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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Gotta agree. Lets see the system bog down and send a message to govt. If everyone got a fine, wouldn't that mean the voting majority disagrees with the speed limits??
  2. Snowman...whos paying your bills buddy? I'll have no chance of knocking you off on the track!!
  3. I was at a drag event at Willowbank 2 years ago and one of the guys I was with had a panelvan...V8 obviously and rear tyres with tread. Didn't take much notice other than that but they were running pretty low pressure. Ran a 9.? second pass as easy as. I was rocked, but this thing didn't like corners. The V8 brigade have the drags sorted so there are a few things to learn off them.
  4. Tomorrow, too soon. And got guests coming over. Keep missing you at the events Shan, but I had you pointed out in a pic so I won't miss you next time. I'll wait until James comes back with something on the bowling in the city I 'spose. Then we'll drink some Bundy mate. Ever tried a Dark&Stormy....Bundy and Bundaberg Ginger Beer in a bottle or can......MMMMmmmmmmmm. I was at Hotham and made up 2 Litres then went an sat in a spa out in the snow with a few plastic cups. In 20 mins the spa was overflowing with snowbunnies and a few Rugby/Skiing mates. Went through 6 litres of the stuff and ran out
  5. Denham, what are the fluid stains on the printout.............? That was in third gear right?
  6. Snowman just freezes his then eats it...no drinking:D I'm interested as long as it is near public transport. Shan you got anywhere near the Epping line with Bundy Draught? Booze cruise is interesting too. Wheres Ash? Isn't he an events organiser? (only joking buddy) Hell, I'll even entertain by trying to bowl!!
  7. :Oops: Sorry, in case anyone wants that it is 9357 1435 (not 9375) Glad you found your bits.
  8. Or try T&H wreckers Campbellfield 78 Horne St 93751435 after checking out our sponsors.
  9. Greg are your full time or part time? Take a trip to the doc and tell him your story, he'll put you on workers comp stress leave so fast you won't believe it. Make a complaint to the industrial relations commission as well. Use the time off to find a new job. No-one deserves your stress. I've been a manager for quite a while now, although in the defence/public service arena (uniformed myself) and take good care of my people and regularly do "health checks" to determine their wellbeing to ensure they don't overwork themselves or have others apply too much pressure. I had it done to me and was losing clumps of hair and blood pressure went through the roof. Our doc on base went sick at my boss and had me attend stress management training and regular checkups. I now couldn't give a f*** if people are disappionted in my performance as i ruptured 2 discs in a training accident with only 2 years to go for 20 year pension, and get put off work for 3 weeks at a time due to the pain awaiting surgery, which has only been for 7 months. I'm not saying to con it. You are on the edge buddy....see the doc. You should still be paid while recuperating.
  10. But whether they choose to use it or not....had a bump not long after getting my first r33 in 98 and the panelshop wanted me to pay all the extra for air freighting from Japan a new right front guard as the insurance company didn't want to pay it. Only very light damage, and they claimed they were Canberra's best panel shop. I told them to panelbeat it and they started moaning about the time and effort and they didn't quote for it. In the end they just got on with it and it looks fine still. I saw some lead wiping once and it was magic. The guy was restoring a vintage lorry and he wanted to stay original with everything, even the panel work, so no filler anywhere. Keep up the good work Troy. i look forward to seeing the finished product.
  11. Funky, this is how an artist fixes a car. These days panelshops just want to slap on a new panel and get their money. Paint and panel are my nightmare...I never get it right. This is great to follow.
  12. Jesus...not everyone is a raving post whore....Gordo. Nice to see you have settled in up there...and now terrorising the locals. I've met a few of the lurkers down here and they don't usually seem any more wierd or unfriendly than all of the Vics. Seeya Qld. Be home soon {hopefully}
  13. Just to set the story straight on the fuel pump(s), they don't always hit their limit....sometimes they just start to lose pressure, or die outright as happened last week on a car I work on. The standard pump is good for the limit of the boost pressure of the stock turbo in the RB25, being safe at 14psi. Any more is an early death sentence for the turbine. Some have gotten away with more boost longer, but they are the exceptions. It's possible that you may have already cracked pistons so keep that in mind and get a leakdown test and compression test and monitor blowby gas closely. it will show up even revving the engine after warmup. Look for smokey gas coming from the cam pipes after disconnecting them. Clean your AFM element with some carby cleaner and just spray it through the post in the middle, after removing the AFM from the car. I have to agree with R31Nismoid. A highflow turbo will flow more air at lower pressure, thence requiring more fuel. Disconnect your return fuel line in the engine bay and run it into a bucket, then start the car. There should be a healthy flow of fuel, not a trickle or anything else. You can check your battery with a cheap multimeter both key off (11.? volts) and running (13.? volts) to determine system health. I note you also have the cat back exhaust done. Get a high flow cat and at least a 3" dump ($260 delivered by Batmbl) if not a split pipe dump so it is free flowing all the way. The greatest gains are to be made in the front end of the exhaust but everyone (even me) seems to leave that to last. The constricted exhaust flow may be causing some problems as well. Spark plugs: if you regap exotics it is a good chance you will remove some of that expensive material making them marginally effective. I have copper plugs in my track car (bugger it all of my cars even the V8 Soarer)) and find they are more reliable for power. They need a regap every 20-30 thou kays, or every time I go to the track as part of pre-race servicing. Great at $20 a set!!! Try a lot of this yourself, hard to get it wrong if you take your time and you will appreciate your car more for it, and save a motza.
  14. I have one on each Skyline...both missing their badges dammit. Seriously though, I can't help with anything I haven't advertised.
  15. I got mine from Autobarn a few years ago, it was thick and looked the goods, but they couldn't get anymore and only had cheap nasty looking stuff. I can't help other than that. With the leftover woven mat i had I made up speaker mounts from MDF and put the dry mat over some sub filler I had and stapled it on, then sprayed it with clear acrylic to stiffen the CF and stop displacement of the weave. really came up nice but doesn't have that deep glossy "cased in glass" look as it is now just black woven stiff material. Maybe I'll do the resin thing one day. The weave was about $65 for a square metre but it is rough on scissors and dry spiky ends are deadly sharp after resin goes off.
  16. Meguiars have a plastic cleaner/polish. Should be at your local Autobarn, works great on both the Skylines and the Soarer plastic lens covers. About $12 so a lot cheaper than new lights
  17. Some looks good and some looks bad, even a good air brush artist with some silver paint and gauze can make the look happen. I tried the good looking stuff for a laugh and only needed to prep really well and use a hairdryer to soften and mold it (decal type) but eventually just laid up the real thing over the components and used surfboard finishing resing as the proper CF resin is real nasty....from experience. Can lose feeling in you fingers for a couple of days if the gloves split.
  18. Starting from scratch here, what car/engine, what plugs have you got, when did you last change your fuel filter, have you got too much timing advance, what gear is it most prevalent in and throttle position, have you tested the resistance of the coil packs (eg RB25DET about 1.3 KOhm) across the centre and right pin (I think, any other combo is nothing anyway in that range), what fuel do you run, have you pulled the fuel return line off (put a container under it and just do it in the engine bay) and examined the volume of return flow at idle and mild throttle to determine fuel pump capability (I have come across 2 buggered pumps in the last week), is it auto or manual???? Any and all of these could be causing your problem, eg my auto cuts power hard like a major fuel cut at over 7psi of boost, regardless of what I have done, and the girl drives it so less is good anyway, and it runs perfectly otherwise.
  19. GTRgeoff


    Mine got taken as well a few weeks back but we caught the little turds as they were also collecting good valve caps. The missus dragged one home and his dad is a car enthusiast with a couple of nice 'dores that he looks after real well. Went sick at the kid, made him return everything he took with apologies and then went and got up the other kids and their parents. Still no badges back and the paint has been damaged.
  20. It was good to see real cars putting up awesome numbers at what appeared at first to be a RICE fest. SAU, Fangers and even MCCR get a huge thumbs up for a collection of good looking, street tough weapons. And the CRX posted a great figure as well, but I'll not mention it cos it's too embarassing to me. Sux I missed Leewahs AWD run and James flames but I was summonsed to spend some time at home.
  21. Lucky bugger, try the DOTARS site www.dotars.gov.au there may be some info there as they are the authority on importing cars
  22. Gary I have been following this with interest, as I was almost going to fit the e-manage but good advice was to go with the PFC (soon after run in). While I have nothing of value on the e-manage, other than with all the bits it costs almost as much as a PFC without controller, I can say that my wifes auto R33 (pod filter, some extra boost) has a fairly hard kick on gear changes, much harder than the Soarer V8 which is really obvious as far as softened power for gear changes and really slow changes. Back to the Skyline though, it depends upon how you are driving. Nice and gently out of my street in the morning and Bang, into second. Not at all casual. After some warm up driving and it then starts to feel a bit smoother with the typical max power produced at around 3/4 throttle and sharpish changes. At full pedal the power seems to drop off noticeably, especially toward gear changes. Sounds like there may indeed be a protection mechanism, but hopefully others have experiences to tell. Interestingly, the auto is only good for about 8psi max, even with 0.8mm copper plugs. Just seems hit the cut really hard after that.
  23. Damn Mesh...you've scooped the as yet unseen Australian Queer Eye for the GTR guys!!!
  24. Yeah, that was my thoughts as well. I went with mild steel for the toughness and weldability for a hack like me. If you have time, grab a cheap thread guage and identify the pitch in the tie rod where it bolts into the HICAS unit and let me know.
  25. Naturally enough, you must always resist the urge to sink the locally built crap until up to temperature. After spending almost 5K on parts and machining I'm not too keen to kill this one quickly, even if I did do all the labour myself and picked up most of the stuff cheap. I'm lucky enough to have chosen Arias and suffer no slap or rattle at all, but still find that I suffer sluggishness when cold if I overdo the retard of timing. Feels like driving through sand then if it starts to come onto boost it picks up. Might also have something to do with the 7 heat range copper plugs I run as well at 0.8mm. Oil pressure is sensational when cold too at over 8 bar on the guage so it is fairly safe to drive gently almost immediately. I like to look after my neighbors so long idle warmups are not acceptable with a big exhaust. As soon as pressure is well up I drive away. I'm only relying on many years of experience as a mechanic and mechanical engineer, and have no real history with extreme race engines with lives of 2000km like the V8's even though I have briefly worked for one team. My understanding of the material properties of low silicon forged pistons if they are not as "tough" as factory cast high silicons, so they would be susceptible to shocks such as temp shock and pulse shock. Haven't checked the S/N curves to see what the transition temperature would be though. might be interesting. I also wouldn't call myself an expert on Skylines as i only have the one manual and one auto, and really only work on my own cars now that I don't import anything, but I do experiment a fair bit and that playing with settings on the standard engine management has just revealed to me that timing is usually the big issue. Many are happy to sacrifice driveability for top end. I need good driveability for both road and racetrack. It sounds like it could be a problem with your sensor, but thay do take a while to come up to temperature, might be on the way out, just not quite there yet. Are you running a rising rate fuel reg? I'd expect you are. What about computer and injectors? I'm certainly no expert on what a PFC should run like either...yet. Soon though I'll take the plunge after I'm satisfied with the run in of this engine. I run a GTR fuel pump that has delivered 316rwkw on an RB20 but experience no change in overfuelling or bogdown/flatness due to that. I also have the Malpassi fitted but turned way down until the PFC is fitted for tuning. I also have a Rigoli modified turbo that is slower to come on boost but does so at 4000rpm like a sledgehammer, highlighting the low rpm/cold sluggishness. Might be time soon to upgrade that. I think the auto's turb is going due to a little smoke in the mornings...took a while to confirm, so I might have a rebuild with rollers and wheels and put the rigoli in the auto, then have the rebuild in my car Also the RB30 ran something like 7:1 (is that right or was it 7.5?) CR so even with the extra capacity they would be doughy due to the poor fuel quality they were designed for and the low boost/lack of decent intercooler. But once again, I'm no expert. I hope more opinions are forthcoming, maybe even give more insight on the timing issue.
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