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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Cruel and unusal punishment for the Fatzinator!!
  2. Not done much?? My GTS25t has better brake pedal than the GTR. Certainly more feel and so I can brake right to lockup and control it with excellent feedback so I actually know which tyre is overbraked. I've posted plenty on it.
  3. Check the oil level???????
  4. Currently working on clearance to do "driver training" in then GTR. May have to trot out some c*ck and bull story about needing to scrub the semis clean regularly........
  5. No style, no class, just out and out sex machine. Pity Fatz drinks cheap beer tho, any old cow can have him. I've heard 2 drinks and he's anyones. 3 drinks and he's everyones.
  6. And it is Waz. Not only does it introduce horrendous turbulence, the bastard can suck closed at higher boost levels. Nissan did an amazing job of the stock setup for the era, but it falls far short in some areas when the hammer drops.
  7. Nah, you had some good thoughts there. They just needed to be followed through a bit more and the links would have made you see what happens so well done on that. Certainly not about handing anyone ass or any other piece of anatomy. A good sized FMIC will make a difference but needs help. I remember my stock side mount on 12psi was seeing over 60degC on a 29deg day but I could get that down to 34 with the IC water spray on. As they say: "you can't polish a turd".
  8. 1200 - 2000 grit emery paper to remove the defect then polish it to a gloss, just like paint.
  9. A bell mouth allows the air to transition smoothly into a runner. If it had square edges a turbulent layer sets up near the walls effectively reducing the size of the runner so the amount of air that can be drawn in reduces. I have conducted multiple experiments in labs to verify the existence of this phenomena.
  10. No difference, believe me. They are model specific so this one will suit all R32/A31/180sx/Silvia and anything else with hydraulic HICAS. The other type is for electric HICAS and suits all R33/R34.
  11. So where do you think the hot air from the radiator goes? The air is sucked out the bottom after swirling all through the engine bay. Admittedly there is a small amount of air coming around the headlight, and a clever guy will fit a snorkel into the front bar to use a spare hole to force some cold air in but without a really well constructed chamber there wil be heaps of hot air sucked in. Calculate 2.5L running at 6000rpm + 14psi of forced induction (so double the previous number) and then calculate the number of engine bays at around 300L that is sucking through each minute. Start to get the idea? It's not uncommon for ambient temps in the street car engine bay to get to over 70degC and when an exhaust is glowing dull red that is about 700degC. On my track 25t I measured post turbo temps of over 75deg off an enclosed pod with a highflow running 14psi and 220rwkw. After the Hybrid Monster 800hp FMIC it had dropped to 28 deg on a 27deg day. Imagine if it had been sucking 70deg air in. On the GTR33 the airbox has an extra inlet through the side of the bay inside the guard so it will run extra power, but I'm currently working on a simple mod for the GTS25t airbox to take in extra air through the top with a snorkel to draw what cool air can be had.
  12. Not banned though. Group A class was binned worldwide due to spiralling costs and regions went their own way resulting in V8SC and the less successful Super Tourers here so no class to race a GTR.
  13. Just a guess, but maybe Brescianis VL which is somewhere in the 8's I understand.
  14. A suitable Engineering degree, truckloads of insurance for mobile workplace, professional indemnity and 3rd party insurance to indemnify VicRoads against you making a mistake. Hence the average cost of an engineers certificate being $500+ That being the reason I declined.
  15. Screeching sort of noise while cranking? Maybe the starter motor not engaging but unless you give a really detailed description you won't get a decent answer.
  16. I'm surprised Bracks isn't behind wanting to tax tank water, but since the corrupt wanker can't take the money directly then it just HAS to be a bad idea. The fundamental issue for me is just how much rain water is wasted by the state governments. Built up areas create massive runoff due to non-porous surfaces like roofs and roads/carparks. All that water generally goes straight down the drain and into the rivers and oceans when it could quite simply be collected and pumped to treatment areas. Perth saw the problems coming 5-10 years ago and have a de-salination plant so water is not yet an issue. Every other capital is clamping down on water usage but have not yet started to build waste recycling and de-salination plants. Typical Labour governments. Can't find a way to increase revenue so they ignore it.
  17. R32 GTST Master Cylinder diam (mm) - 25.4 R33 GTST Master Cylinder diam (mm) - 23.8 R32 GTR (Non V-Spec,) Master Cylinder diam (mm) - 25.4 R32 GTR V-Spec / R33 / 34 GTR with Brembos Master Cylinder diam (mm) - 26.9
  18. This sounds like a classic case of heat shock. How long did you allow for the car to warm up before booting it? They do need a little while. I know the urge to try it out is great straight after an upgrade, but you need to at least give it a few hundred metres, preferably a couple of kays, before lighting the burner. The ceramic turbine is most susceptible when still relatively cool, and the opened up zorst will allow the thing to spin faster so both will add up to crap in the cat and no whoosh. Try Slide but he may be out of 25 kits. Check his thread.
  19. If the mounting holes line up it would be fine, but the 32 GTSt master is a larger diameter so would also give a firmer brake pedal/less travel for same braking force.
  20. Geoff will do just fine Juz. We aren't formal here. I can honestly say the 430 is not something I have driven, but I have driven several others including a 355 and the unwanted attention and noise will get a bit raw after a few days, whereas something with real style like an Aston (in my case a DB7 but I do understand the Vantage is a real beast) will be a keeper. Personally I'd be more for a Maser quattroporte. I'm lucky to have family with money and a passion for nice cars. Just the buggers won't let me have one for mare than a day or so but I do show them a bit of fun. My young lady cousin had her cheap beater die so her dad gave her the keys to the 308. 3 days and she gave it back and hired a car. Just sick of every tool wanting to drag. Glad you had a fun day though.
  21. Bans for all 3. At least I found a cheap 30 bottom end ideal for the track car. Sif you would want a Ferrari after drivin an Aston. Aston = cool Ferrari = tool
  22. Just make one Marcus you bandit. look for the R32 thread in the first post in my "instructions" below. SK, nice to hear. Just remember 16x1 or ultrafine
  23. Ahh right so I probably have one in the GTR (that they had on the shelf) but the oil cooler kits nedded the other ones.
  24. I saw a white WRX this morning with the black bonnet and all the vents and scoop were white. Could only think "tool". I used to paint the bonnets of my Mack trucks matt to keep the glare down, but that was like 5 acres of reflection. There is nothing "rice" about 17 tons of heavy wrecker.
  25. What uses the the 2008? I have 1005 and 1007 for my oil coolers for the track 25tt and GTR.
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