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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Bad luck John. Been looking forward to seeing it run.
  2. PS buy RDA as DBA are not good product.
  3. As long as you can get brake discs to suit I see no reason to go 5 stud, just so long as the wheel contacts the locating shoulder to take the load from the rim instead of the studs doing both jobs.
  4. Yeah, that is a complete lie. It will just be noisy until it makes a really bad rattling and then your whole world turns to sh*t.......
  5. I'll take the timing belt cover and the valley cover. Posted to Qld 4305. Cheers Geoff
  6. Gotta love wankers like you mate. I've not had a fine in over 12 years except for one, even with several car pulling in excess of 200rwkw, plus a 500hp GTR. I'm also a defensive and offensive driving instructor, and race a dedicated race car. I'm also only an Engineer with specialisations in guided weapons (using real laser and radar systems) and believe me when I say that these cameras and hand held devices are pretty damn innaccurate, so it isn't a case of not speeding but protecting yourself from their inherent faults. Don't bother responding, I'm not in the mood for a battle of wits with someone who is completely unarmed. Otherwise, if you are caught folks try here.... http://www.aussiespeedingfines.com/ I have no other affiliation other than I use their techniques to fight a speeding fine of 64 in a 60 zone. Added to my expertise I have no doubt I will not fail if it goes to court. FoX is on the money. They are revenue raising and nothing more. Any intelligent human can work that out. 500 million in Vic alone last year. Think of the money not going into the local economy. Greedy Labour govts. Talk to you local member and tell them you will support them if they oppose speed cameras and support real education.
  7. PS I do bed ins from 200+ where possible but you need to find a track.......
  8. Try a real stop bed in session. 5 stops from about 120 to 20 then drive to cool off the discs. personally I prefer racebrakes pads. Also consider chucking in a master cylinder stopper but those and lines won't stop the squeal.
  9. Sounds good. I'll take it pending some dimensions. Postage Qld 4305.
  10. Bugger. take it from me, I've been swinging spanners for over 20 years and had my own big end go in an RB and the location of the noise absolutely stumped me even using a stethoscope, but it was a big end. Get a proper mechanic to look at it ASAP. Stop running it and revving it or you could have a rod snap and punch it through the block/stuff the head or both. I was a mechanic for a long time and stepped up to mechanical engineering and the best advice I can give is call one of those mobile guys to have a quick look, pay your money for their rime and then start getting quotes on the job and you will be glad for the money spent. I still build my own race engines so I'm not at all out of touch. Look in the thread below in my sig if you want to see some of the stuff that goes bad in RBs.
  11. Yeah, saved my ass on the 26/30 in the racecar. Those coils are brilliant.
  12. Regardless of whatever else needs to be replaced, the labour should be firm and that is where just about everyone gets stung. They can show invoices for parts, but most of the cretins will just gouge for the labour. Talk firm prices right up front, not after they get the car in the shop and can extort you. Any adjustments can be made later through consultation and in writing.
  13. I was convinced that a JB was the go then got advice to talk to NPC in Archerfield Brisbane. http://www.npcperformance.com.au/cgi-bin/m...main=nicsclutch At $814 it's well priced too. Great clutch built from a nismo single plate organic but strengthened to handle the possible 360-380rwkw I intend to extract from my GTR33. I will do some track and some drag and it is too easy to drive.
  14. Get normal hose mate and use a hose coil, like a spring fixed to a piece of thin flat steel, to get the shape without the hose kinking. Should set you back about $10 all up. Bursons have the hose coils.
  15. Bearings are about $140...... You are looking at about 30 hours of labour, machining if you have damaged the journals, then the inevitable forged this and that, other extras to get done while the engine is apart like making sure you have the wider oil pump drive (hard to know on a 93 model) and so forth. probably not much change out of $5K if you keep a lid on it If you let yourself get screwed on the job then not much out of $10K Get a very hard firm quote up front and written variations on anything else that may eventuate.
  16. They are always hot in the bay after running.
  17. That would probably be the big end bearings, especially with that redline. Do Not drive the car!!! Drop the oil into a clean pan and see if there are any metallic flakes, tiny ones that will look like gold. If so then get a tow truck to take it to a workshop. 9K is a little bit much to be revving it to unless it is a really strong engine build.
  18. Yep, makes for a stress concentrator and crack propagation point. I personally can't see the need for dimpled but definitely get slotted to assist with offgassing the pads/disc interface and to maintain a clean pad face. I prefer RDA discs, and have a major dislike for DBA.
  19. No drags today by the looks
  20. Ahhh still hammered I see............
  21. I should come along for a look.
  22. Have you got a clue old fella? What date so the kiddies don't get confused and turn up in November.....
  23. Nice car Adam. Keep it clean and tidy. Black is hard, having just sold a lovely black R33 but they are so nice. I'm even tempted to get the XR8 ute in black. Greg you old bastard, come for a visit, and bring the AMG y'hear. Racing Thurs and need a pit crew and spare car
  24. Just a side note. I am running low impedance injectors in my race car (R33 GTSt) and I made my own resistor pack using large ceramic 10W 10 ohm resistors. Cost a whole $10 and install exactly the same way. I refuse to get ripped off on factory crap.
  25. I used to work IT in ACT and yes it is a very small place. We did cradle to grave IT support. Funny thing was I never really wanted to work in the field but being mates with so many managers and owners of IT businesses my name got out and I was just getting too many offers. Amazing what comes out of weekly lunches with the boys. I'm actually retired now (and still not 40 yet) and finished in the senior fields of weapons engineering and tech integrity management and won't work IT ever again....... except maybe a few little jobs my mate with 4 businesses needs done..........dammit.
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