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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Jack, not saying you would need to strip out and cage, though a cage at those speeds is definitely worthwhile, or fit CF doors and crank the boost up. IP GTR's aren't far off the pace of the RX-7s and with a cage are close to stock weight. If you take a moment to contemplate and spend some time in discussions with race engineers then the arguments answer themselves. Anyway, well off topic so I'll keep my education and experience to myself.
  2. Also mega cheap at supacheep
  3. Jack, that is of course a great time and to be commended, my point though is that with a properly setup car and the right training and focus on linking critical lap sections (such as not power oversteering on many critical corners ) your times would plummet and your brakes would take far less beastings. Of course it is difficult for a lot of people to make the leap in their minds as to just how fast they can go through a corner or how late they can brake. Racing is not just one off lap times but consistent fast lap times for the course of a race. That is the job of engineers to solve within rules. I have some experience in such things, not even remotely that of SK but enough to know where to find the critical improvements. I've also undertaken concentrated formal training and education in the field with a long past view toward graduating to professional race engineer. I have since moved on but the knowledge elements are still the same. Now the GT production cars run on slicks which can confuse issues, so I've included the link to IPRAVic for comparison and with their power restrictions and on Yokies they are more than comparable and you might say handing our high powered cars their asses on the balance. And these aren't really fast race cars. Swing by SelectMaz sometime for a tour of the IP RX-7 series 2 NA they have that holds lap records in its class and be amazed by how small the brakes are. Sure we can argue power and weight and thermal budgets, but the fact remains that they simply corner a truckload faster, and that is simply good setup. http://www.ipravic.com.au/frames.htm All Improved Production Cars must run on the same tyre - the Yokohama A032R Race tyre and users claim it is a piece of poo compared to RE55S. http://www.yokohamatire.com/TireIntro.asp?TireID=2 Troys thread for lap times and comparos. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...c=46199&hl= So my fundamental argument is that with the right work and setup and driver, you don't need the big brake setup. Sure it is good for the progressive feel of the setup but ABS generally knocks that about anyway while hiding a lot of balance issues, and the heat capacity benefit is fantastic as well but that just hides other problems with a big bandaid. And of course a GTR is a big wad of money to have circulating too and no-one wants to write one off but I think you would be seriously surprised if you made the next step and undertook some training and committed to setting the car up well. It would of course be entirely uncomfortable on the road, but that is the compromise. It's just unfortunate my last few years being disabled have prevented me from developing the GTS25t to a point where I could demonstrate these things, and time now won't permit but I have a firm understanding of where it would be and it wouldn't be circulating with other gtst's.
  4. Waz, spark plug socket or deep socket from supacheep of the right size, angle grinder and future beers will be yours mate.....
  5. Thanks Jack, yep Claytons car. I know a lot of folks get all excited about brakes, the bigger the better (Troy??? ) but for the limited laps we run they just make minimal difference to good pad and fluid combo and a great suspension setup and alignment. Better setup means less braking and higher corner speeds. Those claiming to have great brakes, have they ever raced in a properly setup race car to actually have something to compare with? Other than Benno who is actually lapping fast enough to compare favourably against the old GT production cars (Comparos in Troys thread on lap times)? Of course it's great to say how fast our road car laps, but there is something special about taking out a dedicated race car so I'll be enjoying the 25t a little while after this engine build while I put together something cheap and fast. The $10K project.
  6. Jack, one in particular was the white 34 that turned around at the last flip flop at Calder. Big APs on the front and stock rear and I was already concerned when he went out. I drove Matts with the Brembo front and stock rear GTt and found that to be pinchy in the rears even on ABS. You can get used to it and drive around it but it is always reducing your confidence int the car when trail braking. I just think it's too much of a risk to have this in a road car Neil. It is a major defect so the car cannot be driven and I have seen the results of a novice getting in a car with bias. Not knowing what it did he just cranked it fully one way which was full rear. Without testing the result he then went out at Sandown for his first track lap and braking for turn 1 just locked the rears and slammed into the right hand barrier. Nothing to stop anyone getting in a road car doing the same and the reason that such a change (a new brake setup) must be engineered as they will conduct braking tests to determine the balance and suitable operation. Sure we can argue that it simply must be better due to the type of setup etc, but that depends on the installer. Nothing wrong with a long discussion post either Jack, else we all end up with Ash's 1 Line zero value added efforts, hence demonstrating our lack of understanding.
  7. Perfectly legitimate reasoning. It is just a replacement part and has no adverse effect on the induction system.
  8. www.triple-x.com.au Check the special on the steamer. I spent an hour sitting around in mine today to help break it in. Never want to put it on first time at the dive. Ultra light and thin so it's coming to Koh Tao with some of my other gear.
  9. You mean less aggressive rears Jack, but anyway. Skylines are too easy to make taily and we've seen a couple of rear loss of controls down here in the last 12 months and one of those had big front calipers and stock rears. ABS is an absolute no go on the track else you can roll straight over the traps. I've done the hardcore track and rally thing and yes adjustable bias is necessary when you are racing for real, but I recall Justins car is a primarily road car, and a bias valve will automatically make it unroadworthy. Easy solution. A dedicated track car and a road car that gives some giggles.
  10. May huh? I better make sure I do a good job on the track barge then and keep the RE55s buffed. I'll be back early April from OS but won't leave a huge amount of time to iron out the bugs. Ben I never expect to be the centre of attention, but if I can help club members then that's always a positive. The weather for me is all about the outdoor lifestyle. SCUBA diving, cycling, track and anything else outdoors, plus my back injury is easier to live with in the warm weather and the more active I can be. I still associate the inner city stuff with my old job in capability acquisition. Too much getting my ass kissed by weapons salesmen and other slick dudes wanting our dollar. All just too hard to reliably enjoy outdoors here in the Melbourne weather. I dived a few weeks ago in 37 degree heat but the water was still 18 deg so needed a 7mm wettie. Just about melted in the semi-dry. From now on I don't dive if I need more than my 2mm titanium. I'm being medically retired from the Army as of the 1st of March just short of 21 years but still with pension. 3 years disabled has just made it too hard to come back to the fitness needed and I can't sit long enough to do the engineering/management and project management I did. I'll try to pick up a bit from time to time but the level of intensity is just beyond me now and would cripple me. Plus there was heaps of extra continuation study for Masters degrees and maintaining CPEng status. Karen, when are the annual renewals? I'm currently covered for CAMS license until Sept but need to be on the team for official activities as well. So are most of the Tuesday dinners South or all over? I don't mind getting out for a drive, just so long as I'm not completely overrun by fullysikUlehs wantin' to drag and attracting my lesser brothers in blue uniforms. Playing golf with a couple down here tomorrow in fact. Nice guys if they are not Traffic types (Jury F*ckers the other cops call them here).
  11. One thing to say......a crap day in Brisbane is about a million times better than the best day Melbourne has ever offered. Also looking forward to something other on TV than fags wishing they were hard men poncing around with their stupid haircuts and worried about breaking a nail in their slapping comps on the field. Mel and Mark, I like Beatties idea on billing out of staters to move up and retire, putting untoward pressure on state resources. Workers are fine of course. But lets face ir. Melbourne is the worlds most liveable city (Pfffft right!!!) but people go to Queensland to get a life. Sure It's not bad herre sometimes, but the government is ignorant, corrupt, incompetent and belligerent. Plus the weather plain sux. Marcus, that would be me. I have spent almost 4 years now paying for doing the hard stuff. A disc ruptured due to fatigue injury and our mighty medical system played the waiting game hoping it would correct. I needed surgery straight away but the nerve damage continues to require drugs for me to sleep. Still weak in the lower back and pins and needles all over from the nerves regenerating. You have the 4 door right? GL too with the engine build. The good news for me is the injury has made me re-evaluate my life so I'll try to make a go of things I enjoy rather than pleasing someone else and making their careers look good. Tuesday night dinners and rediscovering the roads around Brisbane will be an absolute pleasure.
  12. Oh yeah, loving the idea of a 10% tolerance on the roads and less severity on mods. I don't believe I've had the pleasure Anna so we'll get that out of the way soon I am and always have been a Queenslander, and have never ever been a Victorian or anything else. Unfortunately the Army abducted me for 21 years of which I only got 4 years to enjoy my home. The rest were propping up Victorias ailing banks/name anything else you like cos it's all crap here, sweating in the NT and northern WA, watching my back in Syddley, or studying in the ACT. I'll be with the outlaws in Oxley until we get a place sorted, but generally looking to have a big place up around Samford or Dayboro to base my operations. SCUBA instructing, renovating homes, doing some performance work, cracking a few jobs consulting as an engineer and project manager and hitting the track lots. Not sure if I'll be able to keep myself busy. I'll be keen for a drive and dive early April Troy. Jase, I'll be looking for you at a track day too.
  13. Sad to hear, but anyway I picked one up for about $60 on ebay. Series 2 block and the bores are perfect and original size. Just remember to download the guide in the above mentioned post and the rest should be fine.
  14. A short note to the beautiful people in Gods Country. YEEEEHAH!!!! The house in Vic is finally sold and I can end almost 7 years in purgatory/hell/Bracks police state. Thank god for SAUVic who are a fine bunch of folks that have maintained my sanity. Damn it feels good and I just don't want it to stop so here is your opportunity to lavish me with the sensational goodwill that can only be found in Qld. Please don't feel embarrassed about heaping it on about how welcome I'll be made to feel to come home, how much beer and Bundy we will consume, how well the Reds will play this year and what a great club you have for me to join. Note that anyone being cruel or small about me still being here in Sh*tsville (aka Melbourne) Victoria will get a free (defective time bomb) HICAS bar Now seriously, I'll be getting the removal done in early March, whipping up and banging the lot into storage so I can hop off to Thailand on the 10th for 3 weeks of boozing and SCUBA diving and massages at Koh Samui and Koh Tao. So I assume there will be endless activities planned for the week prior to my departure for Siam and then after a 3 week breather even more entertainment and activity. In the meantime I have a 26/30 to build for the GTS25t track barge, turbos and other GFBs to go on the GTR and numerous other jobs to get done so lets get some "keep my spirits up" happening. Looking forward to renewing old acquaintances and meeting those I haven't yet. Regards Geoff Williams
  15. It's stock on 33 GTRs. Just another "my GTR has this and your 25t doesn't" item.
  16. Nice to hear Alan. As you say there must have been some error if you didn't get the image as I now understand it must be provided....or maybe that's NSW. So confusing, so many anti speed camera campaigns.
  17. Bugger..... I'm out of popcorn!!
  18. No that's normal, they run over steel idler/adjuster so it leaves the marks.
  19. That stuff under the rear cradle? Yep, a lot of serious trackies turf it and find no difference in handling.
  20. Analogue is good, FF better, seat with built in drivers even better for thumps and bumps. for good light fun though nothing like getting thrashed the the LFS crew. Track IR is good but you tend to not turn in hard enough (since the screen tricks you by tilting toward the corner) and smack the outside wall while learning. Good for flight sims though. I use the vector system for 6DOF head tracking.
  21. Must get back into league racing. This is the best sim ever. Still getting used to driving with TrackIR so might go back to steering head control. Console addicted GT players......it sux to be you!!!!
  22. Thanks Dave. I think he sold it just days before I decided to go ahead with the engine. He may still have a bare one but no good for me.
  23. Not me. Hardly worth it when I have a 30 waiting for the donor.
  24. You should add examples. I only know of a couple and they were pushing some big numbers. Now find me an RB26 head with all your contacts. I don't want to have to fork for a whole engine to separate.
  25. The easy choice though is keeping the revs low for longevity, but still make plenty of tractable power. I've never been keen on revving the guts out of an engine all the time but they can do it. Mikes car up there pulls some decent rpm.
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