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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. No. Gravel rallies are already covered. Now you have to get your co-drivers license and navigate a rally, or are you weak sauce??
  2. I had this on one of the GTSts. Try just pulling the connector plug apart and reconnecting to see if it's a bad connection.
  3. In driving comparison I've found the GTR32 and GTR33 to be different in chassis stiffness in stock form and the resulting confidence in the GTR33 means I am more comfortable pushing a little harder. It's personal preference, I know my personal driving style. I also have a 94 auto GTS25t and a 95 manual GTS25t and find that the older car is nowhere near as stiff in the chassis, even now with the old manual suspension I used to run 2:00 at the island on street rubber. It simply doesn't handle as well. Products develop and get improvements through a manufacturing life and there is a classic example. As a minimum they engineers would make the 33 an improvement over 32GTR and so they have said time and again that was their objective. So again all R34 models are an improvement over R33. You mention there are extra stiffening points in the GTR33 over the 25t. You realise that even minor, or "feeble" as you put it, stiffeners that are well designed and located can dramatically alter a chassis? Or any structure for that matter? Of course you must to have even looked and brought it up. Nissan did of course only produce a production car and not an outright race car so the fiscal vs engineering balance of construction complexity and material quantity had to take effect or a car too expensive would have meant a dead dog in the market. If the chassis needed extra stiffening, and they are a somewhat different structural layout in some crucial areas, then they did it with remarkable effectiveness to keep the R a superior motoring product. It is meant to be better and stock for stock is pretty much always demonstrated better on a racetrack over GTR32 and especially GTS25t with professional drivers. I've never seen different, but having not seen every match up I can't say with absolute certainty. When people are going faster it usually means the car gives them the confidence to do so, or are you alleging that GTR33 owners are better drivers, or they just take them out on weekends, or spend more on mods......or maybe I just can't understand you're last statement, or is the statement limited to just GTR32 owners? I don't want a blue but your entire post seems to be a bit without any direction other than anti-33, and I haven't ever got the feeling that was your bag. On the bumpers, Harry, I have noted on the SelectMaz IP car the nosecone is the same shape as the original bunper but everything else is modified for front downforce and is a single piece design. The car hasn't campaigned for a couple of seasons so may still be setup for older rules. I understand Ken Douglas should be driving it in the VIC series again this year.
  4. Possibly wishful thinking Gordon. Every d*ckhead seems to just want the BIG event so they can claim fame to being there. I like things smaller with more friendliness too. Anyway, I disagree Duncan on the electronics. A porka driver crashed badly a couple of years ago and passed away due to ABS not stopping him in a sand trap. It is subsequently banned I believe, but could be wrong. CAMS made a big deal of it at the time. And high powered under aero'd and tyred cars means a driver has to handle it or the tyres go off and his race is over. That's my definition of real driving anyway. Keep the thoughts rolling. Just because we might disagree on something doesn't mean any one of us is right. Maybe we could discuss what defines a "family" of cars and what the limit of mods/exchange of parts should be.
  5. Blow it off. Get sleep and come to the Breakfast of Champions at Mill Park Lakes.
  6. So basically you could say it's pick the t*rd then Some seriously good options there, although I wouldn't go as far as making it Sports Sedans with AWD but simply open slather on engine power in an open class. Short on aero and control tyres so the driver is the feature of an open powered car. What about traction and ABS? Gone I say!!
  7. Just pull out your shifter then and take it to a machine shop and ask for the thread to be returned to original size. Otherwise buy a new one from the wreckers. Grub screwed are a pain.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I love a rotor too but it isn't a matter of them being too fast but that other cars appear too heavily restricted in comparison. At least that is my take on it. Of course a really light car will corner well, so if all are equally fast on power to weight, the lightest car will win so a method of establishing reasonable equality should be considered. Perhaps a weight penalty for success? Or has that failed in other classes?
  9. So what are the thoughts on what Harry has posted so far?
  10. People are pretty annoyed with the outright advantage RX-7s have in IP racing Dane, and of course they want the status quo changed while the rotor boys are happy to keep it as is, hence my starting this thread to find a medium, or at least let people vent at what they don't like.
  11. No worries. He may still need some of these things.
  12. I think that was Harry's thoughts. An airflow restrictor on the basis of weight, so no matter how big the donk or how many cylinders/rotors only a certain amount of air can pass.
  13. Funnily enough this is a car forum. Not much interest in bike racing. So who noticed how low key 10 went with the announcement on Sunday? And to top it off, how pointless is the new eye candy in an interview? If they think that sells racing fine, but the only chicks I'm interested in are behind the wheel.
  14. I think Deran has what he needs now, but try him anyway. Do we know you? Did I knock your mum up??
  15. That's a bit harsh. As Harry said we can just limit airflow on an good basis of equality.
  16. Take it in context. All they want to push is the completely out of reach class of motorsport. I have taken bikes around Lakeside and found it fun, but bike racing on a car track is just dull really as there is so much room to go around competitors. Perhaps start reading some rules. Personal comments are not appreciated. If I knew you I might tolerate it, but so far your attempts at input to the forum have been completely without value. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...c=111125&st=0 Maybe try the ricer forum. Oh and there is no such thing as a HR33 GTR.
  17. Brembos you just crack the bleed nipple unless you want to push all the crap fluid back into the reservior, then drive the pads off the disc letting the fluid bleed out, then the clips come out of the backs of the pins through the pads , pull the pins out and the pads come out the top of the caliper. Too easy.
  18. Buy a timing light and a short lead to go between number 1 plug and coil pack. Check the timing then mark the CAS. Just reset when done.
  19. I like all those points. Although Falcadores should be in for cheap cannon fodder and back of grid runners. Brakes, big enough to fit in the wheels but keep races short enough to make uber-setups non-effective. I say limit wings but allow underbody Aero open to a point. As you said, limit clearance to say 75mm but allow splitters and undertrays. Don't want corner speeds too dramatically different. Say NO to reverse grids. Yes to post 86 which is the advent of modern performance really. No kit cars. Have to be a primary production car from any manufacturer worldwide of say at least 1000 cars a year and loose terms for "family" of cars. Any more?
  20. There is no crack I can make about this statement that won't totally offend all GTR32 owners. I think even drawing attention to it will cop flames. What were you thinking?? Now I have to suffer self restraint. BASTARD!!!!!
  21. The guys in Tassie seem to have fun http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...109798&hl=targa but will it run out of control?
  22. For those wanting to discuss a rule class as I mentioned previously give me some ideas here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...owtopic=120585# Dan, the SLIC is a term I use for Military acquisitions. So much of it exists to ensure it's own existence, making rules to ensure it always has limited value input but nothing proceeds without it's input eg. the Land Engineering Agency (LEA)
  23. I want to open the floor for discussion, as a result of this topic http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...pic=119743&st=0 on what we think would result in a successful racing class set of rules for both old and new cars to compete together. Probably no outcome but just for discussion. I'm thinking bringing IPRA and Targa class racing together, but in a way turbo cars aren't overly disadvantaged. Reasonable mods for innovation and weight reduction. Cages a necessity. Sure a big budget will almost always run away with the series but something to put the fun back in racing for the not so professional big budget racers. Racers! Start your engines!!
  24. Nothing to be sorry about. All contributions are useful. In fact we could almost run this into a long term discussion on what we would like to see as a set of rules to cover a functional class to allow competition and innovation for old and new cars. What Gary said about the ATTESSA is interesting, as one of the most ferocious unclassed track cars, being the RPMGTR getting down to low 1:16's at Sandown on Semi's, is possibly using a more extreme clutchplate pre-load than the 33's and 34's, and Benno is fitting that setup to customers cars such as Snowmans. Different to the zero preload on 32's. I guess it comes down to driver comfort zone and driving style. For every corner there are different lines for different styles/handling characteristics/power delivery/defending/attacking ad-in-finitum. I also had some feedback from a GTS4 owner that was to the effect of with no front drive it was an understeering pig. This whole thread could turn into a self licking icecream and just power itself along with no useful outcomes, much like CAMS.
  25. Who's up folks? Well I am anyway so the same place. The Lakes Cafe, The Lakes Boulevard, Mill Park Lakes, South Morang. Hope to see a few friendly faces for breakfast at about 10am.
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