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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Easy fix, take the discs to a brake place and have a little taken off the rim so it fits
  2. I'll give you $35 delivered for the side indicators
  3. Bit of new wiring...maaate, she'll be right.
  4. I replaced all mine on the R33 GTSt for around $560 with slotted front. I understand DBA will cost about $1K.
  5. Worth a try with some aggressive pads. Thinking of giving my Laser Lynx the same treatment
  6. Mine died from overuse. A wire in the steering wheel was trapped and kept shorting. Ended up blowing the relay under the bonnet. Couldn't get a direct replacement so i wired in one from autobarn using spade clips. Works fine now. And I got rid of thet stupid wheel....
  7. Steve I run them on my R33GTS25t on the track and road. Mine are slotted fronts and plain rears with Racebrakes RB74 front pads and Comp 2 rears. No ABS and I recommend them highly. I even outbrake some racecars. Well HQ's anyway Don't get sucked into the big brand marketing, these are just as good.
  8. Definitely talk to Issy at SelectMaz. He's making a push into doing more imports, and has years of experience with MoTeC. Don't let the mazda/rotary thing put you off, he is widely experienced and his RX7 race car has won every series it has entered.
  9. Of course it's the high performance cars at fault, not the low performance drivers. Just like the old saying..."guns don't kill people.....I kill people."
  10. I have RB26DETT rods in my RB25DET and I'm using SR20 Big Ends and RB30 Mains......ACL (an Aussie company I think) Race heat treated bearings. About $140 AUD for the lot.
  11. Marcus, thanks anyway mate. Hope the plastic recovers.
  12. Since there was nothing wrong with your suspension I would immediately make a complaint to the Police ethics department. He is screwing people around with no appropriate technical competency to do so. Was there a fine associated with the suspension defect? If so request reimbursement. This flog is just on an agenda and it's probably time a major effort to have him rebuked was undertaken. His incompetency runs 2 ways. If the suspension was a concern he is not qualified to determine that it's not safe and suitable for road use unless he is a trade expert or engineer. If the suspension was suspected to be defective (or dangerous one must then argue) then a minor defect must not be issued. He is another disgrace to uniformed professionals everywhere and is clearly corrupt in his behaviour. Seems they congregate here in Vic. Time for a corruption enquiry!!! Bend ova Vic Coppas, it's your turn.
  13. Marcus, cheers mate. Anywhere up to $150 or so will be fine....and maybe a long cable, and don't forget to add some extra for your trouble, like a carton of cold ones It should be OK if it isn't password locked, so then you can still tune it at least. Highly recommend driving as little as possible/very gently if using the base map.
  14. Now that the plugs are cracked NGK will probably not want to know about it. Basically finger tight then 1/6th of a turn is enough. Don't waste money on iridiums and platinums, just use the copper plugs -> about $20 a set and gap them to 0.76-0.8mm. I pull mine before every race meet and regap.
  15. Also the RB30 mains fit but are slightly narrower across the journal. I used ACL Race heat treated for my build.
  16. According to VSI 8 Para 3.3 an allowed modification can be: "Equipment or accessories equivalent in quality, performance and safety to those fitted to the vehicle ...." If the suspension components are in good condition and there is no evidence of impending failure, then the cop would have to be an engineer and have to provide evidence of his testing/calculations and credentials to make this judgement. Don't read into the "performance" aspect the wrong way. It is a measure of ability to perform the basic function as required by the OEM component, not the measure we immediately think of. Height is 100mm within 1m each side of the axles with the vehicle in loaded config (GVM).
  17. I've just searched through the VicRoads Vehicle Assessment Signatory Scheme (VASS) package and there is no reference to aftermarket suspension or rates other then strength and longevity in a safety sense. After a brief search online in the Vic Vehicle Standards Information I can find nothing that suggests a replacement suspension component is a modification and is no different to buying similar components from Pedders etc. Even ADR do not appear to indicate limits on spring rates. Non - Factory components do not immediately need to be engineered, otherwise all the spares places would go bust.
  18. Josh, without the items in front of me I couldn't be absolutely certain, but some are 6 bolt flanges and some are 5 bolt for the diff. If you want the GTR shafts you may also need the flanges. Go cruise a wreckers and fish for some info as well. Look at the shafts side by side. Use a tape measure too. I did read of a guy who changed the lot in his 32 to GTR items...diff, axles, hubs etc but again I'm sketchy on the exact detail.
  19. And grab me a cheap hand controller for the R33 GTSt mate I understood the base maps were always there, but be cautious of the PFC being password locked. Good idea to get them to demonstrate if possible.
  20. Gotta go with the R33 GTR then GTS25t. Improvement all around over the 32, especially inside. The GTR32 is the original zgodzilla so it is a sentimental favourite. 34 just got a bit too much wrx type styling. Overall, the GTR's look much nicer than their rwd brothers.
  21. Also get the idler and adjuster bearing sets. There is a thread on these in the forum but if they go, then the engine goes. Mine had done 120000km and were pretty ordinary. About $120 for the NSK set. Use the search feature. Also might be worth changing the guide plates @ about $10 for the pair and the woodruff keys if they look a little worn for a couple of bucks, both from nissan. Ring NSK direct for a local supplier but don't use nissan for the bearings as they will ask for your first born and 2 fingers
  22. Go the reds!!! Sorry Shingo, gotta get the kicks in while I still can. BTW the Japs love Rugby Union almost as much as Skylines
  23. I have one in my garage....a bit charred tho
  24. Redline fuel system cleaner. Order from the redline australia website.
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