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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. The primary point to be made here for the benefit of the majority of forum members is that sphericals are a high maintenance item, and not too many members regularly spend the hours under a car to constatntly inspect for maintenance. For the majority without extensive racing experience they will likely have no idea of the difference in handling characteristics as well so close will be the difference. Add to that they are expensive to replace, transmit large amounts of NVH and can transmit impulse loads that can cause structural damage to the chassis and mounting points. Now if you are in the business of selling these items and told a customer that they are fine in a road car and failed to disclose that damage could result due to dramatic differences in form and function, and damage resulted due to the increased impulse transmission, then you are liable for the damage. You have also committed an offence under the trade practices act as you have misled a customer. They can also be defected so again you have not detailed the consequences so are liable for the costs of labour to replace, a refund for the goods and the fine. Some things to perhaps consider. SK is doing the members a favour, not screwing others out of an income. Private sales of one off items - "caveat emptor". Multiple sales like a business - Trade Practices Act.
  2. No. 42!!
  3. Put your tongue away Kel. We all know the 350GT is Way nicer than the Zed
  4. How many roads must a man walk down?
  5. What's 6x7?
  6. Victoria just sux and it doesn't help you have been "training" instead of entertaining.
  7. SK, once again topical, accurate, informative and helpful to the members. Cheers
  8. Maybe so mate, but if he's into that then the FF forum is the place to go as well There is no territoriality, they are all Skylines. Same but different in their own way, even GTR's are different between models. Wear the GTS25t sticker with pride is all I say. Why else would I own 2 as well as a GTR33?
  9. So did anyone else get a friendly pm from the "kmaster" Mine was titled "blow me geoff" with the message body - pethetic. So glad to be making friends I'd rather watch get towed to impound or fail year 6 for poor spelling. We need skyline owners like this that are hell bent on making tools of themselves..... NOT!!! Do you realise there is even a report that fake GTR thread on the forum somewhere to formally ridicule the likes of you? You're the one who is determined to badge his car as stated earlier in the forum. Sell it now monkey-boy and get a riced Echo and stay in the FF forum. If you are determined to use the front bar then ask a panel shop.
  10. Some of the guys in Qld have been playing with a similar concept but using the redundant spark twin outlet setup as on V6 commo's. Still looks good and damn good price. A set of quality Eagle leads shouls last a long time at around $80 for the set if the current ones start to have issues. Wiring this should be fairly easy if you think about it.
  11. So it's the 350GT with CVT8? Say it's so!! Who's the complier etc etc? I'll be needing one of these once I clean up and dispose of 2-3 cars. (Soarer and auto GTS25t for a start)
  12. Damn your eyes! So what spec is it?
  13. I found skiing was a massive quad, glute and illiotibial band workout which are the driving muscles and did downhill including some giant slalom and regular slalom. The workouts are beyond the lactic threshold and increase both that and the pain threshold, not to mention outright power. Rest well and see you for a drink then.
  14. SK I've been thinking of making a kit for a while to fine tune the PFC, so good luck and I'm keen to see the results. This one must be alright to interest you so it could be a winner. Does it specifically need the LSU sensor or can the famed Falcon one from the Silicon chip book be an alternative given JE's findings?
  15. Hey, well done guys. I totally forgot this was on over the weekend, although was not up to a long drive to come support anyway. I justly proud of you all and can only suggest a couple of things. Get out for a gentler peddle later today or tomorrow if you can and a few light rides through the rest of the week then on Sat go for a hammer over some hills. See what power you have in the legs then. I used to do 3 days to a week skiing before the big races and would come back flying on the bike. A long ride like this will give you great endurance and increase the pain threshold heaps. Cheers and see you tomorrow night.
  16. I'll be just back from Samui and keen to catch up so would love to roll up, but I don't gamble so spectating/guest only. Those of you who do like a game, get in.
  17. While your badging get a Spoon one for the windscreen and some TRD stickers. Also remember to get all the other japanese tuning stickers for the sides for stuff you also don't have either.........
  18. Just out of interest, what is the pressure rating on the cap?
  19. Sorry mate I forgot to mention that those ones suck, so I pull the head off first since it's usually coming off anyway. Makes that part a relative breeze. Glad to hear there were no big dramas.
  20. GTR also has different side badges, Brembo brakes as other visible elements. Whatever you do don't put a GTR badge on it. There is nothing wrong with a well built 25t. I'm considering GTR guards to allow extra track width on my 25t track car, which also will get a 26 transplant since it's already twin turbo, but I won't pretend it's a GTR with badges and puss, as I also have a GTR33 that I prefer to drive daily and an auto 25t for around town. btw I DO eyeball pretenders in 25t's with GTR badges and will tell them how pathetic they are. Enjoy the 25t for what it is.
  21. I've been very comfortable with Motul DOT 5.1 which is half the price of RBF600. If I start to race regularly on semis it may make enough difference to change to 600. I bleed just before and just after each event.
  22. What is it with you guys? You realise you can't mod them or slip them into Racepace if they don't perform to expectation Best Wishes and hope both mother and son are in good health.
  23. What Tommy said!! But I still prefer to drive the GTR daily and not the T.
  24. There'll be no racing 'cept on the circuit. They pretty much ignore me since purple arrived.
  25. Err, you are talking about rotors, right?
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