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Everything posted by RB25PWR

  1. How long were you in the far right lane? Do you really, utterly 100% think you were in the right? Unless he was in the worst mood ever I can't see why he would give you the ticket unless you were indeed hogging the right lane. Be more specific rather than "None of what he said was accurate" -- you're going to be specific in court. In order to go to court you need some sort of proof to disprove the ticket. He will sit in the box and say something like "I observed the vehicle for over X kilometres in lane 3, the traffic was heavy and other cars began to move out of lane 3 because the vehicle in question was not adhering to the "keep left unless over taking" ... I saw multiple cars move out of lane 3 and into lane 2 in order to get past the vehicle in question because the vehicle was not merging back into lane 2 after over taking" What is your rebuttal going to be to that? You could go to court and just plead your case, say you travel from Newcastle to Sydney or whatever a lot and are always concious of not being in the right hand lane for too long. If you sound genuine you could get a reduced fine or something a like. It will depend on what judge you get, if anyone believes that all magistrates are completely fair and don't let their own prejudices come into play then all I have to say is you're being naive. I'm intentionally being vague, but if you don't understand I'll PM it. I've been to court for a person speeding. However the judge reduced the fine by some hundred dollars... well I won't give you the actual quote but it was words to the effect of "I can see you're not some <insert word here>; and you did not intend to speed" Roll the dice if you're feeling lucky.
  2. I'm bidding on that exact one, it's on $150 now... I think I'll just wait until he puts another one up haha
  3. My stock 33 does this also, the car just needs to warm up dude. Just grandma it until it's warm...
  4. MMM. He loves our HSV's lol...
  5. Rain ... ah! I'm 50/50 now.
  6. You're going to need to explain it better, "my steering has gone down hill" says literally nothing about the problem you're having. Do you mean your car still rolls? Back kicks out more? Doesn't steer straight? Scrubbing? Gonna have to be more specific mate...
  7. Maybe it's 186kW at the motor. That does not mean at the WHEELS. He said rwkw (rear wheel kilowatt); -- which is the number you'll get from a dyno.
  8. The training and the job changes you in a big way, yes. It makes you more confident, more assertive and definitely less tolerant. But you gotta learn to turn that on and off, if someone's a reasonable person, I'll play nice. If they're not I won't. The people looking at you thing you get used to pretty quickly. I always just look back... I was born a suspicious person, I was like that well before the cops, and I'm extremely good at reading someone, even if they're an excellent liar, if there's something that just doesn't ad up, I won't let up until I'm satisfied. Some people can keep an absolute straight face and be extremely convincing on face value (lulz pun); but when you delve deeper, you begin to look past their bullshit and see right through them.
  9. Goddamnit if you were in Sydney I'd grab it from you asap.
  10. Straight off the books. That's what's called an "official move along direction". He had no power to tell you to move, 90% of this job is bluff, we wear the uniform so most people will do what we say. Either way it's not a huge deal, but I certainly wouldn't order you to move. I might suggest to you that it's a bit dodgy to be hanging around here with a laptop, but then I'd just leave it with you to do whatever you wanted. edit: TBH I don't even know why he cared so much... everyone's different.
  11. Laptop attracting thieves? Did he suggest it to you or give you a move along direction. You"re within your rights to sit there. As for disobeying a police direction, it's basically as simple as it sounds. If police tell you to do something that's reasonable and legal and you disobey it then you are disobeying. Eg: man refuses to move his car off the road as it's blocking traffic. It's reasonable to ask him to move his car and it's an offense to block traffic. Refusal would result in disobey police direction... Amongst other things, it's usually like an add on charge.
  12. Officially? We're allowed to be filmed.
  13. TT and other shows like "The Force" can do it, however they would have to sign a whole bunch of waivers etc. Yeah sure the public could sign wavers, but it looks worse if one of you dies. Also we're not a zoo, we do have a job to do. Honestly we have no time to entertain the public in "ride alongs." It would just become too complicated.
  14. We don't do ride alongs. Thats more an American thing. As for info on the "camera" that picks up unreg cars. Just google ANPR. As for what we see, if you use your imagination a little most of what you come up with is what we see.
  15. I didn't fine that person for prohib vehicle because they didn't deserve it. They weren't allowed to drive from there regardless because the car was not reg. If it was just the prohib veh I wouldn't let them drive from that spot either, ticket or no ticket. I can't tell you what we can see when we punch in regos. However I will say this, don't drive a prohib vehicle
  16. Haha what's this about the track days? lol
  17. Haha well ill tell ya now I'm not from wagga, nor do I work there... And you'll just have to wait and see if my real name is John or not. I just checked my roster this morning and I do indeed have the 19th off so I should be in attendance!
  18. Yeah I can look at warnings. However I need a legit reason too, and of course giving such info to the public is a big no no. As for the blog thing it's possible, we can talk about our work, but it's wise to leave out the specifics for obvious reasons. If I make it to the march social cruise you're more than welcome to bend my ear.
  19. I'm pretty sure Unigroup isn't a forum sponsor?
  20. white 32gtr parked at south strathfield oportos next to subway etc.
  21. Gonna try hard to make it to this one! Had to work for the last.
  22. There's no way to see if your car has a warning, no. =D My line is standard so the XR6T would be faster. But it doesn't feel like you're going that fast... it's not an exciting car, it has an even more linear power delivery than mine. Never buy an ex-cop car, we drive them like they're stolen.
  23. Unsure if they log the traction control. However it's in our safe driver policy to keep it on. However with that said I have been sideways in the SS, dunno if that particular driver had it on, I dare say he would have. It might just behave differently to the XR6T. If I had to guess I would say it wouldn't be logged, and just like any job, some people are by the book, some people aren't. A warning might have been put out on your car... it might have been removed by now I'm not sure, usually you put an end date. However with "street racing" they could have put it on there until 2026 if they wanted to. The only thing we are "scheduled" for is RBT, all the highway cars get together, set up and just do 1 hour of it. Before or after that we do what we want, we might get asked/told to target particular offences, but never "target this road"; or anything like that. If that happened it would be more like a suggestion rather than anything... With that said though we might have intel of a particular street that's known for burnouts all the time or street racing... then yeah would would probably target it. But day-to-day, we go where we want inside our command. Also I gotta say these XR6T's have grown on me so much, nice quiet comfortable car and will absolutely GO when you want it to. The ZF gearbox is amazing. Although the car is super quick and comfortable, it doesn't "feel" the same as a skyline, mine's slower, bumpier, nowhere near as comfortable, but still I don't get the same feeling being in the XR6T.
  24. All you have to do is use your imagination, that's essentially what HWP is. It is EXACTLY what I thought it was. You are essentially untouched, what I mean by that is. You do what you want for your shift, if you want to sit in a particular street in a particular suburb, you can. If you wanna cruise around, get a coffee and relax, you can. If you wanna "insert anything here"; you can. There are certain obligations like 1 hour of RBT and everything but that's good anyway, it breaks up the day and it's always a good laugh. Today I got a 7 month pregnant lady, driving unreg xr6 turbo, on her green P's. However I do have a conscience, she didn't know about the restrictions about turbos etc and she's about to start a family. A bit harsh to give her drive prohib vehicle... which is 7 (so automatic loss of license) demerit points and uhm $430? or more, I forget. Everyday is a good laugh, I love it. I'd do it for free. Tonight I scissor paper rocked this P plater for not wearing his P plates... -- I won, but laughed and still let him go. As for your driving record, how bad is it? Can't hurt to apply, although if you can't run 6k's you'll struggle in goulburn... It's a pretty damn slow jog but still. Best jerrrrb ever. Yeah I'm giving out tickets and it's evil, but seriously most people deserve it and I don't usually give out anything under over 20 so I don't feel too bad usually. PS: The 180 flick spins aren't that much fun with the traction control on (which we must keep on!)
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