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Everything posted by Isola

  1. HAHAHAHA bad ass! I'll come down and pick it up. It's never too soon to start studying
  2. + 1 on the hilux wash, the cute, and the tent pitching.
  3. I'm not on my computer! Martin, we're meeting at the Jimboomba shell, Beaudesert Rd at 1100. I imagine you still have my number. Call/SMS me if you need a lift.
  4. Well... I'm in for tomorrow. I think I dropped $50 when we did our run... can't find it anywhere . That was my BBQ and Fuel money... so hopefully I can go and hit up Mum for money till Monday or something. Anyway, I'll work something out. I send our fearless admiral a text to see if he's coming, but he can't due to timing conflicts. Gonna be a small group, but it should still be good fun The 'woo is totally gonna get smashed and left for dead by the GTR, 180 and the Bikes though... gotta remember not to push it too hard too now that it's pulling to the left a bit thanks to that crazy Kiwi!
  5. tas - you can put a PCE sticker on whatever I buy Geoff - I missed that post before. Good to hear man, congrats! does anyone know what wheels are on this boat? I like 'em... and want a set. Hektik rims bro!
  6. haha CBF to be honest hey. I taught her how to use a roundabout. she'll never do it again. crazy kiwi's. oh, her car is two weeks old ROFL!!
  7. *shrug* apparently when there's a little green 'woo already on the roundabout, and approaching you... you enter the roundabout... I must have cut class that day in driver's ed...
  8. It wasn't all bad. At the shops I found two cool things Think they could maybe have picked a better name? And I found the best present for Joe:
  9. Will do - if it's still around, there's a turbo auto s13 in hamilton that looks ok. Hopefully get that and do a manual conversion. If not, I'll try and find a decent s13 that we can throw an RB into. Or who knows? There may be a tidy 180 available, or a 32... time will tell! You BETTER be taking me for a spin when you come to Baskins! I'll even take the risk of losing my seat for that! you ever... ever.... EVER link me to a Holden again... and I'll link your nuts to extinction buddy boy *raises pinky* Colin, dibs on your passenger seat? btw - need the info for tonight -where am I meeting you guys? should I just meet you at your house tas and ride backseat till we meet up with Colin?
  10. we were pointing forwards, car was pointing left, tyres were pointing right... i was just pointy! But seriously, the 180 is pretty damn epic. You'll be sitting on 60, and the car is just sitting there, sleeping, waiting for further instructions. At 60 it feels like you're doing 40 and you can hardly hear the engine, but snap it back to second and get ready for a nice spleen and pelvis massage. That said though, the force isn't THAT much, that car just seems to tell inertia to go an have intercourse with itself, you don't feel it rock and carry on. It knows what it's doing, and if you tell it what you want, and what you want it to do... there's no problems at all. Once it's had it's full tune and running manual boost... it's going to be a f**king demon... Oh, and she's got a nice throaty growl to it when you put the boot in As an aside. I've lined up a buyer for one of my guitars. So hopefully in the next four weeks I should have a nice FR. No, I don't know what yet. Depends what's around when I have the coin.
  11. I just finished fapping after being in the 180
  12. Stickers ey? Thinking about putting a shopping list on the 'woo... Y/N ? win? I gotta go get me some. See you communist jew fags out there!
  13. That's what she said That's what she said That's what she said That's what she said
  14. Anything part time that isn't night work - and pays decently Smart man! You want me to pick you up? If you do - 0421 359 966. I'm leaving Aspley about 630 - can go to baskins via bulimba if you want. ....in a sense I love the cock LOVE the cock He knows I'm going! Yet you tell me *I* need a job Hungry Jacks FTMFW!!
  15. I always have girls in my mind! And bed! Colin: I hate you Me: I know There you pommy ranga git. I just saved you from needing to post.
  16. Only if Michael is on Shan's team so we know there's at least one person that I can beat with the 'woo... I always drive like that... long before I watched Initial D too
  17. Yes to the first one, but no the second one. Ask Colin, he hates me enough to fill you in however... it really hits home JUST HOW BAD you need a job... when you start abusing random kids on the Baskin's Facebook page using your 1337 taxi skills.
  18. Tas, If you want help with that site - just let me know. It's been a while since I've been knee deep in some sweet sweet code pussy and I wouldn't mind getting my end wet from it again And it's not like I'm busy with anything! hahahaha Colin, How much money do you want for the BBQ? and I too will need a lift up said mountain if it's a mountain run... so can I please call dibs on GTR passenger seat and leave the Daewoo at/near the Shell if it is a mountain run?
  19. so... when the cops have got one of those 40 zones going for roadwork and shiz... apparently they're not too keen on epic front wheel drift. They pull you over to have a chat about it.
  20. speaking of water. I found the Initial D movie today at Borders, so I grabbed it. Just watched it. Not the greatest movie I've ever seen... but also not the worst. I got enough entertainment out of it
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