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Everything posted by GTRgeoff

  1. All the deep pitting around the top is indicative of detonation, which then starts the scoring. Then oil comes past burning in the combustion chamber causing more detonation and compression is gradually lost.
  2. Maybe sometime soon, but greasy brekky is the only cure for hangover.
  3. Looks like massive detonation leading to pickup then scoring of the bores. The oil pump looks normal for an early one. Remember to post details in the thread in my Sig.
  4. I'll send a heads up PM to the Lakes Guys like DT to get them out of bed. I think 10 is a good start time. Any other offers?
  5. I drove 2500km on 4 broken pistons. Don't be limp. The RB is tough as. Sorry to hear it mate. And Dave, with 5 cars regoed I don't think I can squeeze in yours..........sorry.
  6. Wonder if the Exige will go cheap............ Hmmmm.
  7. Time you got yourself a Team Wang sig Jenna. Hows the bump from the Benalla drive? Fixed yet?
  8. I'll be there for the barbie, and if GOLGO, FERNI and RBDETT are there we can do group photos......Team Purple showing the way!!!
  9. Bad pic mate. Man_in_bulk is handing you all your asses Well done to all competitors. Still waiting on the telecast.
  10. Usually lots of second hand in that size at Northwest. They get them from Europe.
  11. Aw yeah Rhett. Fluent is the goods. Too much time at a terminal for me though.
  12. All other things aside, I'm going into the home renovation biz with the wifey and spend lots of time travelling. Sick of corporate/govt/military crap. Did someone say a month in Thailand on Koh Samui???? All the stuff posted above is true if you have the need/dollars and want to avoid Govt/NATO/UN red tape. Not keen on tac nukes over 20 kiloton. Bad for sunburn.
  13. I have no issue with ethanol. Bring on a decent octane rating I say. Most are concerned that filters/lines will perish, same as with the toulene scare, and the oil companies lose a cut. Burn you bastards......BURN!!! A full conversion will allow 80% mixes with high octane numbers and only costs $250 and as with any time you want more reliable power, you get a proper tune.
  14. Drop the oil and look for gold coloured metal. If that exists then it's a big end. Sounds very much like it does in the very early stages of bearing failure/run with big end knocking on light load.
  15. No-one likes Victoria, at least no-one important. Hope the tv gives decent coverage.
  16. economy size. Same cost for clothing, but extra material.
  17. Just hittin' fighting weight at 176cm and 119kg myself. Must knock out a few more Team Wang transfers, but none of these grubby buggers wear light colours.
  18. There are a lot of signs and other objects on that roundabout to give false returns and reflections (I have a house in Dunlop). Often just the suggestion of such things and the fact you will drag them into court will get them to lower or drop the penalty altogether. Take a look at www.roadsense.com.au at the herald sun article 5 Aug for some radar camera examples and also go to the roadleagaloz forum from there for other advice.
  19. GTRgeoff

    Nur Anybody?

    Champ, would you see over the steering wheel?????
  20. Maybe Sydneykid would know with a few race GTR's. Engines would be someting they'd be on top of.
  21. Maybe stop chasing the perfect block and make one using perfect bore cylinder liners. Can't help with the Group A. Try some of the old Gibson people maybe. Good effort though
  22. GTRgeoff

    Nur Anybody?

    Yaeh the old ones were maintenance intensive, but since the 360 they have improved dramatically. 5000 mile services and no need to regularly replace consumables like clutches, brakes etc at rediculous rates. My uncle had a 355 some other one I don't recall of almost the same vintage.
  23. Funds transferred. No 5 month wait for me Thanks again SK for the effort.
  24. whaddayamean Adam "busted", perfectly legitimate statement intended to bait and draw out the rabid slider defenders. As for beers, well anyone who knows me would realise I was talking to everyone.........and after 20 year in a uniform everone has the same first name....Mate. If the GTR is Godzilla then the t is "the Lizard", godlizard for family relation. Ever try to catch one of the quick little buggers? Something Dunc said recently was so true about braking distances and corner speeds and entry points. The GTR is a fair bit slower on all those but you can just stomp it out of corners where the t is short on traction.
  25. Hey Troy, do any of these dumb cockroaches realise you ain't a redhead???? I know they're blind 'cos they think 31's look good but that's no excuse. And Pete, you're f*cken HUUge!!
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