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Everything posted by Nak

  1. lol thats just great but at least its not in the sump. i have superspark coil packs for sale/ loan too so holla if you want them too, to try
  2. yep it has enough power to start and idle but then you touch the throttle and thats it, its dies down to almost stalling
  3. i hav a pair of std bnr32 afm you can try
  4. Nak

    Rising Sunday

    +1 i have a tamiya bnr 32 drift car to smash out lol
  5. james stop stiring up trouble
  6. oh yeah nothing to be proud of but i just got made redundant to im not too busy atm till i get replacement work so i can come have a look too if your keen on any help ill bring my bastard child too (being my gtr)
  7. dude after doing an engine swap after having a big end go there are a f load of hoses you wont even realise are vaccume lines, two of which are hard up against the fire wall and there is no way in hell you can do them without pulling the motor out i wouldnt mind hearing the issue your having cause it sounded like at first the problem mine had which was the alternator had gone so the car would get absolutly no power and ran rough as hell. but if its still starting then i guess that's not the issue other wise your battery would be dead by now
  8. well said bubba its one thing to have a "show pony" but better to have a "race horse"
  9. i know its off topic but bubba in your dp are you firing and reloading at the same time??
  10. Nak

    Rising Sunday

    Hey Rowan did you say bbq? lol im in
  11. no problem 2x 32 gtr's = lot of problems to fix so a lil bit of experience now lol
  12. yeah but is it the standard flywheel still or aftermarket cause standard is mild steel and aftermarket is usually chrome-moly steel
  13. if your running a gtr man then thats your first and last problem right there. They are not cheap i know this buy having 2 of them. if you suspect you have an extrem clutch in it right now i wouldnt bother with speculations of what the problem is just replace the whole lot when you can afford it, Clutch plate/sandwich plate flywheel and thrust bearning if its still the old one. The reason i say flywheel is because the 2nd 32 gtr being used has got an excedy hd clutch in it know and the retards who got it before i bought the car left the standard flywheel in it and now its chewing it out.
  14. cool gaz guess me and Boss were right then lol
  15. NP msg me when you want to try that then im only in mt nasura a.k.a upper class armadale lol
  16. ok ill take what ever i get on the chin with this, but Gaz is the battery ok cause ive got access to 2 32 gtr's and both did similar things to me and i replaced the batteries in both now they are sweet turns out a cell died in each of the batteries. otherwise your in the gosnells area right? let me know i can loan you an ignitor pack to try if you want also have some throw in plugs and superspark coils too if you wanna give those all a try.
  17. Bubba one condition! ok! no paintball guns i cant handle a long drive then being nailed with paint ball pellets lol
  18. +1
  19. here you go EXEMPT another GTR for your list
  20. theres always going to be some turd in a falcodore f-ing things up and the that sh*t with the Bossen club in city west car park 2 months ago didnt do any of us justice
  21. yes i do. yes formerly his car yeah mate on the highway too.
  22. My downgrade to upgrade. 95 r33 gtst to 91 32 gtr.
  23. ummm "The white hatchback plunged through two fences " im pretty sure the pictures show a sedan. good to see the editor is doing a great job of proof reading the article before publishing it
  24. Gtr coolers also sit a tiny bit lower than afrtermaket kits and are on a slight angle at the bottom end. yes it is illeagal to hack up the reo bar but as long as you've taken lil bits out so the fmic sit nice and snug some pit inspectors will turn a blind eye towards it. but Hanaldo and snozzle are right depends on what type of cooler you have.
  25. glad to hear you had fun mate. Nice v spec II btw
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