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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Why did you buy a GTR mate? Driving in the snow is easy, just requires patience and a firm handle on the car. Car parks at the snow can be a prime location for thieves so leave nothing of value in view. Hotham is mostly steep, and their easy runs would be blues or blacks at Buller which is possibly my best choice for beginners or folk with little experience. Army ski championships in 2002 were at Hotham and it was so icy in snake gully that the frontrunner (a chick who races pro in europe) fell 3 times before the 5th gate in the slalom. Just to get to the easy slopes can take you through tough runs. And if troy skis with his physical limitations I reckon leave him there when he breaks again, and drop his car off here
  2. Bugger... I'm still in if the buy goes ahead.
  3. Let the cops sort it out now. Both times I have been pranged in ACT was on roundabouts with ignorant or incompetent fu(kers running out of their lane and crumping the side of my car. I made one old d*ckhead stand in the freezing cold for 20 mins until he admitted that 2 lanes onto a roundabout means you stay in your lane all the way through. He was in the left lane and tried to take the shortest route and ran me up onto the roundabout and still hit me. I was turning right so it wasn't any sort of race to beat him through. Gave me wrong license details and rego was not transferred when he bought it so when I reported to the AFP they were pretty annoyed. I did see his publice service pass in his car so saw where he worked. Went with the cops to his place of work and they grilled him, fined him and that afternoon he paid his excess for the insurance. BTW I remember that car from my time in ACT and recall he was a complete wanker, but his small dick machine don't cut it against a quick skyline I also believe all states now have anti road rage laws that are very tough, but you need to make a full statement. Melb is so bad now my wife carries a camera in the car as guys really go insane when she accelerates away from them through traffic or off the lights. Mostly idiots in old crappers too so maybe they have extreme envy. She even had a guy in a truck get out to abuse her because she was next to him in traffic and he put his indicator on and started to pull over on her. She blew the horn and he went stupid at her. Of course when he got out the traffic started moving but another guy stopped to see what the truckie was going to do, so the fool got back in the truck. I guess the moral here is not to be a dick in ACT as it is too small and you get noticed. Well done andrew.
  4. In for a tuneup at Creatd near Broadmeadows tomorrow. I got an Auto House Tsukasaki PFC that has some maps, but until I get FC Datalogit or hand controller won't be able to access them. Otherwise the rear diff is shot and I get single wheelspin out of lefthanders on the track for about 200m. The engine is a dream and feels so good on the stock computer so I'm looking forward to a tune. I was putting the engine together and was told the rod bolts were new but one wouldn't torque and then snapped at well below first torque. I then measured all the bolts and found 1-3 mm variation in length, so they had been clearly overtorqued before (therefore used). The xrays of the rods was fine though. New nissan rodbolts were about $100 but the wankers pack them in 5's so it took 3 deliveries to get the bolts. I was on the skidpan with 160km of run in and the instructor was amazed at how much power the barge had. No load on the pan so giving a few rpm is no sweat. Std computer it will spin through second on 11psi and for a bit into third so the PFC should light up my life.
  5. I just hate anyone talking about skiing and boarding with my back. So there. I hates youse alls. This sounds like it is going to be great and I may come for a cruise up Friday for a look but no racing just yet. Still have crap rear pads that keep stuffing up the brake balance and racebrakes won't call me back. I did meet a guy on the weekend spent $1K on front pads for his GTR33 (greenstuff). Ferni, check the pad remaining. At least half is good (about 4 mm) and always a good idea to bleed a couple of days before but if you have never replaced the fuid now is a good time. Takes about an hour. So who is coming tomorrow night?
  6. We should do this in another 2 - 4 weeks. Maybe make it a monthly. Roy has got to be crazy to want my help with electronics but I'll give it a hack. Let me know when. Maybe Sunday or are you doing the Winton thing? I have RWDTurbo barbie and photo shoot Sat afternoon. Friday I'm here all day and thurs have to go see my doc. I'm in tomorrow at Creatd for dyno tune. Lets get this sucker going HARD. Rest of sunday was a bummer, bringing furniture back from dandenong and being a one time heavy load and recovery specialist thought it was all well tied down. Got hit by a huge gust of wind on the eastern where some stupid curved over noise barrier is. Almost took the Lynx and trailer off the road and blew a tall chest of drawers clean out from under my ropes. Melted the nylon ropes and left burn marks along the top of the chest. It was sitting in the middle of the road and i ran back and ducked into the traffic and just grabbed it and ran back off the road with it. These things aren't light (took 2 mates to get it into the trailer) and after the adrenalin levels dropped realized the famous fu(ked back was returning with a vengeance. Ever seen a grown man cry at every bump and turn in the road? And you all know how far it is from Doncaster to Mill Park. Was more concerned with someone barrelling into it at 100 and having a major bingle. Oh well. Skit happens. Worst part is my big leather comfy recliner that i wanted to bring home yesterday will have to wait until the weekend. Took me 4 years of manouvering and grovelling to get one
  7. Doesn't take long and Steve is after quite a few runners. Should be OK
  8. I'll check it out then and get back to you on compatibility.
  9. Bass, any thoughts on the Rev lite on that Dali site? Just like the thought of an early warning as the lights step up. Cheaper too. Should be fine for any 6 as it uses tacho signal as well. I'm interested in the buy if it goes ahead.
  10. Oh derrrrrrrr. *smacks head* They are RB30 right (just looked at Joels sig)
  11. Just to add to the debate (Hi there Si, Hows life at ambs going) I recently rebuilt with Arias forged ($1300 delivered o/nite from Rocket industries) and GTR rods ($300 2nd hand) and had the lot machined balanced o ringed etc etc for $1200. The standard R33 RB25DET pistons are an absolute piece of crap and will crack at the first sign of bad fuel on a hot day with inaudible detonation. I would hope Neo's are better but don't bet on it. The GTR rods have added an element of smoothness that was not apparent before. They weigh more but I had other areas lightened to compensate. I have been assessing the structural capabilities and feel justified that you would be exceeding 350rwkw and 8500 rpm before needing to even linish or shotpeen, let alone upgrade to I beams or anything exotic. I also get no slappiness when cold from the Arias forgies which can happen with other brands. They are also a lot lighter than the standard pistons which helps with higher rpm (I have built for a possible 8500 but limit to 8000 on track and 7500 on road). With the number of GTR rods available on the forum, and $300 being a good price to pay, don't waste effort on the RB25's rod at all. the cost of peening etc is too much. Joel. What is the other rod? It can't be RB25DET as they are the same length as RB26DETT. Is it from an NA engine? Also the big end construction is not RB25DET as they are very similar to RB26DETT but less beefy and same shape machining on the sides where the index mark is. Last note, Clevite and ACL (heat treated race) bearings for RB30 main and SR20 big end are an ideal fit when getting the machining done.
  12. Considering alternative AFM's, I recently discovered that SR20 non turbo throttle bodies are larger than the SR20DET. The guy bought one from the wrecker I was at for about $80 and understood it was worth a few kW on his S14 SR20DET. Getting to the piont though, is the SR20 AFM also larger, or is it the same as SR20DET which I would assume is close to RB20DET/25DET?
  13. Pics
  14. I missed what he said so you must tell me about it next time. Shan, real sorry to hear it mate. Hope it works out ok though. Have plenty of pics of you with your pain. Sorry, just my journalistic duty. Post soon.
  15. Andrew, I'll take it. Want to email me and we can arrange pickup. I should be free tomorrow afternoon, Weds all day, Thurs afternoon and all friday. You could also come to the NDSOC club meeting Weds Night at the Whitehorse hotel if you are interested in getting into track days and catch up with a few of the other guys. Great Schnitz as well. Usually plenty of good nissans too.
  16. OK. For all those afflicted with the incessant desire to continuously mod their rides, or just for the ricers who need to come up with some cool car stickers that their friends don't have, I have discovered this website. I take no responsibility for bank account balances affected! http://vracing.iwebland.com/vracing/HowTo/jdmlinks.htm And yes, I was searching for the tuners that modded my new PFC
  17. I guess so Red is faster
  18. Can't help with swap, but I am interested. How was it for driving? Was it really cold in the mornings? My std one is all crappy so need a replacement and have been looking at similar.
  19. Ok Mine (both) ripped off going past a Mustang at 190 so put a bit of effort into securing them well.
  20. No more blue ones!! It's not a Magna convention. Oh OK then all welcome. Be great to meet you all.
  21. I'm starting to get a bit scared of coming back to Brisvegas. You lot are sounding more like Adelaide. *Thread Hijack* Nice car Jay. Is that a spoiler lip or a complete bumper. Can't wait to see the mods list develop.
  22. So it is. Can't have another green one. Already have Ozesnail from when I worked for them for a bit.
  23. So it is. Can't have another green one. Already have Ozemail from when I worked for them for a bit.
  24. I vote for yellow and black trust look.
  25. Pitifully small cooler 200mmx190mmx60mm core with 56mm piping and tapered tanks.
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