Yeah, what's up with people just parking in the carpark and standing around?
And by the way... was that commonwhore ute that sounded like absolute death with you guys?
Speaking of blowing loads...
On my way home a Bayside 34R shot past me and sounded like an absolute dream. And while I was in the middle of going PPPHHWWWWWOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! A black Testa went past me as well... at what sounded like WOT... OMG... I could feel my pants filling up...
I love that first day of uncapped internet goodness where I just go stupid and download 20 shows/movies at the same time. 12 gig by the time I went to bed, it was great
Time to get your classy hat tipping and pipe stoking on up in this bitch.
Open all three links in new tabs, sit back with a cognac or brandy, your pipe or cigar and relax
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
If you don't hate them with a passion and flame teh n00bs peoples for wanting to put them on a car... that's closeted behaviour all the way.
Where else would you keep your tampon if not in the John West tin?
I relish both these tastes. Interest is now piqued. Get back to me when there is also essence of my sister
I wouldn't be bringing you into anything... Not after where your fingers have been...
Does it look like a mad rave doof club up there with your hektik neons glowing away inside your moist joint?