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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. Rob, the squirter puts oil down the thrust side of the piston. It would be of negligible benefit on the compression side without one on the thrust side as well. I would suggest the tensile effects caused by torque loads would be cancelled by the compressive loads during the ignition stroke unless the big end or gudgeon seized. This would be a fairly simple beam loading exercise using superposition of static loads using a basic shape as the stress is highest at the outer edges. I understand Racepace Motorsport recommend original rods for most street builds of usable power, and UAS are offering an improvement by linishing the rods smooth to remove surface defects and stress concentrators. I would be concerned that the oil is still going in the right place but John seems to know what he is doing there at UAS.
  2. Wow Jarrod, you know everything!! Better tell Nissan Japan that their detailed info and diagrams that has been presented on this forum numerous times and verified by a multitude of expert drivers is all wrong. A quick search will get you the info you need Gavin.
  3. Damn, I just paid $120 at autobarn........
  4. :lol: Crispyfries => Crispycritter
  5. Contact Chrisman on the RSM as he's after one.
  6. Watch the TV.......tonight
  7. Explain what oh grasshopper???
  8. Rianto, congratulations mate and I hope you are as happy in marriage as I am.
  9. Apparently there is a new angle. This from our radar expert on the Roadsense discussion group. "There will be a segment on Section 10 of The National Measurement Act 1960 re Traffic cases on a Current affair channel 9 Wednesday nite. It is a very important subject which the system has been avoiding."
  10. I thought you were trying to save money???
  11. This ones pretty good too. Pic
  12. I can help there Clayton, still have 2 R33/34 kits reserved for Wangers only but as I suggested, the brake balance may be the culprit.... Get matched rear calipers and master cylinder and sell the old calipers to Matt (R34GTT) and both of you will then have good matched brakes. ABS can cover a lot but not all the issues of mismatched brakes. No you don't need a 'line to join, just a certain appreciation...right guys??? C'mon Budge, tell 'em........... to get stuffed and bring the good ones too
  13. Sorry mate, I missed the question. Wasn't meaning to be rude. Basically all steel things have a fatigue load limit. Below that load you can load infinitely (faults notwithstanding) and it won't fail, but increase the load, or in this case torque, and eventually it will start to crack slightly more and more each load cycle until the cross sectional area holding it is too small and just lets go, like the coathanger.
  14. Makes it easy to have him as prez so we have a great target. Stops anyone thinking they are too special or precious....
  15. 'sif I could get my ass in your seat...... You back and on the sauce already? Just wait till I tell the spelling Nazi's :Oh squizzz: Fair payback for dissin' my mobile BBQ calling it a commonwhore. Budge I hear you mate, and I bet there are few who put their hands up for commitee jobs because of it. Tell you what, ditch 'em and come join us, just leave the Superman suit behind.
  16. I'd normally be straight out there but I might end up with Flaggie of the Year Seriously though I'm just unable to be tied to one spot for too long since the spinal surgery. And I agree on the flaggies too, events don't happen without them and they can't be abused or they don't come back. I'll see how I'm going for Sandown as it appears I won't get to race here (in Vic) again. I finally got a look at what's going on in the other thread mentioned earlier, and there is some bad EGO going on in the Rex club. I just hope ours survives without going there. You have my sympathies Mike because there are clearly some good guys in the club, but it seems some want to use their time in the club or position on the commitee as a weapon and Ego enhancer. Most of us just buy a faster car/bigger engine if our peckers are too small. There is also no room for humour. Time for a reality check.
  17. What Roy says is true. In fact the seasons were getting so poorly subscribed by competitors that a major change had to occur. BTW just snapped this to fuel the fire :lol:
  18. Sure sounds like a toe issue, or the rod ends could be buggered. Just got a set for the front of the auto as one is clunking. Get under and look for anything bent or with flaking areas.
  19. Rex club not happy with itself? Too bad. Would have been a good event except the massive wait when they stopped for tea (OK I've been watching the cricket) so I decided to go home. Only got a couple of pics due to the holdup and this was the only decent one.
  20. And I bet you pricks had plenty of practice. Looking forward to it though.
  21. No it's all good We can all be thankful for all the GTR's that have been offered.
  22. The GTR was never really intended to be a drag car, but a track car so that is of little importance. In fact the modern cars have improved so much that in a BMI track battle the GTR32 was almost handed its ass by a V35 350GT while the R33, Evo, STi and R34 cleared out completely. The GTR33 was also more then 20 seconds faster at the 'Ring and the way Gan San throws it around with some insane driving shows the confidence of the improved chassis on the racetrack. Demonstrates the value of improvement. Also if the 32 is so great, how come there were none racing at Calder last night while a GTR33 set fastest time? Oh sure there were no drags but come on...... You guys have such an inferiority complex
  23. Daniel nothing spare for the GTSt as it's needed for the track car (that never seems to move much). Yours did the cam belt tensioner right? Nasty stuff. You don't really need a card, since I'm right around the corner
  24. Hmmmm, I have the new black one (D1) but it's MINE!!!! Do they work in Telstars??
  25. Thanks Justin
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