oh shit! i nearly forgot.
The Tale Of The Epic Skids
So Tristan and I dropped Dave home, and on the way there we saw a car doing a mad burn-out near the BP. There was so much smoke it was like Cheech & Chong were up in that motherf**ker. We decided we'd have a look on the way back.
On the return journey we went through the roundabout up near Kenmore Village, and overtook a Holden. Once Tristan put his brakes on, the death defying legend* that was driving it gave it a bootfull and passed us. Champion effort*. Tristan remarked "Hey! Maybe that was the guy doing the skids before!". We got down to the BP and had a look at the road. Pretty good effort I do have to say. The lines went from the driveway up the hill for a good 13ft. The smoke was still thick in the air. We had the windows down which turned out to be a mistake as it didn't take long for the lingering effects of burnt rubber to hit us.
As we turned around and headed back down the hill, we saw in the Woolworths/McDonalds carpark... The Holden that passed us! Doing huge massive giant epic skids!! The smoke hung thick in the calm night air. It slowly billowed up and out from the car park, as the car continued to lay more rubber. The headlights tried to peek through the smoke, but it was too much like fog on a calm Winter's eve, and the light instead illuminated the cloud.
Then we left. The end.
* anything denoted with an asterix is either an outright lie or laced heavily with sarcasm.