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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Just looking at the tyre sidewall deflection. Looks to me as if it needs about 1-1.5lbs more. Looks like it is going over so far, it is probably hopping sideways a bit if it loses a little grip. Would that be right Jack?
  2. The Stig needs more tyre pressure......
  3. Hahahahaha Wanna moustache ride little girl?
  4. GTRgeoff


    Team Mo-agnum
  5. From the album: Movember

    And now it tickles.
  6. I look great.....you look crap!!
  7. Cmon Sunshine.....can't wait forever
  8. Was wondering when Giant's time would come up....and it was damp when he whaled out that time right? Qld owns all. I'm comin' home and with Lakeside opening up next year a visit to Qld for all is a definite must with 3 tracks to try out. I was especially disappointed to miss out as there can only ever be one first time event like this but glad to see everyone had a good time except the usual Rexie owner kissing some sort of barrier.
  9. Paul, all the best mate.
  10. Those rims are junk, but at least you knew that they could be a problem and tried to put stronger rims on. Unfortunately with a load rating that just won't accept racing loads you may have difficulty getting them to pay for damage, which is minimal and could have been far worse. If you want to take it further and need some expert engineering advice contact me. Welcome to the unique group with "Track Disease".
  11. Seriously you are looking at 7-10K for a decent job including all parts, fitting properly and paint and it is still just a GTS-t. 32 GTRs have come down as much as 33 GTRs so you could get one for 18-20K. Mind you I still also have 2 GTS25t so don't look down at them but why blow cash that is just wasted?
  12. Geezus just flog off the T and get the GTR. By the time it's painted it will cost the same.
  13. Just what are you doing with your day Hus? lmfao
  14. Sounds fine. I'll get by. Just prefer to buy from the club members.....kinda keepin' the love happening.
  15. I need another 440 so I'll grab it. Deca or next club meeting?
  16. Bloke on ebay is doing them. Take a look sometime.
  17. How appropriate....when do you get to the cross?
  18. Don't give up yet. Have a look at Pete's cheesy fluff Just give it a week and it will start to show promise. Hus, happy to accept donations on behalf of the team mate Maybe we can add to the SAU-Vic club awards with a girls only vote like...say the most "rideable" 'Tash.
  19. Like a shark to blood.....
  20. We can't be responsible for people exercising their 'right' to choose another form of motor vehicle.....just deal with them accordingly.
  21. OK time for the plan..... We start off by calling a snap extraordinary general meeting of the membership. Once the meeting is convened and we have a quorum we can vote out the traitorous ones and install our puppet government....errrr committee. Then someone moves that anyone not owning a Skyline for their primary means of transport is not eligible for comittee positions other than Rexie club liaison.... unless we can use them for no less than....say...4 hours of paintball target practice We can then seize assets and sell as proceeds of evildoings, banish the unrepentant to SA with their harsh mod laws and miles of boring friggin' sand and skip off to the 'Ring for hours of hot laps before ducking off to Sweden and playing "grab'a'Helga". Quick, bloodless (well publicly anyway) and heaps less tedious than the Rexie poofs and their goddamned drawn out politics and backstabbing
  22. I'm with you brother. One of our SF training techniques was insurgency/hearts and minds. I'll be back with a plan in an hour. In the meantime, consider I have the car porn for you and Lalazilla and will not release until you come and drink beers with me!!!
  23. From the album: Movember

    Late to join the team but it's a worthy cause.
  24. Well I'm a few days behind but I'm on the team. Here's to mens health and supporting the Ashes campaign
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