Hmmm... wound too tight and bad vaccuum line to start with. Just flutters. BOV needs 3mm hose, car needs 8mm hose... So I bought some different hoses and some other bits and pieces and went all MacGyver on it. Wound down the spring tension a bit all the way.
Leaving Supercrap resulted in a really really really really really really loud SKKEEEEEETTTTTTT... and it seemed to just echo through the buildings and trees
I pulled over down the road a bit and wound the tension up a bit, drove some more.... even louder
Tighted it a bit more... not too bad... now if I change gears under 4K I get flutters unless it's WOT. If I hammer the ass out of it and change gears it flutters very briefly, then sssssSSSSSSSKKEEEEEEET. Tollerable, but I might wind it up a bit more when I go out.
Need to get a tool for removing cir-clips though so I can change the flanges over. The other one has a purple and gold insert, and I think that's the one I'm after. Car runs PRETTY well without being plumed back, but I need to block off my return pipe to keep the idle speed right.
Oh. I know that one as "What's the difference between Jam and Vegemite?"