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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Roy what are you doing up at that hour. Mate I have a heap of cable left from my restraint so you can grab som of that. Have cutters and we just need the clamps to put eyes in and that is just up the road. No hints that's CinC
  2. Remember the Catheram took the lap record at Nurburgring from either Porsche Turbo or GTR and they were all excited. Good stuf but they are comparing a toy with a car with full comforts so I wasn't that impressed. Still a good drive though. Almost as good ast pete (fats) in the "little renault" Yeah one of those would be wicked.
  3. Great thing about the 1600 is the low weight and a tin roof for daily driver. Technologically there is little difference to the clubby, and I would happily have both. Don't get me wrong, there will be a lot of work to bring either up to speed, but I have found few cars more reliable and driveable than a well done 1600. in the end i think a good clubby would destroy it though, and individuality is all important, hence my effort to make a quick GTS25t on track.
  4. I see no issue with someone assessing the risks and getting on with something new. I myself tried out oxygen injection with an extra injector and water injection on my laser lynx dropping the 0-100 from 9.8 to 7 seconds flat with no other mods. Imagine the surprise on the faces of '95 V8 commonwhore owners. Great stuff, and proceed with caution. I found that the in cylinder pressures inceased dramatically as an impulse rather than a full pressure curve (I used in cylinder pressure transducers and data logger) but the car is still going fine even though i did burn out a couple of plugs due to poor mixing of the oxygen initially.
  5. what changes would be needed to fit this? Is the flange standard and is the centre oil and water? Will the existing fitting be reusable and will the dump fit? Is it internal or external> Don't mean to come across all Gestapo, I am interested.
  6. Are you sure the computer was the cause? I threw in a GTR fuel pump and it delivers so much now I have to use full mechanical advance to stop the motor choking on fuel when I want power. It uses so much juice that the hole in the ozone layer follows me around Sorry to hear of your dramas. I too await the hallowed PFC install and refuse to drive the car until then.
  7. Stay true to the brand Datsun 1600 with a SR20DET. There's one races in Vic MSCA and is quicker than Snowmans 200awkw R34 GTR on Stickies. But then he has no third gear now
  8. As promised....and sorry for being slack....here is the product flyer for the ally products. Prices are awesome if you can weld the stuff.
  9. Just noticed something Roy mentioned. Is a law constitutionally relevant if the majority of the voting population disagree or continue to break it, in which case it does not have the support of the constituancy? Consider the number of voters/drivers who have been fined for speeding. If it were put to referendum, it would likely be overturned if you took the number of drivers infinged as a no vote to the continuing legislation. This would put the government in a position of no confidence, meaning continued imposition of the law would be corrupt. Could be worthy of a political platform.
  10. Well done mate. A moral victory at least. I had breakfast with a VICPOL friend of mine yesterday and she was reinforcing that a lot of them hate the way the whole traffic BS makes them look like revenue raisers for the corrupt Bracks government, when all they want is to be chasing real crims. Hope to see you at a track day as you should be able to drive there without a licence.
  11. BFI helps for top end. The auto is a slug that is protected by the computer so drops torque for changes. there is a mod for the torque converter for higher stall and a mod for the internal controller that makes changes faster so the engine torque doesn't have time to drop. Read it on the planet soarer site. not too exxy either. Might cost $1K for the whole lot including trans service.
  12. I think I need some of these Pics please.
  13. I have a 91 V8 GT Ltd and have had my share of small inexpensive fixes to do. Had it since 98 when I imported it and have done 100000 km and it still has the sweetest V8 I have ever driven. I was lucky enough to own an import company so got my pick of options with full leather and heated seats. The ALSC site is pretty dull forum wise but has the best diy resources around, but don't forget planet soarer for it's great content., linked from alsc The blinky dash took just over an hour to repair with the right parts, and watch the power steering leaks as they are so cheap to fix, but could cost 240 for the alternator repair if the slip rings get too wrecked from the arcing when oil impregnates. I have the best of all worlds with an auto 'line. a bombed manual 'line, a laser lynx "hot hatch" and the V8 luxobarge which really handles well lowered a little and with 17"s all things considered. For the money paid, there is no better affordable luxury driving so I see no need to go the turbo 6 which is a great machine in itself, but a bit too much of a compromise when the line has potential left to burn. i suppose not everyone wants the full car yard though but 300rwhp is no sneeze with that great toyota turbo six. I remember blowing away an integra VTEC thing in all hot yellow and it was trying so hard, while I had the arm on the windowsill and the 7 speaker stereo pumping doing it reeealll casual. He was spewing. Biggest tip....do the BFI intake mod and zorst and it really changes character in both turbo and V8
  14. The only other choice then is get the official factory specs for the car in question regarding performance. Simply write a letter and give a bogus reason and GMH should release the information. Have it on GMH letterhead if possible. You then have the physics and maths skills to turn it into usable information. Can't see how the jugde could ignore your university qualifications but if so I have spent a fair part of my time as Program engineer for out Light Armoured Vehicle fleet so being automotive based would allow expert testimony due to applied knowledge on top of Mechanical Engineering degree.
  15. Shan sounds like a good plan. I'll keep the garage clear. I have no car work to do cos the missus won't let me get a PFC until the tax cheque is in. :whip: So I refuse to race until then and the car is choking on too much fuel with the GTR pump. Ash just want to plagarise of your fittings instead of reinventing the whole thing.
  16. Might be some fabrication work but no biggie, I am a mechanical engineer by profession, with a mechanic background. I am assuming this is RB25DET into R31, correct?
  17. Send in the Army and barricade them in and charge them under new anti-terrorist laws. Seriously though, wouldn't it be nice of them to establish skidpan parks with low barricades in industrial areas so users could work on their driving skills at their own risk. They spend millions on football fields where many injuries occur, some life threatening (I'm a level 1 Rugby Union referee so see it first hand) and the upkeep would be minimal. Maybe regular attendance by police to provide a presence and opportunity to be engaged by the community, as well as provide comment and feedback to drivers. In a nation that worships Bathurst, it is un-Australian to expect people to not enjoy their cars and the odd Doughy. Just make it socially acceptable to do it in the right place.
  18. Denham it's pretty big of you to actually be prepared to go in and wear the consequences of your actions, but still fight for a fair hearing regarding the actual speed you were travelling at. You've got my vote mate. I hope the magistrate appeciates your ethical stand in light of the fact you are prepared to lose your licence regardless of the outcome. People like you make the police more ethical and open to public scrutiny.....I applaud you on your impressive display of character.
  19. They have written you up for 130kmh, and if that is untrue (see cannot prove it), or you are found not guilty I am not sure they can reduce the charge and try for a lower penalty. It's called double jeapordy, but I won't stake my meager reputation on it. Besides, how honest would "LYING" cops look then?
  20. Organise a weekend meet at my place......bring labour and skyline lovers and I reckon I have the gear (hoist, welders, bench grinders and drills etc) to get it on the road. Haven't pulled an engine in weeks....getting withdrawals. Only cost to you is your parts.......I'm free. Make sure Ash comes so we can plagarise off his fit...hell he can organise a cruise to my place that is like a used car yard most of the time anyway. In South morang, just past Mill Park.
  21. Oil pump sounds good. Does that include delivery?
  22. Very timely guys....thanks Gotta come up this weekend to check the rental, so the tip on Kerrigan will be remembered as I go that way to Dunlop.
  23. Does doughies on a skidpan count? This is Bracks trying to make up for the loss on faulty cameras. Crazy thing is I know guys who do this and yet they could just drag at the Friday night Calder street meets.......they get what they deserve in the end. I've stayed fine free for over 10 years by taking it to the racetrack. Cheaper than paying the voluntary road tax
  24. Basic linear mathematics mate. If what they say (bitchface hoohoo ) isn't physically achievable then you have them on a stick. I don't see how they can justify requiring a stinking academic. Some of us actually practise this sh(t quite regularly instead of practising secret handshakes and reinventing the wheel. None of the Unis in Melb could even offer me the research master of engineering I wanted in automotive engineering. Ask some embarassingly simple questions and use a noted text on dynamics and notebook computer with graphical mathematics module and watch her wilt.
  25. Greg check your power steering fluid level. The hoses running off the bottom often leak and the steering will feel heavy at low revs. Also was the alignment changed dramatically?
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