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Everything posted by chops

  1. Wicked, wicked! Glad those 540s are now yours, will make chasing those last couple of tenths that little bit easier! Was surprised at how little damage all your tyre smoking action did to both sets of tyres really. 9krpm, your "topless" run was a great laugh, they commented on it over the PA, but with your stereo pumpin you probably couldn't hear it! Also, there's nothing wrong with the guys out there doing 17s - they pay the money, and help to make such events plausible, which is good for all.
  2. Not sure about a few, but maybe a couple! Was hoping to see more runs from you BOOSTD, but like you say, snakeys at 100 mph isn't real fun! No probs 9krpm, the man who does high 13s and drives his car home is a happier one than the man who does better times and has to call a towtruck! But yes, as you say Nightcrawler, I expected a bit better times from some LS1s considering their previous times, and we could easily see traction was a problem for all - that 10 second RX3 was only doing 12s!
  3. Was a great night. Best things about Nightcrawlers runs was his consitency... First, he was consistently spinning the wheels Next, he was consistently missing second gear But I'm sure he would be happy that he could match his old times even while ****ing up a gearshift!!! (I'm just ****ing with you Lee!) That 12.74 was a great run mate, with a bit more left like you say if you hooked it up just a little better. We were pretty happy with the 12.87 you did before that, and stoked to see it improve! 9krpm, as you say, you wanted to run, but not wanting to kill your car is more important, so you know there is more there. 32godzilla, your mid 12s were also consitent, and you can't be too unhappy about that. Good to meet a few of you guys, and was a great night all round. Can't complain about the number of runs for the money either, Nightcrawler could have probably fit another 2 runs in if he didn't have a couple of breaks. Incidentally, I THINK the only LS1 that ran quicker than Nightcrawler was the blown Monaro, and you'd hope a blown V8 would beat a 4 cylinder! Look forward to many more of these.
  4. Whatever you do, do it ASAP, as you don't need to give the cops an excuse to pull over an import and defect you for them not working! Shouldn't be a fuse though, as they are obviously getting power if they flash with the alarm.
  5. Me and Nightcrawler should be there just after 5:00, well that's the plan anyway. BOOSTD, if you can get in to the 11s, it will be good enough for the HPI top 10 - would be nice to see a time set at AIR in the RWD over 2400cc class!
  6. $35 I believe to race. Cheaper than a decent bottle of piss.
  7. Bigpond cable is the best (home) broadband available in Adelaide. No matter what anyone tells you about their DSL having the same bandwidth. Once they uncapped the cable, it pissed all over DSL. We were maxxing Nightcrawler's DSL out at his old house with 6 players gaming, while at a mate's house we had 9 on his cable without a stutter. I wanna see this car, stupid ghey work and IT nazis monitoring downloads.
  8. Looking forward to seeing your little 200 in the 12s. No rain forecast any more!!!
  9. He got growled at for the pillar mount a few times by the local constabulary, and decided with the new mods he didn't need orange lights at nose height sticking out a mile off!!! You got the car back yet biatch? Ah, I'll ring u.
  10. The part about the testing on that vehicle could be a sticky point where they could get you. "Oh, that particular wheel hasn't been tested on a Skyline, so it's not legal" I can hear it now.
  11. Agreeing on a price and leaving a deposit constitutes the formation of a legally enforceable contract. They could actually take you to court for not buying the car if they could be bothered, and sue for the difference if they ended up having to sell the car cheaper.
  12. There was a guy here in SA with an RB20DET in a DR30, so it sure can be done.
  13. It is no longer required in SA to have stickers specifying the % transmission of your window tint. There were dodgy guys out there putting 35 stickers on other darker tints, so they just pissed the rules off. You're ****ed if you get tested though. My car is tinted in 20 all round, and I've never been looked at twice, but I don't drive an import. Wish I still had the contact to pass on to you guys - it only cost me $160, but it was a mate's brother in law's cousin.
  14. When I got done for my steering wheel, the cop said "any change to a steering wheel is illegal" which I know to be crap, but arguing wouldn't have done me any good, so I wore it. Those Momo wheels you speak of meet Australian Design Regulations, so they are legal. Look in to a wheel that comes with ADR compliance, that's the safest way. Doesn't help you now though, sorry.
  15. I agree with Rob, it is to do with the fact that these things are designed to meet ADRs, and the cops know it, rather than your modded import, which MAY WELL meet the regulations, but they assume they don't until you can prove otherwise. It's like those CAPA blowers and the like - massive performance increases, but the kits are designed to meet Australian emission specs, so the cops don't tend to look at them too hard. CSV may have been a better example than HSV for the other guys too, cos they are both a car manufacturer and a "tuning shop". They will build you a car, or do yours, but they have to ensure everything meets those lovely design specs again. I'm not sure to what lengths you can go to getting your modified import certified as meeting all specs, and it would probably be costly, but it could be worth a look, then at least you would know what you were driving was legal, and could have some evidence to back it up - knowing that if they were a prick and defected you anyway, that you could simply get it easily removed with a trip to the RTA.
  16. Also it depends if you want to repaint it the same colour, or change colour. For a colour change not to look dodgy, it's an engine out job. Also, Craved's suggestions sound great - the more prep work you can do yourself, the more cash you will save BUT remember the prep work is the basis for the whole job, if the prep work is poor, the car will look like crap, it's as simple as that.
  17. If you can't afford to insure a car, you shouldn't buy it at all in my opinion. I wouldn't even drive a car home from where I bought it without insurance - it takes all of ten minutes to arrange a cover note over the phone. All it takes is some dickhead without insurance to hit you on the way home and your new purchase is a mangled wreck that is worthless, or that you have some big bill to repair. In response to someone's query about third party, fire and theft - there are very few companies in Australia that will supply that cover any more - here in SA there were only 2 last I checked. That cover CAN be adjusted to include stereo equipment - I used to drive a car with a stereo valued at more than the car! They just slap things like additional theft excesses and higher premiums on you.
  18. Also, here is a little article I found on using toluene, might answer a few questions. http://www.elektro.com/~audi/audi/toluene/tol2.html
  19. This stuff has been in use as a performance increase for years. You used to be able to buy toluene from the pump, as my boss used to run 20% in his Mini Cooper S all the time. As for adverse engine effects, if you use 20% or under, you should be fine without engine modifications. Hot 4s did an article on this (probably about 10 years ago now) and recommended no higher than 20% without doing other stuff to your car. As it burns hotter than normal fuel, you can burn out valves if you use too much, and I believe they recommended stainless valves if you were going to use it.
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