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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Thats the other amazing thing I have found out is the fatigue and wear resistence are improved also. Talk about getting something for [almost] nothing. Check some of the links I posted.
  2. I was looking at a different R34 advertised in VIC. Might be the one that was removed as it is gone now but I got the same email response to deposit $3K and the car was in UK. Scamming filth
  3. troy, will we see another R34GTR at the track soon? Glad to hear you are on the road, it must feel great. I have a temp probe just after my Hybrid monster cooler and it usually maintains temps within 1/2 a degree of ambient at over 60kmh. Under 60 it tends to warm up a bit more but a full boost run through secnd to third will see the temps plummet. must be nice though to have it built in
  4. Iwas on the other side of snowie and Adz was next to me. Now for some piccies.
  5. Merli I have to say I am surprised at the tone of your post. While I can agree I was a bit over the top and could have been more brief, I was simply trying to establish that I am certainly no poindexter and that I am competent to discuss the detail of this cryogenic treatment. Maybe I am guilty of wanting people to know exactly who I am, certainly plenty of forum members in VIC have been interested and entertained with my life. I will apologise though even though you now know who you are dealing with and what level of technical understanding to expect. I never felt letting people know about who I am would receive such a response as it is genuine honesty and I work among people with similar credentials so no big deal. Perhaps it is a cultural thing. I have been in the military environment for a long time....too long I sometimes feel. With regard to the sump baffle issue, I still see no cause for alarm, and certainly see no contribution from you toward evaluating the problem. I can say that most failures are looking more like driver abuse, lack of care, attention to detail lack of knowledge or just tired engines than some critical design flaw by nissan. I would also suggest I have considerably more experience swinging spanners inside the engine bay of GTR's than say....yourself. I noted recently that you complained of the forum getting a bit hostile, with no friendly rivalry. Perhaps you could make an attempt to do your own bit to reinstate the friendliness on the forum, for the good of all.
  6. and the more complex the system the more things to go wrong;) Everyine there had some little drama I think.
  7. Depends how much meat is left and how much you want;) Front and rear?
  8. Shan we'll be done well before then mate. All help is welcome too Chris. We were a good team Saturday night . Without your comments I would have taken heaps longer to start bashing the wastegate with the hammer
  9. But wait, there is more. And the benefits on polymers is a surprise to me. As well the figure of -300F may have caused the temperature confusion. http://www.vtc.edu/mt/114/Research/Ferland...icTreatment.htm
  10. And one close to home that provides a nicely condensed summary. http://www.mrtrally.com.au/performance/tes...esting-cryo.htm
  11. So to further add, here is a site with a little on the abrasive resistance benefits. http://clickit.go2net.com/search?pos=2&ppo...yo_science1.htm
  12. Oh OK Paul, I was only trying to assure you I wasn't some 'dexter with booklearning as my only claim to fame. I take no responsibility for anothers comments, but obviously all us edumacated folk need to be kept in our place by the people who know what is really going on in the world of high technology. A little close reading will show I'm trying to discuss the benefits, and how they occur at the atomic level. Companies wouldn't be making money from the process if there weren't benefits, and a few searches have revealed that -75C to -185C are the ideal temperatures for treatment. While I believe there are ways to correct people politely and without making them feel small, we shouldn't abandon intelligent discussion because of it. I never consider not knowing or having experience a good enough reason to keep my trap shut. I believe you have to ask questions and challenge yourself to understand the answers to allow improvement. Anything less is going backwards as a professional in any field. You don't have to pretend you know it all, but I am still interested in what substance you found to support your decision to cryo. You could then go on and discuss what benefits you have discovered. This is not a big secret, as many in the racing world often try to think about their pet "tricks of the trade". There are plenty of brilliant minds applying themselves to find a new edge. If you did it just because others do then say so. Provide some detail on parts, costs and turnaround times as well as the class of racing to allow some underrstanding of the workload of the treated parts. So, once again, try to step down from the moral high ground and discuss......it's that easy. I will not be dragged into a slanging match....this is not national politics.
  13. Zac, BBQ and Rianto thanks for the posts. The R33 GTS25t fuel pump is a bit of a weak link, as are 180sx Silvia pumps from experience. The RB25t pistons are very susceptible to detonation failure as well meaning just one small problem and i'ts time for a rebuild. Just hope my GTR pump holds up. The forgies should take a bit more hammering though. Zac the blowby from busted pistons is pretty bad so that is probably where the oil came from if you found it pre compressor where the crank ventilation hose entered the induction pipe pre turbo. I had a compressor seal fail and the oil was from the compressor into the engine. Post the pics for us to take a sqizz at pls.
  14. two.06l, (edited the bull out to stay on topic, the rest can stay in the quotes) The goal in normalizing a metal is to refine the grain structure so that the metal becomes tougher, but this won't necessarily mean it becomes more rigid or brittle. So the question to be asked with cryo treating is "can I refine the grain structure without otherwise adversely affecting the materiel hardness?" Annealing will give good normalization (and so, toughness) but will also allow grain growth. In steel we want a small, fine grained structure so that micro cracking is opposed by the grain boundaries. HSLA steels (mentioned earlier) use low alloying percentages and extra working of the steel to develop the fine grained structure desired. The purpose of linishing and shotpeening is to remove any surface tension stress concentrators to prevent microcracking. Polishing can also give this affect because as with shot peening the surface is compacted so there exists a compressed surface tension that opposes cracking which can only occur under tension. This is also why tensile structural members (stop laughing Merli!!!) should never be anodized as this creates surface tension. Does the cryo treatment allow compaction of the molecular structure, so the smaller carbon atoms fill interstitial voids between the larger iron atoms? Does it enhance grain refinement? Hard to tell as I have found no supporting literature yet. Note: the increased molecular strength in alloys is created by putting odd sized atoms through the base element to create variations in the attraction forces, sometimes even causing interstitial voids but is somewhat too detailed for me to explain fully in a short post. Finally BMan, I endorse the use of the "warming" KY as it reduces idling time for warmup
  15. Thanks Champ. Don't kill yourself getting the work finished this weekend. I'm currently looking around for some injectors so i can be safe running higher boost => more power on the straights at PI and Sandown
  16. Sadly I was more concerned with getting to the CFRP's and such and studying high energy impact effects on RHA (rolled homogeneous armour). We tend to try to break things rather than make them, and the defence academy (a somewhat exclusive UNSW campus) tends to focus on things military. I see this as a hole in my skill set so I'll be just as keen to study any literature. Perhaps I should set aside some time tomorrow for a search and I'll get back with waht I find.
  17. Got anything technical to contribute...do so. Perhaps you could explain in detail why you chose to cryo your rods, and what evidence was given to support the treatment.
  18. Not the sort of thing you would use round figures for, nor is a claim of 300% stronger. Stronger, harder, tougher etc are all pretty much known terminology, and everyone knows most steels lie at around 200-220GPa for Youngs Modulus and Tensile strength of around 300MPa Yield so how can you obtain such an increase?
  19. Bring it on mate. I'll show you why the army trained me as a rapid combat repair specialist. As the saying goes "It doesn't take me all day to do a days work" I'm now in the process of ensuring the turbo stays tight and getting the brake pedal height adjusted so the new MOMO carbon racing pedal set is perfectly positioned for H&T. Might even pull the master cylinder out and the calipers and service them all.
  20. Jai, I may well be interested in the R33 upper arms. I'll be in touch
  21. Doughboy how did you have to modify the fuel rail for the fitment of the injectors?
  22. Gav being a Defence Engineer with a fetish for structural work and an interest in metallurgy I would be keen to hear your thoughts on just what may be the cause of the added strength. Would it be a secondary solid phase change due to the reduced energy levels of the atomic structure at those temperatures allow greater interstitial compaction, or is it a grain refining change like with HSLA steel? Just what composition steel is it ideal for? Low carbon? Will this be of any benefit to aluminium with silicon alloys as used in pistons? I'm a bit rusty at the moment on steel phases so a good discussion will do me the world of good and you seem the guy to lead the discussion. This isn't a come on. I'm serious and want your opinion.
  23. Before you buy Splitfires, what plugs and gap are you running and have you tested the current coilpack resistances hot and cold?
  24. Sorry mate....unnecessary mirth at the expense of the "20". It will fly again soon:D
  25. Just showing R32 reliability................................... They are getting old now.
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