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Everything posted by locosam

  1. I got mine done as well. I was right after E_Lu-SHuN. Was looking on while robert and e_lu-shun was trying to get the car started lol Good guy, but very very busy. try make it on the prefered days. But i found some very small bubbles in one tint Its not bad, barely noticable, but i dunno how itll be in a few years time after opening and closing the window several hundred times. Might ring him a bit later and see what he says. Overall though, still recommended Thanks Sarpi for organising! edit: forgot how to use english properly
  2. Ive pm'd Impulr33r back Just making arrangments now
  3. hmm im interested in the ps2 with the 2 controllers, memory card and remote control (dont really care about the games though apart from gt3) Maybe we can work something out?
  4. Hey I havent fallen through yet Just waiting for impulr33r to contact me with details (unless he's already sold them to someone else?) But thats ok, if the deal does fall through, ill probably buy a set new anyway Impulr33r ive pm'd you, so just let me know how it goes
  5. Ill take them for $80 if i dont have to do too much to put them on my car ie do i have to machine my brakes or anything, or can i just re bed them in?
  6. I bought a set of osram silverstar globes. They arnt super white or anything, but they definately work much better than the normal halogens. You can definately see a bit further and tell that its brighter. Best thing is, it only cost me 40 bucks. May not have much bling factor, but when driving along with no streetlamps, you really come to appreciate them.
  7. He basically heard the car at idle and said it was too loud. He fined me for 'insufficient silencing'. I suppose i could dispute it because how would he know its too loud if it wasnt tested, but id rather just forget about it.
  8. Ok, put me down too. R33 2 door (so 5 windows i guess) Probably wont have time to do it until late jan though
  9. I was going down to the south coast for a holiday on monday and unfortunatly, this means going through liverpool which is a cop defect magnet. Never had a cop ask about my car before, but as luck would have it, i got pulled over for rbt and then the cop told me to pull over because he was going to defect my exhaust. I was with another car load of people in a corolla and my car was full of bags and fishing reels etc. In the end, I think he realised that he wouldve ruined my holiday, so he told me he wasnt going to defect me, fined me $104 and told me to go put a silencer on it. Sucks because i live opposite of a police station and they dont give a crap, but i guess its better than a defect. So my moral of the story is, im going to change the exhaust, pay the fine and never drive anywhere close to liverpool at all during holiday periods!
  10. Thanks Sydneykid, Youve inavertantly helped me out while answering some other question. fmic is going on within the next few weeks and i was thinking that after that goes on, itll need a bit of tuning, and then ill probably just keep the car as it is until i sell it. So for a final mod, i was wondering if i should go piggy back or just powerfc. I knew powerfc was better but didnt know if its 2 times better than the safc. (price + tuning) Your description of a piggyback with stock ecu really cleared a few things up for me. I still am a bit undecided, but i think im leaning towards a powerfc
  11. Sad to say, but there was another accident involving P plater and 2 skylines last night as well. 2 people died in that one http://www.smh.com.au/news/National/Pplate...3391726554.html Banning P platers from powerful cars may not be the best solution, but id rather let them have 1 years experience in a crap car first before they jump into thier GTR or whatever. They may not learn much about driving, but you cant say that they wont be better off with 1 years experience under thier belt
  12. Another one for pro concept in west ryde I went there to get my ebc and my boost gauge fitted. Good price for both items done and quality of work was excellent. I had a screw missing from my airbox which they replaced (which i didnt notice till i was trying to take it off lol) and my gauge install turned out to be a very professional job. They even stayed back a bit so i could collect my car since i was a bit late from work. Ill probably do my major service there since the price is good and they have heaps of attention to detail (their workshop is cleaner than my room!)
  13. Does putting on swaybars generate more grip for the car? or does it just flatten out the corners so you can take them harder? So if you had a choice for no swaybars but sticky tires or swaybars but not so sticky tires, which would you choose? I guess with swaybars the car will handle better, but can the same car without the upgraded swaybars go around a corner at the same speed?
  14. With your full exhaust, you should be hitting 9psi anyway (i know i did). The only thing my boost controller does is get boost faster and get it at a stable 10psi throughout the rev range
  15. I just bought a K&N Pod Xtreme . Its got the filter material on top and around the pod. I think its louder than the hks green mushroom ones...Its cool if you like noise, but i prefer something quieter
  16. I have the same problem. Cold starts is perfectly fine, but once stopped for a while the car finds it hard to run properly again (say if i go shopping for an hour or something). But what ive noticed is that there is no oil pressure. If the oil pressure is upto the first marking, then the car is ok to go. Otherwise the car will just stall. I think its heat related, but ive checked the oil and the level is fine. I changed spark plugs only 2000kms ago so they should be ok too. I am up for an oil change though, so maybe i should try a thicker oil? Anyone have any ideas?
  17. I dont know how they are yet since they havent got here yet, but it cost around $40 They are meant to be brighter, but there is none of the blue tinting in it to make it look artificially whiter
  18. Yeah, i couldnt wait any longer, so i just bought some osram silverstar globes off ebay. Costs a bit more, but cant go wrong with something tried and tested
  19. Im interested as well (55w) My current set came for kmart, so anything is an improvement . Im in Sydney too, so can i come have a look at them first?
  20. Ive got some jap exhaust with custom piping wth no resonator. It really sucks. Since im driving in sydney, 90% of the time im stuck in traffic, or at slow speeds which = cabin drone! Its louder than my friends s15 with Apexi N1 exhaust... Im getting a middle muffler (resonator?) put in this week but its wierd, after 3500rpm, the exhaust loses its drone and sounds pretty good
  21. I just changed spark plugs last week. Using NGK BPR6ES-11 These are just standard copper plugs Was a bit of a pain to change since i didnt really have the right tools though. I gapped them down to 0.8mm Everything runs fine. Edit: (A year later 16/5/05) Turned out that everyone is not fine. Since that time, ive added a fmic and boosted it. After a few weeks i started to get misfires under load. I thought that it was my sparkies going out, so i replaced them (with the same bpr6es). But unfortunately, the problem still existed. Not knowing what the problem was, took it down to a reputable mechanic who discovered in the end that all along that the bpr6es were the wrong spark plugs for the rb25. Physically, they are bigger and longer. Turned out that it was squashing the spring tensioner inside the coil which caused the misfire somehow. Anyway, no serious damage afaik. The spark plugs youre meant to use are NGK BKR7E-11 (or maybe another heat range if you prefer, gapped down if needed) Compared side to side, the new plugs are smaller and is the samel size as the ones that came with the car when it first came from japan. Goes to show that you shouldnt believe everything you read on the forums Anyway, ill report back if there are anymore issues with the plugs
  22. ok, so im confused. CES seems to have a good reputation, and thier dumps do wonders for s15's. Plus the wastegate pipe seems to join later down in the pipe, which sorta makes more sense. On the other hand, you have the HKS Split Dumps which joins much shorter down the pipe, but with the possiblity of more lag? But what about all the testing and supposedly R&D HKS has done? The CES dump/front pipe is $530 in the group buy (without delivery) HKS Split Dump is around $400 (delivered new to my door) With the HKS, you would have to the front pipe from somewhere... So in the end, the CES probably costs a bit more than the HKS + custom front pipe, but not by much. Both would be around $550-600 installed right? But which one is the best? Is there any exhaust shops in sydney that can do copies for cheaper?
  23. I just changed from the Ziex 326 to the st115. Theres a big difference (and the st115 arent even rated as a great tyre!) I can actually turn corners in the wet without fear now
  24. Ill take it for $500 if its all in good condition (im in sydney)
  25. I get just a tad over 350km just when the needle is above the last marking (no fuel lights yet), i guesstimate i could just hit 400km if i really push it (this is also after i fill the tank right up to the brim). I thought this was pretty normal, but the thing is, my car is stock (just out of compliance with no mods), plus i travel on highways for about half the kms i do...So really my car doesnt have very good fuel consumption
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