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Solid Snake

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Everything posted by Solid Snake

  1. Hello guys I'm after an EMS 8860 ECU, if you want to sell one please PM me on the forum and I will reply. Thanks much.
  2. Fuel usage doesn't worry me, I had an ex ambulance GMC Sierra which was getting 500km out of 150L of diesel on the highway, which took 9L of oil for a service, had 2 alternators, 2 AC compressors and 3 batteries under the hood lol. My first car cost me $2500 a year to insure, I priced up a 1995 GTR VSpec at $20K and it was going to be $2200 a year, not bad. I can do my own oil/filter changes no worries.
  3. What are they like to drive? Never driven something like that before, is there any reliability concerns?
  4. Hello guys, I'm coming off my Ps in March and I'm looking at getting myself a nice R33 GTR as a Friday/Weekend cruiser, I don't know if my budget is high enough but I'm looking at spending $20K. My only concern is trying to find a stock one in good condition, I don't really want any pre modified ones. Can you guys help me and give me an idea on what to look out for? Also whats the difference between the normal GTR and a VSpec one? Thanks much guys.
  5. I think the R34 got sold, its no longer on Carsales nor his site. Ah well, shit happens. Maybe this is a sign lol.
  6. I have boobs, but not woman ones LOL! Thats with him driving the car too mind you. Also, I'm prepared to pay the entire amount in cash/bank check, no finance, no bank loan.
  7. Same thing with me, we thought he meant that he charges us $500 for a test drive and we don't get the money back if it drives good. He rang him up the next day and he said we'd get the money back, going for a test drive on Friday for an R34. He was very honest about the car and gave some advice, he gave me no bullshit on the car. Dad cross referenced his ABN against the Australian Security Investment Comission and looked at Consumer Affairs to see if any bad shit came up against his name too, waiting on Consumer Affairs but so far everything has come up clean. There is another ABN registered under a different company though which is a bit fishy. UPDATE: Consumer Affairs come back clean, he looks legit.
  8. Lambo is pretty awesome, but I reckon the last "true" Lamborghini was the Diablo, before they got bought out by Audi in 1998.
  9. Hello everyone, just wondering if any R34s came out with fog lights/driving lights? If so, how much would they cost? Thanks.
  10. Haha, nothing wrong with lending a helping hand every now and again. Anyways, going for a test drive on Friday.
  11. "Opinions are like arse holes, everyone has one" Anyways, I checked out the car in person today, the 2000 model was sold, the 1999 model has a few cigarette burns inside it, stinks of smoke. I talked to Dennis, well who I thought was Dennis, short dark skinned guy? Anyways, he wants $500 before he'll take me for a drive and only if I buy, not sure if he means $500 and if I buy, he'll drop the price by $500 or $500 for him to drive me around? I went with my old lady, Dad was at work.
  12. Its mostly not Jewish people, its Muslims: http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/009276.php This is an Australian case. The only people you can blame for "too much political correctness" are yourselves, you voted in the goverment, who controls these things so I believe its your own fault.
  13. It doesn't matter if they "contribute" to accidents, the moment the insurance company finds something illegal, they'll instantly void your claim regardless if it did contribute to the accident or not. Just because someone on their P plates is running a bit of power behind their car, doesn't mean they'll kill themselves, I could kill myself in a Hyundai Excel if I tried to. You'll generally find that the kids who go through the effort of modding their cars themselves know about and respect the power they are running. I'm not changing my opinion, yours is no righter than mine is and the other way around. Lets define that word: You are generalising.
  14. What has this got to do with America? This has everything to do with the government. If it wasn't for America, we'd all be speaking Japanese.
  15. Yes, I know, thanks for telling me something I've known since the beginning of time, but the thing is, how many people can tell you've done that? Yes, I know its Illegal, but so are those wheel spacers, the hollowed out Catalytic converter, the tyres/wheels bigger than factory rolling diameter, missing that "unleaded fuel" sticker on the refill area amongst many other things, the lowered car (past legal limit). So is downloading music/programs/movies, same with overtaking over the speed limit. Yes, I might go bankrupt at the age of 20 for rear ending someone's BMW M3, you will too once the RIAA and the MPAA find out you have been downloading Music/Movies and fine you $60,000 per song, plus have Warner Music Group on your arse. We can all be living on the streets together. The RIAA/MPAA are only an IP address away. Lets all just get off our high horses. You can argue all you like, but when people have made up their minds, there is no changing them, they just have to accept the conseqences of their actions and to tell you the truth, if I got a turbo'd car exempted for me, thats the first thing I would be doing. I believe none of us here can talk about law breaking, we've all done something once.
  16. Thats what Dad said, I think you guys are onto something. You also just can't put this down to the "V8 Meatheads". How many dumb-asses do you see in a riced up Hyundai Excel trying to drag people off the lights or some other cheap asian car. You can point fingers and blame the other people all you want, but when it comes down to it, we're all on the same side because we're all "motoring enthusiasts", aren't we? Recently, "Motoring Enthusiast" = "Hoon" in the public eye, they don't care if you drive a Skyline or an SS Commodore, you're all bunched in the same group. So why gang up on each other, realistically you should be working together as a team to find a logical solution. Being a motoring enthusiast these days is the equivilent of Hitler coming back from the dead and burning/gassing another 6,000,000 jews.
  17. The only people this will affect are the legit motoring enthusiasts, the rest will just take it to the street, remember the noble park riot in 2007? 2000 people gathered to an intersection and watched as street racers tore up the place, then they ransacked the blockbuster.
  18. Which cop is exactly going to point out "Oh you can't have this because its an aftermarket modification". Half of them wouldn't know their arse from their elbow, exhaust and other things on the outside maybe, but when it comes to inside. No chance of spotting anything. How many people on this forum are running mods that are illegal? Same case for them, insurance won't cover them either.
  19. I think the ultimate P plater car is now going to be a VL Calais Turbo, there is so much aftermarket support for those things, 5 minutes on car sales under $20,000 returned some 250RWKW+ examples. Or a Toyota Aristo, P plates just got a whole lot sweeter.
  20. If it fits the description of a "Family" car that is described in the above post, has a power to weight ratio of less than 125Kw/Tonne, you should be fine. P.S - I don't represent Vic Roads
  21. Lol, soon we'll have the Great Firewall of Australia, which is the internet censorship, no R rated games even though the average Australian gamer is 30 and now banning ads because they show "hoon like" behavior. HOW ABOUT YOU BAN ALL THOSE f**kING MOBILE PHONE/SEX ADS ON MIDNIGHT FREE TO AIR TV!
  22. HO HO HO, MERRY JULY 1st! http://www.arrivealive.vic.gov.au/initiati...pply_if_yo.html Get into those SAAB 9-5s/Golf GTI's boys and start winding up the boost!
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