cheers bro good info to know very helpful unlike some others and like he said we are in the n/a section so dont watse your time i really dont give a
shit wat u say im rackin it in and got a chick so i need somthing to blow it on and its sweet fun at the end of the day buildin car and for a change
doing somthing somone hasn't done before.
yeah how about you just keep thos retarded comments off my post because for one i have done my resarch and turbo/non turbo 25 heads are the
same so as soon as im off my p's i cam just bolt that head onto somthing sick with diffrent compressions ratios and stick a nice snail on the side hah it just means i can have a resonble car for the next 2 yeah
look out honda boi you dont know wat you could be dealin with ahahah deff should race tho ahhaha