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Everything posted by RB25PWR

  1. It's no fun if you don't hide.
  2. Things tend to happen right in front of your eyes in the unmarked, with the marked you have to hide a lot more. I'm only in an XR6T also, and it's usually marked, only the taipan boys get F6's . Taipan is like the specialist HWP of HWP. They can go anywhere in the state instead of anywhere in their local command.
  3. Only people who like cars or are enthusiasts slow down whenever they see a new SS or XR6T/F6. To think otherwise is just ignorant. I've had my GF ask me what "that" is? And it was a VE ute. If someone likes cars, they'll know, if they don't, they won't. It's that simple. "where if the visual deterent of a marked car was out and about more people would slow down" At our command we have only 1 unmarked. The rest are marked. I prefer the unmarked!
  4. Just FYI if you're planning to drive whilst suspended it's a charge. There will be a big fat warning on your car if someone ever runs your rego.... being an R35 the likely hood of that happening is quite high. PS: When did your suspension start, or don't you know that either?
  5. Around $100k for being 5 years in and in Highway. Personally... I wouldn't call that shit.
  6. Unmarked camry would have been a pro-active team, not HWP. Pro active are just that, out there being pro active... or it would have been the D's. OR a car on an operation. Either way, not HWP. HWP only drive hi powered cars. SS's/XR6T's/F6. I know you didn't say it was HWP however I just thought I'd put that out there anyway.
  7. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/forum/12-for-sale-private-car-parts-and-accessories/ -- look here to buy a PowerFC. I see plenty for sale. It's not the only ECU that's available, other people use ViPEC ECU, nistune, etc. However I guess you could say that the PowerFC is pretty popular... perhaps the most popular. Tuning depends on the tuner's price. Search the site for good tuners around Perth area... it seriously just depends on their pricing. Try and get a tuner that tunes mostly Nissans / Skylines and that is familiar with the particular ECU you're buying.
  8. Injectors would be like number 6, along with fuel pump. The others mentioned are the mods to start with because without those injectors are pointless. Why would you need them without the extra power/need for fuel?Yes a Boost T would do fine.Just do some searching on this forum, you'll find endless threads about reputable workshops, what mods to do first, what gains to expect, info about ECU's etc.
  9. biggest_load_of_shit_ever Considering HWP wear microphones and have In Car Video they'd be risking their job to do this. Go write a novel mate.
  10. LOL it's photo shop
  11. huy guyz ur cars are werth this much mkay i plz try an sell me 2 kk???? The seller makes the rules. Welcome to reality. To top it off hardly any cars get defected. You don't know anything kid.
  12. I'd rather drive to work in an auto VY S than my car... Skylines are only fast with mods, stock auto (which most auto's will be) will be no faster than your current car.
  13. If ur just going to drive to work in it I see no point. Just get a more comfortable cruiser that's better on fuel. Skylines are woeful on petrol... And if u ever took it for a good drive it would be shit because it's auto... /shrug my 2c
  14. My guess is you just overfilled it... What was it reading pre oil change? Could be a faulty gauge also but as I said what was it reading pre oil change... Mine is about 6 on startup and comes to just below 2 on warm on idle. SIts around 4'ish when driving 'normally'.
  15. dbl post
  16. What NSWP have are chaplans. Some of them are of various religious beliefs however that's not always relevant. If there's a major incident they usually turn up for support. They're not sworn officers and are pretty good guys/girls. We also have particular psychologists that look after regions. When I say regions I mean like, North West Metro, South West Metro, etc. As for debriefing it just all depends. If something major happens the supervisor will turn up, if it's an absolutely huge incident then the duty officer will also show up. There might not be a need for a debrief, just a quick sitrep at the scene... but as I said, all depends.
  17. Ahhh. Right OK. Yeah we would get paid at our normal rostered rate. For 1 or 2 weeks, things can be organised in extenuating circumstances I also believe. But to be honest I don't see much people doing this as the Cops is a very macho type of job. If you took leave every time you saw something traumatic you'd never come to work. You would certainly get a bit of shit for being a pussy (circumstances depending); Also you would be letting the team down, if you're off, someone else has to pick up the slack and that's not fair because everyones busy enough and it's a bit of a team sport etc. edit: So when someone jumps in front of the train you do a mini fist pump because you know you're having a two week holiday?
  18. You guys are way too trusting. Post a pic of you holding a piece of paper saying the date and "SAU virgins here you go" Only then will I believe. No seriously a blonde chick like that could not want to spend 40k on an r31 just to do skids... However that would explain why she wouldn't listen to everyone? I'm happy to be proven wrong...
  19. Huh, I don't get it? Are you an ambo or something? The over-time has to be approved but if you attend a job and no one else can relieve you, you will get over-time. Not sure what the rate is, but I'd say it would be pretty good. (it would be higher than our normal rate). It also depends on the person, just like any other job. Sometimes we get asked to do something when it's almost clock off time and the reply is "ok but pay me over-time" and I've seen some people say "k cya" This obviously doesn't apply when you've just rocked up at a scene where you need to immediately investigate and help victims and or catch a crook. The above statement more relates to "can you do this?" when you're in the office. With all of that said, the command will avoid over-time at all costs. You definitely don't choose to do it just because you want to. As with most things, it's all about the money, on both sides of the fence.
  20. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/35129-im-buying-a-skyline-what-should-i-look-for/ google stateroads also. get it inspected, don't believe a word the owner says. "highway kms yo"
  21. $3-9 dollar HDMI ebay cables are fine. Used them for years, never had an issue. In my opinion these 'expensive' HDMI cables are a rip. Even if the $5 one some how broke after 1 year. Still cheaper to buy another $5 then spend $40+ on one.
  22. Floods aren't a common occurrence, suicides unfortunately are. Did you really just compare floods to suicide? P.S: Someone getting shot at raises an eyebrow and is interesting to the average person, not depressing. Most of the news in this country is an embarrassment, I can't believe some of the garbage that is broadcasted.
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