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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Frank, make me plus 1 for for now. Nelly refuses to be made to make a decision.
  2. Well isn't the comment "ass like a 12 year old boy" a compliment???? The premiums they charge I can stick to feeling the breeze. son of rajab Flashart: "Ask me why I don't wear any underwear" Edmund Blackadder: "Why don't you have any underwear?" son of rajab Flashart: "Because a pair of pants haven't been invented that will take the job on. wooooof!!"
  3. OK I'm convinced....but only a bit. Remember to supply lots of beer to the workers.
  4. Nice work Matt. Makes me feel underwhelmed by my 320rwkw@14psi in the GTR33. Jokes aside though, I'm looking forward to doing the DIY thing on the GTR and the GTS25t with 26/30. Such a sense of satisfaction, now get rid of it and go Nissan..... you know it's the only way to credibility. BTW Vic members, my new fridge has 200hp, more than most 20's ....... even more than GOLGO too I expect.
  5. Sounds like a big job Mike. Wish I was there to help but I have to deal with my new toy...... all 18 feet and 200hp of it....actually isn't 200hp more than most '20s? BTW the extensions and a good flex like a sidchrome will let you get the upper bolt on the starter, and an air ratchet might help too. All the best mate. Come up for some fishing sometime.
  6. Not at all but Nelly just christened her the Annagizer Bunny - sooo funny.
  7. Thanks for a great night all. Looking forward to getting to know even more of you as time passes. Sorry to bail early but Nelly suffers migraines related to her old army injuries. Anna, what the hell are you on mate?? Is there a volume control for this lady?? Happy to top bottles for you anytime. I'm good for steak anytime Franky so here's a vote from me.
  8. I have 2 x 3 phase bullet DC Tigs here I have to have a look at, then practice my tig skills then I might be able to help.
  9. For you Si, just 3 depositions from witnesses unrelated to you Thanks for letting me know something was on zoomie. Even if the red barge isn't running well enough to track I could still come and watch.
  10. I'll be along. Maybe +1 but TBC.
  11. I went with the high drilling for the mounting on the 26/30 but with no time to grab a second adjuster I fitted the belt as it was. While tight it wasn't too tight for the Dayco belt so I kept it on. No adjustment needed. Now I just need to pick up cam gears as it isn't making power. Just 160rwkw for the run in 2000km drive from Melbourne to Brisbane. I may yet change from GTS25t PFC to GTR32/33 PFC and a GTR33 wiring loom so I can run twin AFMs and GTR airbox. The drive was fun though with a little light rain. I've temporarily located the pod and AFM in front of the LF tyre so it gets spray and the AFM signal maxes, cutting power so I just ha to crawl along until the rain passed.
  12. Hey Russ, if you still have the FCC NT HC I'll take it off your hands mate.
  13. Sounds good Shane, just need to fit cam gears, tune and hopefully running about 280-300rwkw on the 26/30
  14. Finally back from lounging and diving in Thailand. Time to start attending events and get the membership in too.
  15. Thanks for the kind words guys and gals. You all know how much I love SAUVic and you were my sanity when the only other things I wanted was the back to be fixed and to get home. I'm off for a month to Thailand tomorrow so will still be limited online. The 26/30 had a good 2000km run in but ran like crap due to limited tuning and diagnosis time. Forgot just how good that 25t grips the road though so looking forward to running it at the paperclip in April. All the best and hoping too catch up when that road trip happens.
  16. Got the 26/30 running and made it to Brisbane. Already loving it. Just have to go again Saturday for a month in Thailand.
  17. Sorry been off a couple of days due to moving to Brisbane (yay) I have a stock bov and crossover. All different plugs I think. Adrian, which rail 25 or 26? James, I don't know and they are all packed so no guarantees I can find anything until April so all standby on me finding the crap.
  18. The pig arrived in Brissy alive but didn't run well and only had 160rwkw. I think the cams need dialling in but will do it after Thailand unless Brad can get me the gears sooner. Felt nice enough but the tuning was only to get it here. on temp internet and no email yet.
  19. It lives. All together and running in for dyno tomorrow but the bugger doesn't like the old fuel or the 26 temp sensor which is a direct plugin but reads mega high. Oh well some fun for tomorrow.
  20. Stock RB26 head studs are only $10 ea so $140 a set from Nissan. Sorry to be going so fast. I NEED to drive this home to Brisbane Saturday, or mostly to get out of Victoria. All slow now. Fabricating the stuff to make it fit like induction and throttle cable mount and injector loom. Still to mount oil cooler and need more silicone hose and clamps. RB25 and 26 have the same TPS plug and Bosch injector plugs (RB30) are $7 at Bursons and a straight fit for 26 injectors. Wired 10ohm 15W resistors in line with the injector loom to match the impedance of the RB25 injectors.
  21. The pig is in the car. There is always a price to pay so by completely assembling the engine prior to fitting I discovered just how little engine bay room there is. It looks so big when there is no motor in there. There are always just little things popping up that need to be dealt with like bolts and hoses. Bursons had a Dayco belt in for me in a couple of hours. Now to bolt up the bell housing and starter and finish the electrics. Might be on the dyno about lunchtime.
  22. I'll tear myself away from the 26/30 monster build for sustenance
  23. driving it to Brisbane Friday [panics]
  24. I picked up the engine yesterday and got home about 4pm. Already have it ready to take the inlet system and manifolds. Only holdup will be that I forgot to order a cam belt so will have to get a courier if one is available. Hope to be in and running Monday.
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