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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Paladin, I believe CAMS (Cretins Against Motor Sport) is already working toward this.....so it will be F**ked over pretty quick so as not to compete with supertaxis. Ken, the breath of fresh air from minimum officials involvement aside, when you have all of that official support at a big event, and have poured heart and soul into getting to state and national rallies or state sports sedans or formula ford racing, you kind of start to think "well is this the BIG time?". I've always felt thats what sets serious drivers apart from the hoons. Submitting to controls and earning/developing respect else we lose the credibility to do what we love....racing. A good powerslide well controlled is still a huge grin factor though. Remember Larry Perkins at Oran park over the bridge on the outside and sliiiiding Brought the house down. LEGEND.
  2. Ash you're a spoil sport. I don't mind the wet too much, just involves a lot of pucker factor. Would have played if I wasn't off to ACT. Roy, at this stage I'll definitely be out for Dutton so good luck with a co-driver. Watch Snowy as he breaks stuff Can I borrow your car sometime soon to measure up the HICAS? Call me if you have time this weekend.
  3. When I was racing rally cars, this was called a Scandinavian Flick. Get wide and sideways well before the corner and exit fast. Scary as hell so I gave up perfecting it. I've spent too many years maintaining control and good lines to accept this as sport. It's just lair assing about. If I go through a corner and hang the ass a little I am just doing that, or I have underestimated the corner. I even had trouble at the skidpan day due to my automatic response to maintain line when oversteer sets in. Hard to not do that, but eventually had some fun. I'm not saying those that enjoy this shouldn't...in the appropriate venue, just stay off the streets, and even our racetracks as it F**Ks up the lines with too much rubber, making it dangerous for those going fast. Skidpan parks would be great for all people to learn. Sorry to hear about your mailbox Shan.
  4. Or if you want to save bucks, remember to shop around the aussie dinosaur engine builders. To get the power some of them make they are obviously doing something right, and an engine is an engine, and they are low cost mostly. I would immediately recommend Duggans balancing in reservior as a starter, but you will porobably have to provide the engine already removed. Then shop around for tuning when it's in and running safe.
  5. Sorry mate. Have to be in Canberra next weekend. Have fun.
  6. PM or email me account details and I'll direct deposit. Call it five bucks?
  7. Tough luck for me then. Just went to the newsy and they can't order the back copy.
  8. Can you copy me the article? I'm interested in the diff centre.
  9. GTRgeoff

    INASNT is no more

    Denham won't need a car in jail.......
  10. TT interesting to see your roll angles. Obviously what I have is a little too much for track, although it never felt this much so I'll be going for the whiteline adjustable set.
  11. Only interested in 3rd party. If you injure or kill someone you don't want to pay for the rest of your life. Winton is AASA so cover should be about 20mill if this event is covered. Just the cost worries me being so low. You would be liable on a $50 bmx without event coverage.
  12. Who needs playstation platform crap. PC, force feedback, force feedback seat, headphones and the new GTR sim demo from europe. Glad to hear Ash is safe and well tho....
  13. James count me out. Stuffed the back again at physio. two steps forward, one step back.
  14. For government to be effective, industry must prosper and workers get paid. Fuel in cheap and plentiful supply is important to the national welfare, not the environment. It's only the balance of power held by tree huggers (and therefore their green voting constituencies) that are making the government address these green issues. Government use tax to provide infrastructure and services and healthy jobs for themselves and the public sector/military. Don't get me wrong, I did my bit for the environment by standing at the back of the 42 ton Leopard tank I was commanding, throwing grass seed into the soil torn by track turns while chewing 2 litres of diesel every kilometer........
  15. A few years back we had a 3 day embargo on one particular chain and it was well organised. Their prices dropped pretty quick when their sales fell. Basically though we are being held hostage by OPEC. Time to go peace keep those bastards and stop collusion on prices. Competition is the key. Government tax is the next problem.
  16. I'd be interested, but what are the insurance aspects for third party coverage and emergency vehicle attendance? Are there sup regs available?
  17. Wheels is YUK mate.....the magazine for the dedicated taxi owner. Sorry about the confusion. Maybe Motor magazine might have the detail as well. I don't read them though....i prefer EVO from GB.
  18. The factory stated times are considered suitable as they are tested to a standard. If you were to use these figures they would have to physically test their vehicle to prove otherwise. Then there would be question of the cars modification state and legality if it were to exceed these factory figures for stated performance. Can't commit a crime to catch an offender. Carpoint or (YUK) Wheels would give the detail you need.
  19. I can't believe you are so caught up in needing to be right and yet you fail to read basic english, so I won't entertain you anymore other that to draw your attention to the above comments and to let you know that the South Australian study was found to lack objectivity and was false in it's findings. The doubling of the probability of an accident for every 5 kays over the posted limit was laughed at by experts everywhere as there becomes a critical velocity that has a near infinite probability of crashing associated with it. But it is known fact that people have driven at these speeds and survived, therefore the theory is blatantly incorrect. Personally I have not paid a fine in over 10 years. I drive to the conditions and go to the race track and drive at high speed to get my jollies. I don't support inappropriate speed anytime. I will also suggest you look at www.roadsense.com.au to discover some of the cases where the authorities get it wrong. INASNT's case is about technical application of the law and whether the police vehicle could physically achieve what they stated it did, not whether or not he was doing the speed stated. If they are found lying the case must be dropped. Engineering and Maths can prove this.
  20. Well I'm carrying extra weight now so I should be allowed to race
  21. Denham glad you have representation who knows your rights. Too many have said "I'll be fighting the fine because of X" and then pay for the expert witnesses after found guilty. Good luck mate. Hoping to see that nice machine about some more. Zagan an expert witness is usually an engineer or scientist who deals with this sort of thing a fair bit, much as I do in my job as the assistant chief engineer for defence armament systems. What is becoming evident here is the officer(s) have alleged an offence has been committed that they cannot physically prove. Have you heard of the young lady with the datto 120Y that was done by a fixed camera doing 160kmh and yet a race driver couldn't get the car to that speed? Eventually the fine was dropped. If you can physically prove that something could not have happened then the officers are in a little trouble. Pergury for one if they can't accept scientific evidence to the contrary. So to answer you, you don't have to prove that you weren't speeding, just that they didn't stick to the rules in the pursuit of revenue raising. Don't feel offended that I'm not agreeing with you. Everything you say is fine for the uneducated, but there are areas of science that can be exploited, even regarding the laser and radar technologies, to avoid successful prosecution. In my job we deal with laser and radar a lot and they are not infallible. The beam of both is more a cone but also has multiple sidelobes that can interfere with the doppler signal giving a false reading. It's based on statistical theory and data gathering and is never 100% absolutely error free, so the evidence may indicate a high probability that it was your speed but that cannot be guaranteed....and there is the start of a case right there. In the end it is blatant revenue raising by politicians addicted to speeding fine money and that is an indication of disgusting, unethical and corrupt government.
  22. Zagan maybe the maths you know won't save you, but the maths I did at uni for my engineering degree will probably be similar to Denhams and he is probobly calculating whether the car actually had the ability to accelerate to the measured speed and hold it there for the distance to accurately measure him and then stop all in the distance that was actually travelled. May be a technicality but it will be enough to thwart a cancelled license. And for interest sake....this is a piddlingly easy problem to calculate if you work with the basic formulae all the time. Actually just year 12 math apparently, not that i went to yr 12......so how did I get to university wonders denham
  23. No longer, but I'll hire one of Mick's for a bit of entertainment.
  24. Best I come and have a look Sat nite then Kev.
  25. I'd be keen to bring the missus, but she won't like the show. See if I can get a leave pass.
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