My battery has just died on me (R34 GTT) .. had the car for about a year and a half and I've sometimes received sms warnings from my alarm paging system that my voltage is low (under 12v).
Anyway, just recently installed a new 200WRMS sub/amp and some new gauges and while I was testing some stuff today with car off, voltage went below 11 and car won't start. I'm pretty sure the battery is on its way out as its probably been in the car for 4-5 years. I'm recharging it tonight just so i can make it to the shops tommorow to get a decent one.
I'd prefer something with decent crank amps, 450CCA or better... Can anyone recommend something that will suit my gear, driving style ie. I have 200W sub/amp and some gauges and also an Autowatch alarm with a mongoose pager system which is always ON. I also do mostly short trips (<15 min driving then stop) AND I always drive with my headlights on for safety reasons.
I'd prefer to pay no more than $250-300 tops but will consider anything. Yes I've searched and read like a dozen threads and I see Optima Red Tops and Oddyssey batteries recommended frequently but I want to make sure these batteries would be suited to conditions I specified above... ie. sub/amp, always-on pager, gauges, headlights during the day and short trips...
Do anyone of these higher CCA batteries come with the normal/narrow type of terminals or will I have to get new terminal connectors and cut off the Nissan ones ? If so, which connectors should I get and who should I get to install them (I'm hopeless so please don't say "DIY")
Also on a semi related note, recently I've been getting fanbelt screeches as the temperatures outside keep dropping to below "bloody freezing" .. I just usually shut the car off quickly and start again and it stops the screeching. I'm worried this might wear out my new nissan fanbelt and then I might run into more charging issues ... however the belt is VERY tight and I had no screeching issues when the weather is warmer. Should I tighten it a bit more during the next couple of months or am I risking snapping/damaging the belts or bearings ??