password to allow you access to your equipment and/or tell them you will be shouting to the world that they lock the PFC and no-one will touch them from SAU. That is not slander but simply advising of distasteful practices. On a side note, with a similar setup I pulled 220rwkw but the extra bit was a malpassi fuel reg. I've checked the turbo and it is stock so full exhaust, GTR pump, 800hp FMIC and it produces. That means as tuners they SUCK!
  8. Yeah, I might still come for a look. Can't stay long so clean your cars before going. I won't be able to store it.
  9. Robin sorry to hear it. don't go overboard on N1 pumps. The standard oil pump can be upgraded by fitting a 50c spring in the pressure relief and suddenly it's an N1! Actually, going through Fast I discovered that GTR33 and 25t pumps flow exactly the same volume/pressure and have the same part number. Thats gotta hurt the price of GTR oil pumps! The N1 water pump is good for consistent high rpm application, and as yours is a daily it is not worth the effort, even for track unless you are intending extended lapping sessions. Being an R32 it may be worthwhile getting the oil pump drive collar on the crank fixed up to prevent any failure there. Otherwise, Ben is as good as it gets for a spanner man and he should be clued on these issues.
  10. Jason, where do you install that? I know most just plug or loop the lines at the rear.
  11. We'll be here so feel free to drop by. I know one good place, Kitchen Ku on plenty road across from KFC Mill Park. We do pick up from there regularly.
  12. try jarrod, R32bigboy I think is the nick to try. The bolts don't have to be that tight, but as much as you can with, say, a 1/2 inch breaker bar. Just tight, not super tight.
  13. I'll be up for one too.
  14. Sniff ...hate to see it go mate.
  15. Just need a measure from side to side where the hips slide in. Don't want to waste a trip.
  16. Home built makes it even more impressive!!
  17. Can I like...umm...borrow the car for a bit Very special. Well done.
  18. What width is the seat internally across the seat? Can I see it sometime? bottom or side rail mounts?
  19. Or just go darkest legal on the fronts and about 10% on the rears and back.
  20. Yes, great test. Almost need a test engine on an engine dyno with every sensor conceivable on it. Tell me you have most of that in the dyno room too Alternatively the pressure may remain the same but the AFM may tell the story of increased airflow, so as you correctly pointed out earlier, all the factors must be data captured, understood and considered in relation to each other. Time, time and more time. Unfortunately I can find myself spending hours "navel gazing", as our line warrioirs put it, while I think of new ways to outsmart myself. I do like to do a fair bit of theorizing before I start to swing the spanners as a few minutes of thought can save many foot pounds of effort. I once even put a pressure transducer in a sparkplug, connected it to the departments data capture Libretto palmtop and logged the pressures in cylinder when I oxygen injected my Lynx. Very nasty peak pressures looking like impulse waves. but I digress.....
  21. Always a toughy but in considering, I was told mine was modified but doesn't look any different to normal. It makes 14psi then drops to 11-12 for 220rwkw peak at about 6k from memory. Looking at this from another perspective, if the plenum optimises/accelerates flow then the restrictions in the system are reduced and some negated from compressor to turbine which I identify as one of the greatest restriction regions in the entire system, and this could allow that increased power level despite the other know power limiters. Maybe one day I'll properly model the system but it's a lot of work just for the fun of it. I have a theoretical exercise I undertake when on the design efforts we get involved in that may be useful to some of you, just modified for this case. Take the approach of the traditional upgrade path which works well and is proven, and then parallel it with realistic measures of what the maximums for each element are and what restrictions were to remain if that were the only thing done. Knowns of exhaust, intercooler, intake piping, throttle body, turbo, exhaust manifold, inlet runners, cams, valves, inlet runners, port matching. This can be a good way to identify items that may be limiting flow, which is all I'm looking at. Consider also the turbo in isolation as well, just how much flow would it produce without the restrictions in between and what calorific value of fuel would be required to make it run to it's limit. Just the turbo, some piping and a burn can. In this way you can start to look at elements that can add to the system far beyond the accepted view held. Airflow can be a really tricky thing to understand fully (and I don't yet!), and something might work in different ways when velocity is increased and the turbulent flow at the walls gets to a point called a drag bucket, where the reynolds number for drag reduces almost unexplainably by a large margin. Like the golf ball at a certain velocity so that suddenly it changes trajectory and flies further, due to the turbulent flow due to the dimples. It may be that the standard plenum can flow at a predictable rate, a known in the industry, but someone comes up with a configuration that suddenly responds in a an unpredicted way that improves what we knew as gospel. If that can be repeated and marketed...Gold! And that's what I have one eye on here. The ancient Greeks had a standard orifice for delivery of water. A cross section area for limiting consumption. It was discovered that changing the pipe size immediately after the orifice to increase at a 7 degree included angle accelerated the flow and partially overcame the restrictive diameter. There is also a particular inlet outlet shape that goes even further to accelerate flow, based upon a mathematical equation that I don't have at hand, but certain combinations can deliver a value greater than their individual parts. Much baseline testing on a sample of cars should be done first to determine the total value of the mod but John is well placed to commence that. All a bit eclectic but there may be a few points of interest there.
  22. cheers mate.
  23. Mmmm, so am I but as is now commonly known the first drive with the GTR34 turbs on ended in a massive loss of power. Resulting checks showed 25psi compression on 1,2,3 and 125psi on 4,5,6 with no fuel to 4. I realise I should have had the injectors checked for peace of mind but in the haste to ready the car for PI it was lowest priority since they were supposedly cleaned and flow tested 440cc toyota injectors. Might be a little while before I get off the butt and sort it out.
  24. or do not!!!
  25. skyline33, do you have the rest of the pi all the rest of thping available as well? I have the TT pipe but want the standard GTR piping including airbox and turbo to IC piping.
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