Black 33 HSK*** in Ferricks St, stafford. Seems to live there. Always parked near the corner of Armfield St.
Then - farther down Ferricks St towards Midson St, there's a white 33 GTR. That house used to have a Silver 180. Looks like they upgraded!
Is that another Zombie movie? If so, I'll check it out as I'm always up for watching zombie movies even if they're terrible!
PS - Tas - Can you please price up some tyres for my herpes infested slut of a car? May I please have a price on 535s and 595s for comparison's sake? I may get the 53s to tide me over until I can grab some new rims. Or if you can think of something cheaper yet similar in lifespan/grip. Thanks
lol if you're not going to keep it I'll get it back because it's a fun one to show to people. Like Poultrygeist. If you think ZS is bad you should see Poultrygeist!
actually speaking of coffee... I've got high speed interwebs, air con... all I really need now is a cup of coffee... but do I really feel like getting up? And does mum have any coffee that's not absolute crap?