you says "two cars" i say "two curses" but yes, it beats public transport or hoofing it!
32, 33, 34, 35... I like them all. Preferably a 34, but I'm not going to turn my nose up at one just because of it's model number. If it's the right car, it's the right car. You know?
Time frame? no idea... but on my current budget... do Tamia make one? lol I imagine it wouldn't be until next year. My psycho gutter-rat ex raped me with debt when we split last year... so I have to get rid of that first >.<
I imagine to start with I'd be getting a 32, then working towards a 34. Unless I find a bargain on a 33 or 34. Have even contemplated getting a non skyline nissan as a placeholder... but we'll see.
Anyway - gotta scoot for now, gotta make the post office and the shops before picking up my current non psycho Gf from work.
chat to you some more later!