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Posts posted by GTRgeoff

  1. There are options for tuning the stock R33 ECU but they require working 3 chips at once and not many tuners do that. About the only I know that might is Dr Drift, but that isn't a recommendation.

    Take a look at the ways some guys are approaching using a GTR32/33 PFC to overcome the lack of supply. There is info around the forum.

  2. Which is why we correct for it in the page 5 settings on the datalogit software, but there is a bit more to it than that square wave pulse. The lag component will be a ramp of sorts with a slight overshoot and then held open (unless the pulse is very small) until closing which is another ramp as response is never instantaneous.

  3. You're all good Deren. You have to be happy with what you are doing.

    I just recently read an ACL based document on the washing of the bores and block, which I get done at the machinists anyway ready for the final build clean. As I've mentioned there are so many different opinions out there, and I stick with what works for me. As you saw, when I deviated from my process things got interesting.

    Have fun mate. This is the good part.

  4. Sorry Ash,

    I only raised your particular case because it seemed a fair double standard to hold up to scrutiny. Nothing personal, just in the interest of debate and to establish how you, for example, could have been in such a situation, fought to keep your license and then decide he is not worthy of the same recourse. You could have just as easily given him the benefit of your experience. I've noted that others who commented negatively and that I know have had fines that they complained about have suddenly gone quiet....... Perhaps they are doing some thinking, or arming themselves with the knowledge from the website I provided to protect themselves the next time.

  5. 1. I was accused of 140km/h+ in 80 zone

    2. No radar was used, no witnesses other than the officer's word around a blind corner.

    3. Took that to court, and won.

    4. Speed was reduced to 'a speed over the speed limit', as there was not enough evidence. Judge believed I was over, and I admitted to doing 90 as that’s how fast I was going.

    1. Looks a hell of a lot more than Mulkers is accused of.

    2. Radar or not, they are trained, but they can also get it wrong.

    3. So Mulkers is not entitled to do the same? How DARE YOU tell him he has to suck it up!! We are all entitled to defend our innocence in court. Somehow, on the face of it I'm more likely to consider Mulkers case the lesser of the evils here.

    4. So you didn't win but still took a fine and loss of points. You did at least get to save your license. Again, is Mulkers not entitled to do the same?

    I'll admit I'm a hell of a lot more intelligent than you Ash, so I won't continue to have a battle of wits.

    You didn't have the right to tell this guy to suck it up. Your history is evidence enough of that.

    As for me calling cretins the other posters telling him to suck it up as well, did I call them cretins or did I refer to Victoria as a cretinous hole, and Graemes examples as cretins?

    Pushing pretty close to offensive there son, and a personal attack. Your position as a mod does not give you the right to do either.

  6. Sandro, air conditioning is great in most cars here so don't worry too much about the heat in the deserts.

    As for the New Zealanders teaching English!! Well that's pretty far fetched. They speak something similar to English but farked if I can understand it :)

    Enjoy your visit and feel free to drop me a line when in Brisbane. I might even take you for a shot in my GTR33

  7. Funnily enough, a speeding case is conducted in a criminal court, as a "quasi" criminal offence. Although for it to be a criminal offense there has to be a victim. So who is the victim???

    And if a Police prosecutor is not a Lawyer how is it they are allowed to represent another party in court????

    Your Honour!!! I object!!!!

    Starting to get the message???

  8. oh are supercars still on? I thought they cancelled them so they would not get in the way of AFL finals?

    Not sure how long it will take for this to appear in a sig quote.......

    Sif any real man would watch GayFL if motor racing or Rugby was on!!!!!

  9. Graeme, I for one appreciate what you guys do, especially after 21 years in the Army. Unfortunately there are instances where the application of Justice is taken too far. This is because of just a few who don't represent the majority of you.

    But seriously mate, do you believe there is any relevance between a guy getting done in a school zone where the circumstances are fairly ambiguous at below the normal posted limit, and the examples of absolute cretins you just supplied? Let's be realistic. Another solution would have been to be there, highly visible and seen using the device and allow a reasonable time before starting to actually book serious offenders would send a message that the safety of school kids is taken seriously, and not just revenue raising, but hey, so would flashing signs. 5 minutes is reasonable doubt. The court would throw it out unless they wanted to suggest a law should be established that we all have GPS synchronised clocks in our cars as standard. Never going to happen.

    Let's look at that revenue raising aspect as well. I work with a road safety advocacy group in the aim to create road safety through real education and attitudes. Our research as accessed has shown that only 2% of serious and fatal accidents occur over the posted limit (note, not "speed related" or "excessive speed for the conditions", the key element is over the posted limit). Take the road fatalities numbers and do the math. So the 500+ Million dollars that Vic Gov alone are taking out of the economy through fines in the hope of saving these few is either pretty over the top, or the extra injection of revenue is so addictive that they can't stop. I'd discuss the impact on the macro-economic decay and micro-economics as well but that is beyond this discussion.

    What I do find disturbing is the pettiness of all these marginal fines has created an attitude where a lot of drivers now can't see the difference between 10k over and less, and the higher ranges. So we see people treated poorly for what would have been, a couple of minutes earlier as totally acceptable but is now the second coming of the son of the Devil. The attitudes of people themselves guilty of speeding is to consider all speeders as criminals, but without taking a long hard look at themselves.

    Let's take the holier than thou attitude of Ash for one, who was guilty of a high range offence. I seem to recall he employed a representative to contest and reduce his moment of insanity. Care to share the details mate or would that erode you position up there on your pedestal? Anyone else that has been bitter and accusing? I'm never going to support a high range speeder when it was outright stupidity, but this case has ambiguities.

    Some perspective again. Mulkers is on P's so the previous crime of a marginal nature for obscured number plates plus the range that this event occurred at sees him losing his license. I'd suggest again the court would see the justice in not adding another to the dole queue.

    Should I now concentrate on the accuracy of the equipment and the operators? I'm a certified marksman and sniper as well as a master weapons coach. I was also one of the senior weapons engineers for a program that included one of the worlds most advanced guided missiles. I know how unsteady the human hand is and the inherent deficiencies of the equipment. If someone tries to use a lidar that has a divergent beam that is 2m wide at 200m at that range you will introduce all sorts of errors and the device is not intelligent enough to know the difference (just as an example). So how large are normal groups at say 50m for someone using a handheld device like a lidar or even a pistol (same aiming and accuracy elements apply except the lidar is continuous over a period of time so the deviation are larger)? Pretty large folks. All over the place so your reading could include some of your car, a bit of road, a sign, a tree, another car behind.... We only get this far because justice is not occurring fairly and the policy is NOT working!!! Death rates, for all the safety advances and reduced limits are static and even increasing.

    Enough evidence from OS shows that other approaches, while not as financially lucrative are actually working. But don't blame the Police. They just do their job.

    I've dribbled long enough. We know this for what it is, and none of us is guilty of being absolutely perfect behind the wheel even though our imperfect politicians think we should to justify their fund raising so I'll leave it here.

    The only way to get road safety on the right track is to send the message to our elected governments, fight the petty and ambiguous infringements, every one and have them adopt other avenues, but if you are an idiot high range speeder that can't get the message, get off the roads.

  10. I agree in school zones but the problem is to rigidly stay at 40kmh in a modern car you look at the speedo quite a lot. I spent a lot of time on the human factors engineering side as well and the time taken to slow from 60-40 and the average amount of time spent looking at the speedo as you slow down means you could have driven through at 70kmh and have similar reaction times to stop in that first region of the zone. Looking hard at a speedo to do 40 means you could be doing 58 and still see the need to stop.

    I'm for taking it slow, but never look at the speedo after reaching the zone as my eyes need to be looking forward for potential danger like kids running out and idiot mothers pulling out without looking. Plenty of kids are alive because I was looking for them, like a bouncing ball a couple of times followed by a kid or seeing a head bobbing through a windscreen, then a kid just appears from between cars.

    I'm also disturbed by people that feel the need to rush through a school zone but I ignore them.

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