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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Well for one mate, greenstuff are not an upgrade over the DS2500s I think you were using, or the RB74s but I use them on the Soarer to keep dust down. Yes there is a ratio difference in braking area. R32/33 = 2.2393:1 F/R GTR Brembos = 2.1125:1 F/R You now have 2.3187:1 F/R so the rear is going to pinch earlier as you try to get braking to start on the fronts. I hear too often, and have tried a couple of Brembo front and GTSt rear to confirm, that this setup is pinchy in the rear so get the brembos and Brembo GTR Master. Going a step further the GTR has 324 and 300 mm discs F/R while GTSt has 296 and 297mm F/R so the torque arm is changed as well to further complicate the matter. Finally the pedal will probably feel soft as the 33GTSt has 23.8mm (444.88mm^2) master diameter while a Brembo GTR has 26.9mm (568.32mm^2) so would have the shortest pedal travel of all models for the same braking force = harder pedal feel. Ratio is 1.277:1 Brembo:GTS25t so the area of the Brembo master is about 30% bigger. enough to actually think about. Jack has tried the pedal in my GTSt Monday when he put it in the garage for rebuild and it is still very firm after 18 months sitting in the street. Just a good setup I guess Come around sometime and sample the differences.
  2. Zennon, great effort. That is the HICAS steering rack and the plug I think is just a pressure sensor. The things on top of the HICAS rack are oil feeds and bleeds as the R32 is hydraulic instead of electric on R33/34. All the same, a lot of money can be saved by just servicing the electrical contacts. Installing a HICAS lock is a personal choice, but strongly recommended for track or if the problems just can't be fixed. Also I don't expect anyone to buy off me just because I help. I help pretty much anyone who asks and try not to intrude into HICAS threads due to the conflict of interest issue unless I can offer guidance on fixing a problem. When I locked HICAS in my track car a lot of rear end feel was revealed, where before it was vague and bad during oversteer requiring a lot of steering changes to control. What I could then feel was a sensation that the car felt like it was settled in the corner and then a slight sideways movement occured as if it lost traction and then held. I then installed Pineapples and that feeling went away so I assume it was the subframe bushes. I then noticed the steering was a bit harder in certain roundabouts so the adjustable castor went in and I couldn't feel it anymore, but turn in was crisp and handling improved. Eventually I ran a 2.00 at Phillip Island on standard radial tyres with a blown right rear shock absorber that was trying to throw me off at turn 1 and limiting apex speed to 170kmh. So with older cars (mine is a 94) they can needs heaps of attention, especially to the bushes and such.
  3. No worries mate, will be a bit later in the day, say around 4.30. Heading further south to do a few things.
  4. Gareth, I'll take the blown turbos mate. Time for a project. Also want the gearbox/transfer case. I'll be coming through that way Thursday if you can have them at work.
  5. Side badges and rear garnish received, but not happy with the damage to them. Ad stated nothing about them being damaged, scratched, cracked or broken. Contact me please.
  6. Hi mate, I've been considering one of these for a while but need more detail. Feel free to send further photos to my email address below. I'd like to see interior as well as under bonnet and around the headlights, and the complete front view. I have 2 R33 GTS25t Skylines I want to get rid of in the near future. One is auto and black '94 with 115K on the clock. Stock hand polished wheels and side skirts. Has had a light tap in the side at the rear of the right side but will be repaired in a couple of weeks. I've never taken it over 7psi. Great sounding exhaust from the turbo back so it isn't too loud being an auto. I did have a loud one but it was annoying. All maintenance by myself but it's been so reliable it's only needed belts and oil changes. The other is a red manual 94 I've used on the track mostly. 128K twin turbo RB25dett. Engine about to be rebuilt with new turbos so not quite available yet. HD Systems height and damping adjustable suspension and adjustable castor as well as about to receive rose jointed rear adjustable camber setup. Diff recently replaced with a good stocker. Pineapples. can come with or without attachments for harness. Made 220rwkw on the single turbo setup with power fc and looking at 280-300 after finished with the TT and rebuild. Lots more to tell but will be looking at around $20K once the work is done on this one though. It will have a tough engine and plenty of power and handling. If interested let me know.
  7. Andrew, why you no want? Getting something better? I actually hate the ones in mine, so I'll take them off your hands.
  8. Cut his heart out with a spoon!!
  9. Or even the lady Kat?? All I have is a GTR32 box and R33 stuff Shan. Maybe Sunday at Brekky?
  10. Sunday it is then. MMMMmmmmm Bacon!!
  11. How does Thursday sound for that swap, and I'll go over the system and look for the problem Ali?
  12. Name change.... ant97GTR well done mate. Looks nice. Stock R34 engine or covers? Still running the R33 plenum. What turbos? R34BB?? You have gotta love it, but whip it to Benno for a quick tweak on the stocker computer for a healthy 250+rwkw
  13. About time you surfaced there Stace. Paul was hiding out of the wind when I got to Calder, and going for another Cougar when I left.
  14. I'm off to Calder. Big rasberry for everyone except Thalia. Sorry to hear about the car.
  15. I'll be there mid morning in ol'purple. Sounds like a lot of fun.
  16. The remains of my friends car after she was trying to overtake a B double. I cannot even guess what the ultimate cause was, but tragically 2 people in the oncoming car died. She was a candidate for pilot of armed reconnaisance helicopters so not without excellent spacial awareness and judgement. Accidents happen. I can see this will affect her greatly in a very adverse way. A 120 limit would make SFA difference. After a track day I'm feeling cleansed and relaxed Troy, so pushing the speed limit is the last thing I'm even remotely interested, but yes, there are people just programmed to rebel against common sense and acceptable behaviour. I think if enough people want to do this in a safe place then they are entitled to ask for facilities like any other interest group. Sandown tomorrow mate?
  17. Trev, thanks for going off without actually taking the time, or showing us the courtesy of actually gaining an understanding of what we are discussing. My proposal is a piece of tarmac with armco around it. Not extensive driver training and free motorsport facilities without control, although I have a background in defensive and offensive driver training and can see the benefits of new drivers learning skid control and some other techniques in a structured environment. I also have some moderate successes racing various classes of motorsport but my intent is not to create race drivers. I propose a safe area for people to learn to do some basic vehicle skills, control and let off steam if they so desire without using the open streets. Eventually they start to "learn" acceptable behaviour, and with the right exposure start to get involved in properly controlled and governed motor sport. Telling people outright they can't do something is a surefire way to make it cool, and popular. See drugs as an example. Your response appears typical to me of the "safety industry". You all have a template that you work to and very little actual novel or imaginative effort is apparent in this field of "Caution - Everything Bites". How do I arrive at this opinion? Managing the technical integrity in training/maintenance/safety of the biggest spending entity in the country brought me into contact with many doomsayers from your field. All saying the same things like some kind of mantra, but not ever content to just stick to places they were qualified to assess, they actually thought they had a place in governing everyday life, and further, the rigorous environs of military existence. There are instances where people will make poor choices and deaths and injury will occur, but I will never accept that we can achieve the total safety of every individual in our world. I also contend that safety assessors are not professionals. Doctors, Lawyers and Engineers are professionals, among a few others. Safety assessors and trainers are not. There are some critical definitions that need to apply first. Your people have a place in the community but not at the expense of personal freedoms to decide for ourselves what is safe and what is not outside of the workplace. In the structured work environment, fill your boots, because that is where your influence ends. Education is the one and only factor that should guide individuals, including the knowledge and understanding that serious penalties will be applied to those choosing to conduct activities that society will not abide. The human mind can not be limited by "percieved" danger from a risk assesment score. We have to make our choices. Risk assesment is one tool among many for management, not "THE" management of all things. As for insurance companies and multi-nationals, their objective is money and I have the education to not only manipulate statistics like they do, but also to smell out the rat and understand when they and governments are manipulating data to get their own agenda suppported. When the speed limits in a US state were found to be unlawful accidents went down on the unrestricted roads. When they put up their national limit over there, again the rate of accidents also went down, against the advice to the contrary from the insurance vultures and safety field who were adamant that accident rates and premiums would skyrocket. Wrong again. Rear enders are not usually caused by people testing their limits, it is because their minds are not on the crucial task of watching the traffic. I will guarantee more are caused by a wandering mind, or a wandering eye or even an idiot on the mobile phone than someone seeing how late thay can stop. What a highly unintelligent example. I have extensive experience in Human Factors engineering and an understanding of the human mind and its actions and reactions to stimuli. The mind does not consider testing braking ability up to a stationary object that can cause damage or injury acceptable unless it is an unstable mind. Go try it yourself. I bet you shy off time and again. Self preservation is the fundamental control in the human mind. Feel free to participate further, but don't come in with your safety crap, or your heart string tugging stories of SES experience IOT convince us to dig bunkers and hide forever. How typical of a safety assessor to say "You can't" and become part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. We are discussing how to make this work, and if we arrive at a conclusion that we can't, then we decide. Now Duncan, how do we get a Maccas franchise?
  18. I wanna go to the Ferrari club event at Sandown tomorrow.
  19. I wanna go to the Ferrari club event at Sandown tomorrow.
  20. It's possible this failing water pump could have been the reason it took so long to start to show the temp since water wasn't circulating. Pull the temp sensor out and put it in hot water with the ignition on to see how far and fast it moves. Have a thermometer to verify temperature
  21. Shhhh!!
  22. Excellent, it's not a rumour then :sorcerer:
  23. Apexi clean K&N clean http://www.mkiv.com/techarticles/filters_t...k&n_res.jpg ssorry it won't let me link this one. Check the packaging on K&N and it will likely have "For race use only" or similar.
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