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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. After a month in Thailand....lets see what they got. Do they have normal food as well for Roy....errr I mean the weak sauce? I'll confirm tonight. Pete are we planning on staying nearby then doing GG?
  2. Welcome to last year mate.....
  3. GTRgeoff

    Hi Hi

    Hi di, and welcome. I like your choice, having a rather nice Midnight Purple GTR33 myself (as well as the manual and auto GTS25t versions). Most people who worry about the costs either never had a GTR or have a busted arse R32 that has been flogged or smashed. Then fixing them can be exxy as every scamming workshop adds heaps as soon as you mention GTR. Some items cost more, like larger rubber and they use a little more fuel due to lugging extra weight but otherwise are almost dollar for dollar to run as a nice GTS25t. Also I don't know what the insurance grief is as I only pay about $850 fully comp, but that company has almost no imports so the accident repair rates are almost non-existent, and don't ask cos then everyone will want to use them (and there go my good rates;)) Before you take Snowies advice ask what his finders fee is B) :cheers mate: but if he reckons it's good then take a look. Again, good luck finding a nice one.
  4. HoooHooHooo, I like it
  5. Nice reply djr but a few points worth noting on the R33 GTSt. Camber and castor are equally important for both a braking traction and a turn in response/mid corner traction perspective. The system must be viewed as a whole and not discreet elements, especially if you use the HICAS lock without Tomeis' little box of tricks as it can result in occasional hardening of the steering at really low speed but is almost indistiguishable with extra caster. Most people worry about a lack of turn in response with the GTSt, and subsequent understeer so the caster adjustment gets the front turning quickly and increases camber through the steer angle increase. The front end becomes much more lively and responsive allowing for a more positive approach to a turn. Static camber does not do this but is more important for the straight line braking traction and tyre wear/life. Any R33 lowered a bit is running too much camber and since they have no adjustment from factory for camber (or castor) you will need the bushes. Finally, anti-squat is just that. It prevents squat so what dj says is absolutely right in that you need a little rear squat to weight transfer some load to the rears to get traction, even exiting a corner. Good luck with this Patrick. Geoff
  6. SG just look on the HC for the PFC to find duty cycle. Rianto, sounds like a problem with the fuel pump or delivery. I was running 85% @220rwkw using a malpassi rising rate adjustable reg. I also have a GTR pump.
  7. Pete would be looking for the ABS and traction switch anyway........
  8. One of each for R33 GTR and R33 GTSt mate. Disgusted I wasn't automatically added. The povo R33 GTSt auto can bloody go without though
  9. Entry is going in. I'll nominate the GTR but if I get the GTSt finished I'll change the entry.
  10. Ah the shonkymonkey emerges. Where the hell have you been hiding???
  11. Then take my word for it Greg Also on AWD it doesn't intrude until you are pushing a fair amount of power or like me have really crap rubber (Ziex). You must get for a spin in a powerful RWD Skyline with HICAS.
  12. It's really nice to have proengines on here to support some of us on the real cost of an engine rebuild. As documented experience shows, a high cost does not always mean it's a bulleetproof engine, nor should everyone need the super track engine for just a daily driver so $4k is perfectly acceptable. RR as always adds a bit more but if included just beware that something must be missed so ask for a detailed quote. At the end of the day it's the warped and thoughtless minds of the user that are primarily responsible for RB (or any other good engine) failures, mostly in the hunt for power.
  13. $158 for whiteline sounds good given the bushes retail for $120, but if his are $80 he is jacking the price. You won't really need an alignment. Max traction is max squat (not anti squat). Half an hour for the HICAS fit on the GTSt. I can do it that quick, they have hoists etc so have almost no excuse for it taking longer. Cheers Geoff
  14. How do I get away with this........? Way cool and a realistic price too.
  15. Anytime you want to come collect mate. See Ant, told that they were a good bunch, and all the things the other states say about them is not true..... Geoff
  16. Best get my licence renewed and .....when are the club memberships due?
  17. You can have the 2 unmatched manifold flanges cut off and welded on to suit as I did, then a little work with the die grinder to port match. Then the rest of the exhaust system off a GTR just bolts straight to an RB25 in the R33 Skyline.
  18. Do you know what the temp is going to be today???? Modify the AC and keep it as well
  19. He's too good to you though Greg. It has air-con as well!!!
  20. I'm dying here, that was so funny. I also recall a yank thread where a guy wants to beat his mate's turbo with a NA s*box with all the rice. So the team goes to work smashing off all the kit and literally cutting the car down with a Milwuakee tools Sawzall. He won but at what cost. I have a few power tools scathing and a couple of ideas so bring beer and the beast. Nothing beats power to weight
  21. Too cool Greg. I used to do a fair bit with 18RG's and they were a nice engine. Tell Ron to stick to his GTR32. Every wanker has one of them but cool folk have old skool celicas with a decent engine (and R33's)
  22. Hah, or build a few with your mates and parts from Bunnings for $10. BTW for the carabiner to remain secure if the bonnet comes open the clip should face the other direction. Traders who wish to sell on here need to contact PranK and make appropriate financial supports.
  23. Currently 5 cans plus base coat at Supercheap Epping Get red too you bloody pimp and not the purple or other stupid colours. (BTW Midnight purple IS cool!)
  24. Picture added for reference.
  25. Surely someone wants these. Get rid of that tail down boat look on your GTR33. Current height looks excellent.
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