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Everything posted by DEVO R33GTR

  1. Has any one had a dual mass flywheel on a 34GTR fail? My power FC is showing large amounts of knock when off power. Deaccelerating etc but not when on power. I have cut open oil filter with nothing present no metal etc. Checked all belts pulleys and accesories on front with nothing out of ordinary. The knock levels have increased to a point where i can now here it. It sounds like tappet rattle.But knock levels are to high for that. I once had a flywheel come loose on a car and it sounded like a bigend bearing so i am wondering if this is something similar. So if anyone has had problems before with one can you let me know. Thanks in advance Devo
  2. I would like to put my hand up for one of these last units too. If there is no more I will have to be in this group. Thanks Devo
  3. Got 2 gtr's now the 33 and a 34, the 34 is punching out 300kws attw and the 33 is heading for a respray and a RB26/30. so all are going well. the cruising scene is like allways but with only 15mins from one side of town to the other can't expect to much. Hostile you will find a cruising thread on Boostcruising.com Territory section for all the low down. Its nothing like Adelaide but you will still have some fun. Look us up when you arrive.
  4. Just because your car was allways broken dosn't mean it dosn't happen.
  5. Mine arrived today, very quick postage. Have installed them already. Thanks
  6. Hi guys I have a R34GTR where the factory immobiliser wont dissarm Has anyone ever had to trouble shoot the system before. Any help would be appreciated Regards Devo
  7. Hi Ryu I own 2 GTRs and get both tuned at Hi-Tec Tuning nothing but but glowing praise from me I will highly recomend Dave But dont just go on our words just drive past and have a look at the shops and you will find most imports at Hi-Tech and v8 at JSM.
  8. I have GODZILA, why because it was available and for $120 why not
  9. when traveling on open road most people only travel at around 140 so your consentration levels are very high when i travel in southern states at 100 i dont concentrate, have had more near miss down south In the territory it about 300 kms between town centres so it will be hard 2 police
  10. Hi Phee You should ask the person building your engine how would they like it to be run in and then that covers any warranty issues if they arise.
  11. Hi and welcome Here is a pic of my car R34 and my wifes R33
  12. Being very witty arn't we
  13. The tyres were the same size just the fronts were worn 2 limits, so the new tyres were on back so the plod couldnt see them. since moving them arround no probs at all.
  14. Well guys after some investigation i found it to be caused by the new tyres being fitted to the rear of the car this was causing the ATTESA to beleive that the rear wheels were slipping and would give more front drive Just in case some on looks this up atr a later date
  15. Hi guys have a small problem with my Attesa on R34 GTR Some times when i start up, the Attessa faults and goes into 2wd, can be lots of fun but other times it starts up in 4wd then the car surges when driving. Not a nice feeling, when it surges it has high front torque readings Does any one know where to find the diagnosis for the Attesa system Thanks in advance Devo
  16. Hi Stevo Name is devo i live around corner from you with the to GTRs I have my power fc tuned at HTT have had no probs at all Dave will always give you a safe tune so don't go there looking for a on the edge tune as you wont get one. We had a sothern tuner bought up by a different company and he blew 2 engines with his tune gave very good power numbers but the engines didnt last.
  17. my car runs a power fc so it was easy to find which afm was playing up when i opened her up it had dry solder joints butnone appeared broken i soldered her up and all has been well since with them. Hope it all works out Regards Devo
  18. Hi edspaged2 had the same problem with one of my afm i just opened up the afm and resolded all the joint's inside and then reslazed up the panel and no probs since. hope this helps Devo
  19. You will need some big power lugging that VOLVO body around
  20. Painted the rockers with 2pac no probs at all with them, handles temp well. The 34 tends to slide the ass more than the 33 but is nicer to drive just have to watch the back end in corners. the susspension has been lowered so the camber is all wrong when i fix that it may be different.
  21. Good to hear all is well the 33 is all good but has been claimed by Theresa now so at christmas we bought a 34gtr was at a good price so we bought it and drove it home from Sydney nice little piece Wanted to take it to the track so pulled the engine for sump upgrade and found some nasties in the engine scored bores 1 bearing in 3 pieces so rebuild time again. so it now had the full treatment and is up and running again. It has also got the full whiteline pack on it very nice to drive. hear is a linke to some photoes. http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....&hl=DEVO+R33GTR Good to hear from you catch you later Devo
  22. Come Ken everone Knows red is best colour for a R34
  23. Give me a PM if you still Need these as I know someone with some and i'll give you his number Regards Devo
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