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Everything posted by Isola

  1. I'm in. Pics from today (Jason's car isn't in any photos because he piked):
  2. Ok then you still gonna be right to get to work on time?
  3. So are you going to be going to Ipswich from Somerset? or...?
  4. That's because "factory" normally doesn't service 15-20 year old cars (with a handful of exceptions like the ones Dan works on). Especially when they weren't even sold from "factory" in the country. You will find that a lot of places change oil or spark plugs (or at least clean the plugs) every 5000kms though. And yes, your oil may be good for 8000/10000kms... but is your filter good for that long too? I'd at least be flushing/dropping the oil, replacing the filter and putting the oil back in (which is probably what your mechanic is planning by making you come in 2000kms early). It's not just about how many kms are on the speedo either. If your car idles a lot, and you baby/granny it and never get into high revs territory then you're going to get a lot of carbon build up that needs to be taken care of. You should also regularly check the spray pattern on your AFMs to make sure that they're not restricting you But as Matt said. To each their own. If you're not into regular maintenance and just want periodic maintenance then fine. I'd rather spend a couple of extra bucks and give my car the best though. You could save heaps of money by doing all the minor services yourself too... just fyi.
  5. I'm not clicking that. Give me a real link or tell me where it is
  6. whhheeerrrrrrrrrreeeeee??? As an ex Townsvillian my interest has been piqued.
  7. In a 60 zone?! Where in Townsville is it? Has a track been set up on the streets a la Indy ?
  8. If that were the case you'd have to wait until I stocked up on peanut M&Ms before you got any Mars bars.
  9. I still don't know because it's a third party company recruiting for a call center for a company that they "can't disclose the name of" *shrug* My guess is it'll be answering phones and answering questions, but I don't know if it's for a bank or insurance company or help desk or what. It's a pretty gay way to hire people if you ask me.
  10. Remember I had that stupid group interview where they rewarded us with Mars bars? Well today I have a second interview with those people. Not a group thing this time though, one on one. (That's what she said)
  11. my message about hotness was about the car, not about you.
  12. Exactly. Mods are the ones able to change the topic title. I see you're getting your money's worth out of University...
  13. morning mangs nothing quite like home fried fish and chips for breakfast Second interview with the Mars Bar people today
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