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Everything posted by GTRgeoff
Ahh you mean the ones with the ripple control suspension that hands the VSpec its ass on real roads, and Brit journalists that hated the V Spec GTR34 decided this was better than the TT Porsche Carrera 4 they were testing the same day by up to 20kmh through certain corners......... Jap Hard suspension sucks. Compliance and control is the key. I actually think it's a lot overpriced but give it another 2 years and stock M Specs will be about 60-70, then I'll buy.
It's a snip Marcus. I have the Laser Lynx with a massive 30mm solid rear swaybar. Oversteer is just a throttle lift and steering wheel turn away Must demonstrate sometime. Of course you can't hold it forever........
Big quote from a newbie. I won't call it drifting, it's car control. If you are referring to the BS that people try on the roads, and think it's cool the ricer forums are that way -------->>>>> Larry Perkins a few years back on the outside at Oran Park had the rear stepped out in the marbles for the whole corner to hold his race position. NOT drifting .....car control. I hit standing water at Sandown at 160kmh and the barge snapped sideways in 4th. Follow the slide, gas it and recover. The guy behind me said the rooster tails of water off the rears were huge. Car control. Face it guys, getting sideways is what most of us call the slow line or a momentary lapse before recovering. Heaps of fun but not our objective. Fact of life on the racetrack that you will get crossed up. Making that an artform is a skill and a lot of fun so more power to ya. I'm just ragging the newbie sport while it's still establishing, playing on y'alls insecurities, and thanks for biting. We seem to get around to it every 6 months or so. Drifting is getting popular, and when 10 starts televising and it supports the V8 circus then it's made. It just needs to start pushing the hard line of "Not on the streets"
Shiv you don't deserve a car you....you .....vandal
In case you haven't noticed, we already have one that is CAMS affiliated with over 100 members. Plus our cruises (for members only) are covered by CAMS insurance. Club meetings are 3rd Tues each month ( tuesday next week) at the Bells Hotel South Melbourne.
Seriously mate, edge of death??? And the whole lap thing?? What about the usual 4-5 corners then a half lap of self congratulation I regularly see. It's just a bit of good fun. I'll admit I gave up driving and navigating rally because I got scared. Eventually the near misses and accidents built to the point I was wondering why I did it. I decided I had invested too much into my future so had to start being responsible in motorsport. Most people wet themselves first time in a navigators seat in a rally car and that is the tough part.
Chris I watched this and found it entirely unsatisfying. There was nowhere near enough DECA footage of me. Seriously good effort though mate. If you have the chaps laps session of my run I'd love a copy can you either email or host so I can download. I have some flame footage and stills of my bbq last year as well if you want me to put it on DVD and send.
Apexi suspension makes me cry
CAMS (cretins against motorsport) are so far up AVESCO's butt that they can give them dental inspections. They constantly screw the small club events and participants without thought for the costs. Late 80's they killed group G rally so unless we a wanted to convert back to almost stock the cars were useless. It would be nice to all have full time cars and million dollar budgets but it just gets too much. Maybe one day but I have other priorities now. As for visiting our track days and elitism, I can guarantee we won't charge entry fee or for parking, unlike certain drift events I've attended, and we will be happy to show you around. Passenger sessions are stricly 80% only so don't expect the full effort. I'm still not a guaranteed starter but will be there regardless and may be available for the driver training aspect if it's offered.
I'm talking the WRX club sprint round. We race with them as it would be prohibitive to run our own, plus they are pretty good guys. I'm seeking approval from the better half to take the GTR out as it's a pretty safe track, and the 25t is awaiting a new RB26 heart transplant after the RB25DETT lunched the front turbo dropping compression on the front 3 cylinders to 25 psi.
BTW Roy, do you think Scotsman has that video of me at Chaps Laps? I'd love to post it up and have it scrutineered to demonstarte I enjoy a good slide session as well as anyone else.
So which of you fails to take the link from the whole street misadventure aspect and the bad influence it has on our perception in the public eye. Several stated that it started on the streets, therefore implying that it's ok to continue that way and will be impossible to stop. How do you think drag and circuit ended up on closed controlled surfaces? Street racing or the like is something we on this forum seriously deplore as it reflects upon us all when it makes the news, and makes us a target for the constabulary. Sure other forms of motorsport started on the streets, a bloody long time ago. Doesn't make it any more right now when there are appropriate venues. It's childish to think otherwise. People used to keep slaves once as well and not everyone was considered equal in the eyes of the law. Sounds good enough, right? Or is it different? Maybe someone will just call it a different name, maybe it'll catch on and be cool. I hate the thought that anyone could consider there is no double standard in that. Just because someone else does it somewhere doesn't mean it works for us. So don't ever consider that by falsely adopting someone elses culture that it will be OK here to do things illegal and attempt to justify them on this forum. Copying everything is just an admission of a lack of imagination and creativity. We've always been pretty good at doing it our own way in this country so don't clone the Japanese street scene. I honestly do appreciate the effort put in by drift drivers and the skills they demonstrate, and sometimes it's entertaining, especially when stuff I was learning 20 years ago in rally is renamed something cool and modern. I'm yet to see a drifter pull a full scandanavian flick. A gravel rally in a rwd car is almost a complete drift event against the clock. Of course most of that is gone now with the focus on WRCars and the unlimited traction they generate but people still compete at the club level, even though CAMS have pretty well forsaken them for FWD/AWD. I think mostly though I'm unwilling to sell out a culture that I've made my own for many years for something that is mostly a copy with different names, as though history is unimportant, or a little research too hard. Just enjoy your drifting on the track, and if you make our next track day at calder bring a helmet becuse passenger rides are back on
Well I think objective achieved Roy. You know I 'd have a spray and the Doriftos would go full on defensive, then attack, then claim they don't care anyway cos they are way too cool. They are just way too touchy when they have their cool thing attacked. I know I should feel bad but it's heaps of fun. In reality, anyone who takes it off the streets gets my thumbsup. At the track we are always extremely helpful to those who are just starting out and want advice. Drift, like track is a learned technique so practice is needed, but the best drivers all agree, with practice you can go as far as you want. There is no such thing as a natural when you climb the pyramid. Personally drift doesn't cut my mustard, and as Roy say's it's too closely associated with illegal street activities. Until it is cleaned up with a clear message from the top levels of the sport that if you do these things we don't want you around I'll refuse to give it credibility. What you said though is true about the spectators. So few have ever been on a track but they are all experts. Working for a certain V8SC team at Bathurst taught me to mildly despise the fans. What a pack of thickheaded turds. As if there is any correlation between a Falcon or Commodore and the track machines. Even the body shells are different but they can't be told. Likewise those into drift think their style of car in unsurpassable and everything else is ugly and that's ok, but tell them their car is dated and too small and suddenly your the one who has been insensitive and has an ego. Well when some of the drifters appear at an established event and learn what really is behind circuit, maybe I'll consider competing in a drift event, but then, do I really want to have one of my 3 R33 Skylines bagged by this element of society.......
I never said it wasn't fun, hell how much fun did I have at DECA??? It's just not motorsport.
Christ we had AE86 Corolla Sprinters winning the Aus Rally champs back in the eighties so their pedigree is proven. Why carry on with this dorifto wank hachiroku BS? OK so the Levin was never offered here but plenty had the engines and whole cars imported. Drift is just pulling burnout through a corner and linking to the next turn. I know that the rear of the car is always stepped out a little when pushing (simple physics for us engineers) so if it's corner speed and beating the other guy through the corner then drift is just a lair ass way of not posting a lap time and being measured properly, or do I have to make lots of smoke? Sounds like Summernats bogan BS. In door to door RACING there are a number of techniques to baulk and upset a drivers line, so why aren't the doriftors waking up to this yet to blow the following car off line? I've rallied in a number of rwd cars, played F/Ford for a season, done some sports sedans and last year posted some reasonable times at the track in my GTS25t doing sprints. I like drags where the top fuellers/doorslammers are running and support almost all motorsport, but I cannot find any justification for drift being considered any type of motorsport, the same as a burnout comp is not motorsport. And for the record, at the last DECA day where we had to setup and slide the cars either on the throttle or using the handbrake, linking corners with slides and braking while the car was still loose, none of the drift type cars performed. The top 6 were AWD except pos 5 which was a very well setup 350Z. So WRX's and GTR's were doing these things against the clock holding and linking long power slides and handbrake turns. The videos tell it all. Yes we all had fun but we were against the clock so there was an air of real competition. There's nothing "Special" about drift, except those who lack the intelligence to understand it's not a real form of motorsport. Now they are "Special".
The Apexi RSM manual here will help http://members.dodo.com.au/paul/
I'm hear you mate. All these trendy popular terms are simply a means to say, "Hey we do our own 'special' thing." rather than try to come out and compete on an established basis against the bogan local car drivers. (many who can steer a car pretty good as well) I just think it's a way to avoid being judged by existing standards. We all know how hard it is to stop the kids street racing and get them to a race track. That and being "cool" and into the newest things us oldies won't understand.
Let me know when the road kit for GTR33 is ready mate. I need new shocks and springs....damn Apexi junk is killing me.
Now dying at home with a severe flu. Sorry I didn't stay longer team but i guess the afternoon rained out anyway.
Any chance I could slip in a buy for the GTR mate ??
She'd only have to speak to put me out of the mood.
Best other has to be a GTR right??? I'm all for the ACE option...Yeah Baby!!!
I understand Daisy is that brainless wannabe blonde bimbo singer. Not a shade on the original.
Just to add further 'helpful' comment, Japanese suspension is usually rediculously hard and oversprung. You can get new springs or better yet, the Whiteline stuff which uses Bilstiens. Cheers