Left school after yr 10
Became a Jackaroo + working in pub cooking, cleaning and pulling beers
Joined Army and chose the Infantry and did some specialities
Changed to RAEME (Elec Mech Engineers) and specialised in rapid combat repair and recovery (had a really huge towtruck/mobile workshop then a 42ton Leopard tank recovery vehicle with 20ton crane), underwater salvage and did some recruit training
Selected for Uni to study Mech Eng full time while also training officer cadets and leading adventurous training in abseiling/rock climbing/watercraft
Fleet Engineer for Army Light Armoured Vehicles
Project manager/program engineer artillery systems + Master of Engineering studies
Assistant Chief Engineer ADF Land Weapons Systems
Manager ADF Land Technical Integrity
20 years Army - Retiring hurt, need daily heavy drugs and can't really use my qualifications so eventually may do some home renovations, subbing out the heavy work. Also want to do vehicle engineering inspections and certification in Brisbane.
Talk to me before deciding to join the military!! It's not the lifestyle it used to be.
Justin, I can put you in contact with a mate who is a Mechatronics nerdy too and may have some opportunities. Let me know mate.