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Everything posted by Isola

  1. I'd be in for a group buy. Can you make an Emily one too? And a Molly? What naked plan did you pick? I had a look at them but they all look like shit plans. and:
  2. So I sat at home, waiting for Telstra to once again come out and fix up the bollocking they did to the phone line. "We'll be there between 10 & 2" so I've been here, all day... waiting. I call them up at 5 past 2 to ask what's happening and they say "No that's booked in for the 23rd, not the 22nd". So awesome that they booked it in for the 23rd and told me 22nd. It's just lucky I don't have a job to go to!!!!
  3. actually I said I CBF adding any more, not that I wasn't going to
  4. Contrary to popular belief... I am only human after all
  5. not sure. doesn't say on her profile. who cares?
  6. crazy half-cast bastard... we discussed this on thursday. speak english!
  7. well... the aquisition of money = win. But the fact that you had to fag out and go to a casino for it = massive fail so all you really did was gay up a totally awesome movie. what are you spending this newfound money on by the way? lessons in not being gay? because if you're not *shakes fist*... although I will also accept it being spent on either car... or my car
  8. Unless you actually WATCHED it today, then no. It doesn't count
  9. Just use her top... it should be off by that stage anyway
  10. I just watched The Taking Of Pelham 123 (which I bought yesterday). So that makes my weekend infinitely better than everyone's* *unless someone else was watching it too in which case we're even...
  11. Good save! I was too busy day dreaming about eating Molly to think of pictures
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