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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Actually that won't cause undue turbulence but will facillitate air movement out and away from the disc over both the inner and outer surface. Damn nice kit though.
  2. Given the original symptoms, I'm amazed no-one has suggested the basic old check your fluid level in the power steering res. Operates both steering and HICAS in 32's and 180/Silvia and is the first point of inspection. Then you go over the connectors for the electrics in the system, or maybe even do a diagnostic. Search to find the method used to go into diagnostic mode. Hope that helps.
  3. Maybe go to their website and give them a call???
  4. Don't see how it can be anything other than an improvement. I've had them put in 600+hp 33 GTR and a Dutton rally GTR32 that should have won but for an off. I use it in my track R33 GTS25t. I've oly had positive feedback on the handling. Thanks for the plug Sean. Cheers Andy, I assume it will turn on the light but pull the dash and remove the globe. 30 mins.
  5. Pics no work Shan.
  6. Can have mine Andrew when I pull them down soon. I never use them. Occasionally you need to give pads a decent heat cycle and use the right stuff on the back, like moly grease, very thin. Endless are just crap and will destroy your rotors, but you'll have plenty of pad left.
  7. What Ant said. Depends how much you want it. V-spec is not worth anything more, in fact is a worse option if the diff needs work.
  8. You nutter Kev. I Scotty B still involved?
  9. Hah, my brother in law is a pressure vessel certified boilermaker. He has experimented a lot and found that most of the time cleaning is a waste of time, just cranks a bit more current and it cleans itself. Dodgy bastard Bendan, there is a lot to learn, but it's an art too so you have an excuse to practice. Happy shopping.
  10. Maybe. Send me the serial number on the PFC and I'll have a better idea.
  11. I like! As Shan said, now they need to put the CVT8 in the coupe and I'm happy. Her highness has decreed that some cars must go to make way for a 350GT CVT8 in black with bling wheels and bodykit. Unfortunately it must be 4 door. I'm looking forward to it to be honest. When you have a few Skylines, including a decent GTR you stop having feelings of inferiority and justifying why the V35 doesn't deserve to be called a "Skyline". They are an outstanding car in their own right. And if you read the article on the 350GT TT in my gallery you might learn they have plenty of potential for a far lower price tag than a GTR34.
  12. Some Tafes also do a more detailed welding course for about $600. Some things to contemplate. ARC (stick) can look good on the top of the slag but is crap underneath so you have to practice and adjust your technique. PAy extra for a decent fan cooled adjustable current machine. MIG is the easiest but the switchable ones are not quite flexible enough so dials for current, wave and feed are worthwile. Forget gasless, it's crap, I've tried. Argoshield for Steel. Pure argon for stainless and ally. A decent machine will do them. About $1K or so should do the job. TIG, can be cheapish for steel but you need to spend more than $5K for one that inverts to weld ally with those sexy fillets. Practice and enjoy mate.
  13. I'll take a look when we do the swap.
  14. This is still available for sale or swap.
  15. Didn't see you at the cruise or Essendon mate. Will you be at the club meeting tomorrow night in town?
  16. Some photos here. I have Hi-res if anyone needs them. Just browse to the Dutton Sep 06 folder. http://photobucket.com/albums/a300/GTRgeoff/
  17. Overfuelling, but odd at high rpm. until you do know what the turbo specs are then stay under 1bar. If a turbine lets go chances are you will have it come back into the 3 cylinders it feeds off and stuff the bores, or worse.
  18. Sold. Thanks for all enquiries. Cheers Geoff
  19. No conundrum no regrets. The sprints I used to run in were not for sheep stations, but I liked getting the most out of the GTSt. My plan is to move it on and have a dedicated, unregistered race car but there are no reasons that a GTSt won't be as fast as a GTR on the track. What I constantly see are GTR's with the same mods, the same lack of proper setup and so on and similar lap times to each other, and yet the couple that are well set up are a serious margin faster again. The GTR is simply a better starting point for a novice, but ultimately would be slower around the track due to weight with a decent setup. The GTSt needs stiffening, suspension, responsive power, diff, and when we get this fast possibly greater braking capacity, but it will corner so fast less braking is needed. I'm just not willing to do this to my perfectly registerable GTSt, so will be letting it go for a new race car. Otherwise it's all personal choice. I like every one of the 5 cars I have, and need good reason to part with any be it RWD, FWD or AWD.
  20. Polish them. A bit of elbow grease and they'll be fine.
  21. Won't save an engine though mate I should know...
  22. See you then Paul.
  23. And I just happen to have 8 RE55's in wet and dry compound........but I'm not allowed out tomorrow.
  24. On the contrary Harry, having put considerable time and effort into evaluating the frailties of the human organism (I was a weapons engineer for a while) those things and their associated activity can and have caused death. But the issue is not, I think public liability (councils already maintain hefty cover). Their footpaths will be more dangerous. Due care and caution are often overlooked. This is not the US where such cases will be fodder for ambulance chasers. Usage and attendance can be covered by an own risk law or by-law, much like attendance at a race meeting as a spectator, or even using a parking space wgere you won't have necessarily been provided laws of governance. The Federal Government is already seeking avenues to clamp down on such cases being heard anyway. I have considerable experience in risk assessment and management for much more dangerous activities, and find the risks to be acceptable against the potential return if managed appropriately. Remember, most councillors and government electees are mostly unqualified in technical and governance fields, so influencing them away from the emotion should be achieveable. Steve, my intent is to seek election to local government, and possibly higher IOT use my background in motorsport and Engineering to bring these and other facilities and logics into the community.
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