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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. What car is the engine in and what engine management are you using? It sounds like limp home mode where the factory engine management protects the engine. A few more details and I'm sure the forum will produce an answer.
  2. Jeremy I use the Whiteline alignment specs from their web page, since I don't have portable internet to hassle Sydneykid whenever I need to. I also use adjustable Caster rods and make the HICAS locks myself since the factory ones cost a rediculous price. The only extra thing is to remove the warning globe as they are pretty bright. It doesn't upset the computer and I've had no problems with the bars I've sent to other members. Fitting is easy but might best be done when getting another alignment which is necessary after fitting anyway. Will take about half an hour or less to fit when on a hoist.
  3. http://www.moslerauto.com/ Shown in June Evo magazine from GB
  4. Which is why I have 4 cars. The V8 Soarer is unsurpassed for highway cruising and general comfort....everything short of the active suspension. Even has seat heater for the leather on those cold mornings. The wife's auto 33 skyline is great for around town. Stock but still enough power to nip through the traffic. The Laser lynx is like the Tardis. The amount of stuff you can fit in them things is amazing and it does a good job towing the trailer and is nippy but just down on power and short so parking is a breeze (got a CT20 turbo just waiting to go on) and the track beast (R33gtst manual) with hard suspension and plenty power (220rwkw) but I was careful to get a good ceramic sprung clutch so it is easy to get off the line, even with lightened flywheel and drives nice around town until the pedal goes down then it's a smoke machine :burnout:
  5. Read the article in my sig. HKS doin' their thang.
  6. I'm hoping, when the time is right, that a good suspension setup and cheater tyres will help me to a really fast time. To that end I'll limit power so I can use it more, kinda like the guy at the recent NDSOC meeting who won his class at Targa Tassie and had a good enough time overall that he would have come 7th outright, in an NA 2 litre Escort. Just makes you think is all the power worth it.
  7. I've been slowly developing this concept for years. Go ya halvies
  8. Dean how about something few ever consider, like getting a R33 GTS25t to a point where it's faster around a track than almost all, or even all GTR's present. A V8SC still holds a faster time around Sandown than Ben and it's RWD I can think of a likely project vehicle.....already started
  9. John so pleased to hear you kept the manifold just in case. The Prince Skyline just celebrated its 40th anniversary in central Victoria with 23 Prince GT's turning up. The Prince Skyline GT register is maintained by Noel Sinclair and you can reach him on 03 9830 1639 or on email to [email protected]. If you can send him pics he is sure to be able to help. I haven't found if they have a website yet. Noel is a member of the Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club NDSOC of which I also am a member.
  10. Actually, I was just thinking that, but if you have the money to spend........ I think need sponsors........
  11. Here is some detail from the Jun website http://www.junauto.co.jp/products/cylinder...html?en#oilpump
  12. And Jun are one of the cheap ones. Nismo and HKS are much more...what a rort. It would cost me less to re-engineer them and have inserts made on a 5 axis NC machine to upgrade oilflow which would lead to increased pressure. Sorry, cannot possibly justify that expense for my application.
  13. Jun it is then if I can source one at a reasonable price.
  14. Thanks dude. Hope that helps prospective customers
  15. On top of shipping you'll have to get compliance and pay import duties into Australia. As Bepo said, it has to be returned to factory standard as well. Hope you find a NZ buyer steven, looks a really nice car but it won't be cost effective for an Aussie. PS hope we kick the All Blacks ass tonight
  16. Good luck TurboX. I use the standard gasket on the Rb25 for 220rwkw but I also have the block O ringed so don't anticipate any problems if I push for over 300rwkw (one day). I have used a butchered RB30 head gasket on the RB25 with 11psi of boost and found that it pushed out into the water jacket after 10 000 km with resultant overheating. The metal reinforcing is not as wide on the RB30 as the RB 25 but I would stil strongly recommend the insurance of O rings. They cost me $165 and I provided the OEM gasket for location and thickness calculations.
  17. And here I was thinking it was just the oil viscosity reducing with temperature. Definitely worth a try except bloody Nissan designing the oil pump to be impossible to remove without dropping the sump *Wankers*I'm still in 2 minds to replace the whole pump with a HKS or something like Ben has to maintain 8 bar all day on the track (probably a HKS) Any thoughts out there on the ideal oil pump? BTW I also, on the advice of SK, blocked one of my oil feeds to the head to reduce oil surge, making more oil available in the sump for the pickup.
  18. I used to have to drive a massive Army recovery vehicle through Sydney with a 5 speed crash (dog) box and a 6 puck button brass clutch. Left leg looked like Swarzeneggers. If I had a GTR it would be my daily driver. I have 3 imports and I could never decide which to drive until I tuned my track car for 220rwkw and now the decision is easy:D
  19. Rob at Creatd Motorsports 11A Merola Way Campbellfield 93577663
  20. Unlikely it will NRB unless something goes sadly wrong. I spoke to Ben some monthst ago on the same topic and he was adamant a good oil pump is necessary as well. Mine drops to 4 bar after getting hot so looks like it needs an upgrade. Now to get one at the right price.
  21. Maybe this will help, maybe not. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=45599
  22. Sorry man. We suk I guess. Although I call myself a Queenslander I'm getting just as anti-social as this lot down here. More notice next time and I'll catch up for sure, otherwise July next year I should be home in Brisvegas and catching up with the crew.
  23. At a fairly basic level all cars are pretty much the same. I understand the V-Spec has electronically controlled rear diff and the engine is hand built and the suspension is harder
  24. I think the major problem with a lot of guys is they want their car perfect before getting on the track, which is pretty disappointing as then they only have themselves to blame then for poor performance. Last time out I could gripe about poor tyres, speed limited to 195 and rear brakes disintegrating. As long as I don't have to blame my own sad performance I'm having a good time. Plus I don't have the bikkies to take on Ben unless i can borrow a V8SC from some mates in Albury So Dean was this the turbo setup whos presence I was in today? Niiiice.
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