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Everything posted by realor

  1. realor

    R34 Bov

    Looking for stock GTR R34 blow off valve preferrably, but will consider GTT bov as well. Also consider plumb back or adjustable aftermarket ones that will bolt up to standard mounts.
  2. saw a dark grey golf GTI with a radar on cootha on friday night
  3. well I pulled off & cleaned the AAC and it actually looked like something was stuck in where the water temp valve thing was and prevented the spring from retracting all the way so I cleaned it all out and that dropped the idle back to around 1200. I then turned in the idle airflow screw on the aac and dropped it down to 1000. Wouldn't go any lower so I suspect my ecu is doing something with the idle but anyway I'm pretty happy with 1000rpm!
  4. So I changed my spark plugs today not having done it before, all went well no problems there but when I went for a drive afterwards my car is idling at 2000rpm!! seems a little bit high. Before I fiddled with it today, it was idling around 1200rpm which still seems high but is def better than 2000. I had a few issues getting all the stuff out of the way to get to #6 plug, is there anything up around there at the back of the motor that maybe I have knocked a vacuum line or something? I also changed the screw on the back of my bov (hks ssqv) but I changed this back and it didn't seem to affect the idle speed. does anyone know what I should do to try and fix this?
  5. thanks for all the replies, going to give a couple a call and see how things go. thanks to JZA80_1998 for the pm as well, but I couldn't reply until my post count is higher than 10 (wtf). oh yeah and it seems like I need to learn the correct name of my ecu before asking someone if they can tune it
  6. pics of the cooler and what pipes does it come with? Willing to post?
  7. Hey guys looking for a good workshop who can tune the hks fcon v-pro in my 34, apparently only some places can do it due to needing an hks licence? Looking for someone who does quality job and not screw around!!
  8. hey I don't want to hijack the thread but do any of these front mounts fit the with standard piping and front bar without cutting the rio??
  9. Hi all I'm new here just got an R34 gt-t and I'm experiencing what I think is fuel cut. My car has a hks evc boost controller and it seems to show about 100 kpa as peak hold when the car suddely loses power under acceleration. I'm wondering if it's possibly the stock ecu is doing this?? I have an hks fcon v-pro computer but it's just a piggy back, is there a stock ecu fuel cut and at what pressure? Does anyone know if this computer remove the stock ecu fuel cut?
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