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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Nice Pressy Brendan. Should make the Laser go hard Happy Birthday.
  2. 350Z handling is puss!! Plus it has to have back seats.
  3. Auto is in for paint job, so will soon be on the market as with all my cars except the GTR. Wife wants V35 350GT with 8 speed paddle shift. Mmmmmm more auto coolness
  4. It simply forces the shift point to a higher rpm, but if you floor it without it switched to power it will light up and change shift points anyway.
  5. You were on again last night and still ignored me. Here are the parts that were sent. No mention of the damage in the sale. Badges scratched and missing paint. As well the locating tabs are broken. Back of the Skyline trim should look like this Not this, all mounts are broken Also the visible side is damaged with crazing through the plastic and the paint on the lettering is worn off These are useless to me and I want my money back. If you want them returned then you can pay for that too. Contact me or bad feedback will follow and I'll report to the mods for further action.
  6. Anyway I have 6 gigs of Sony walkman and just have it on shuffle. 700 songs and still only half full. It has everything. Even Madonna
  7. AccaDacca Thunderstruck But what about the classic Top Gun Theme and Danger Zone
  8. Absolutely, Als problem is nowhere in the master cylinder, but you know how these discussion meander. And you can compare to the V8SC because the feel of the pedal in relation to the job it does is the most important aspect. If the operator is not comfortable then the limits are harder to reach, but if it "feels" right then you are encouraged by your interaction with the vehicle to find the limits. It's like civil construction standards. Floors could be more flexible and skyscrapers could move around more and still be safe engineering, but civil standards dictate less flexure to ensure the laymen inhabiting the structure are not overly alarmed or uncomfortable. Am I happy with my pedal? Yes and no. It could heve less slack on first application so the master and calipers will get a seal kit through them. Do I think I need bigger brakes? maybe larger diameter 2 piece rotors on the front for more thermal capacity, but until I go to slicks they will be more than enough.
  9. You've been on at least twice since I asked you to contact me. Respond or I will give bad feedback for every bad item I received.
  10. Bar is still available. Will ship at buyers expense.
  11. Oh yeah, time for new pants. Just messed these ones Black, deep dish and a kit but the wife wants CVT8 so sedan it is. One step closer. The black 33 went in for panel and paint yesterday ready to sell. Rich, stop stalking my favourite types of cars. Meh, at least you don't have a Lynx
  12. 1. Yes, reduces the mechanical advantage. 2. Yes, or more feel or more pedal control so you are less likely to stomp the pedal and lockup, and it feels like you can put your foot into it more for more braking force instead of the 'sponginess' a small master can give. 3. Yes, but it makes it feel soft when you push for more braking. For me it's an uncertain feeling and can put me off hard braking. Come try the difference in the Soarer and the track car sometime, and my fine selection of beers 4. You use more leg, and it feels like you have a more linear response to braking force applied. Try a V8SC sometime. Very hard pedal and even though they have massive brake kits they still have to apply massive pedal pressure to get a straight line lockup, because that's what feels best. Yes they are on slicks but the compound is such that they are only good to 600hp at the most so are at their linear limit. Add corners and brakes and they fail to be able to hold all the force available in the friction circle/blobby shape . Never heard one of those guys looking for a 'softer' pedal feel.
  13. No worries, I think it's where I bought mine but was about 5 items down the page on google
  14. All the best Rich. MMMMmmm!!! Beer!!!!
  15. No he increased the piston size by 30% so therefore the pedal should be shorter (or harder sooner). I have put a massive stopper behind my master, flushed several times, braided lines, RB74 front and Comp 2 rear, adjusted the brake pedal up so even on hard braking the pedal still sits just above the accelerator so I can heel and toe. All will come out again soon for reco kits including the master. In the GTR the pedal is a bit soft initially and the braking is nowhere near as linear to foot pressure, so braided lines soon, a reco kit through everything, DS2500's, my "Big Lump" ® master stopper and further adjustment of the pedal height, as well as bending the accel pedal further across near the brake pedal.
  16. Snowy, sounds like the master cylinder needs a freshen up mate. Just in case it isn't, is it losing any fluid? Any leaking inside the footwell? Around the ABS unit? Does it do it with the ignition on and off? R32's have a real problem with leaking ABS units so not unheard of. Anyway sounds like the classic master cylinder seal failure.
  17. On my auto power is limited if the od is off or the shifter is in 1 or 2. Stick it in D and left foot brake, bring up revs with right foot until it is at the point of moving. Lights change, left foot off brake while right foot goes to floor. Often with auto slightly feathering the throttle at about 3/4 will bring the best power. Autos can be fun too
  18. Gtr, it's a must have. Manual R33 GTS25t twin turbo for track. Auto R33 GTS25t as a nice daily driver for the wife when she doesn't drive the Soarer V8 and the Lynx workhorse for towing the trailer and carrying loads. All bar the GTR will go to make way for a new race car and a V35 350GT CVT8 Skyline. And a ute for work, probably an XR6T or 8.
  19. Not that quick then. I was usually 5-7 seconds a lap faster than Ant in my GTS25t with a blown shock absorber. Nothing against Ant, he's a damn fine bloke. See here. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...p;hl=lap+times# Anyway, someone with half a brain knows that -5 deg camber is too much for street tyres, unless you underinflated them and too much castor on any 32 will destroy the upper bushes so yours won't last long on 8 deg. No Cusco stuff on the GTR or either of the GTS25ts. Anyway son, this is about HICAS bar fitting, not how long until the end of school holidays.
  20. Good news indeed Harry. Can't wait to get back out there.
  21. See you there. 10am.
  22. In a nutshell, yes P=F/A, but if you put larger area brakes on the pedal has to travel a lot further to do the same braking. but I just did some more quick calcs and the total volume difference between Brembos and GTSt are 0.5% so the master cylinder doesn't need to be changed unless you want a harder pedal, however I have already demonstrated you can get a massively hard pedal in the GTS25t, even with the smallest master cylinder of the lot. Just throw in the DS2500s in the front and see how it goes for now, and maybe go to Supercheap for some el-cheapo superstop pads. I did the 1.31 (should have been low 1.30 except for some old tool in some pommie piece of junk) on street rubber at Sandown with them in the rear and balance was superb.
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