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Everything posted by Solo.r32

  1. Solo.r32


    Yea i get what you mean. But i might as well try. I mean essentially they should take me over the car or something and explain to me any issues that could arise. Would only take 30 seconds from when i get out of the car. But yea it won't hurt to give it a shot.
  2. Solo.r32


    O and all i received if i recall was just a Credit card receipt.
  3. Solo.r32


    Yea i deffinately will be going back there. I have been looking up on the fair trading website. I found some interesting stuff with on this page: http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/Consumers/Consumer_guarantees_warranties_and_refunds/Guarantees_on_services.html "Due care and skill Due care and skill means they must: use an acceptable level of skill or technical knowledge when providing the services, and take all necessary care to avoid loss or damage when providing the services. For example, a consumer hires a painter to paint her house. Before starting the job, the painter does not remove all of the old, flaking paint. Six months later, the new paint starts to flake. The painter has not met the due care and skill guarantee, as he did not use a level of skill that would be expected of a reasonable painter. While painting the consumer’s house, the painter knocks over a can of paint, which spills over her newly paved driveway. The painter has not met the guarantee, as he has not taken the care expected of a reasonable painter. " So i guess i could fight that even if they did have t&c that if they have done something while "detailing" my car which has caused it to flake like that then really their t&c should be irrelevant! Or maybe i'm just talking outta ma asss... Plus i might go and do some filming one day, as when i was there on sunday i was watching a guy with the gurney standing with gun going full tilt onto a customers car while chatting to another employee. Too me that isn't fulfilling his responsibility to uphold the aspect of "due care"??
  4. Solo.r32


    Too be honest i couldn't see much around, but i didn't really have a great look. But for that reason that i couldn't easily notice a t & c board and that i wasn't made aware of one that even if they did have one i could get around it? Sort of like those stupid national car parks thing. Because for awhile they weren't made properly visable and accesible to every one??
  5. Solo.r32


    Hi, I need some advice, I had my r32 gtr washed at a Drive in car wash place in Sydney on Sat morning on the way to drop off a radiator at a customers workshop down south. (I work for Fenix Radiators btw), anyway after driving around for a couple of hours and coming home i noticed a massive flake of paint missing off the roof of my car (see pictures attached). I spoke with my mate who owns/runs MRK Detailing and he said they must have done something that has lifted the paint off the roof either; buffing it too harshly, using a too ebrasive chemical or hitting it with the gurneys. I am not sure if there was small crack/chip in the paint before where the flake of paint is missing, but either way what ever they have done while washing it, i believe has caused it to flake off while driving a couple hours after. I have spoken to the company involved on the day it happened, then took it back to them on the sunday and then spoke to the "head office" today, and they all have tried to blame a few different things for it happening, saying it must be old shitty paint, or the was a rust bubble there ect. He was trying to say that they have no liability if that is the case. I thought they would have a duty of care to either notify me that there was a problem with the paint work or for them not to hit the area with the gurney or while polishing it. He also said that gurneys would not pull the paint off the car unless there was a problem with the paint in the first place. I have heard plenty of stories about gurneys getting to close and ripping up the paint. So at the moment he said he will check with the manager that i spoke to and showed the car to on sunday tomorrow and would get back to me. I know i might be a bit silly in going to one of these places in the first place. But i was desperate and needed to clean the car before going and dropping off a rad to a customer. So in the mean time does any one have any advice on how to approach the situation or if i am likely to be compensated for what has happened??? I have kept a log with everything that had gone on and will keep one going for as long as i need to. Cheers in advance guys for your thoughts!
  6. Hey mate, think that was meee.. Replied on the wrong part of the thread. Nice car btw
  7. Meant to post to Aphex: I think that was me in the white gtr... I hate traffic.
  8. Mate go speak to adam or todd at Japlink Motors, Just picked up a r32 gtr from them 2 months ago. Helped me out heaps getting a good condition and priced r32.
  9. Holy S*&T, that is intense. To think that he was driving normally, minding his own business and then outta no where BAM. SCARY! Hope for a speed recovery!!
  10. Thanks matey, Yea i joined sometime ago. But never really posted much as i never had a skyline (used to have a n14 pulsar). Can't wait to get this bad boy!!
  11. Hi all, Joined the site ages ago!! Was always just looking around and reading things while i waited til i had my full license and the funds! FINALLY i have both of these things! And now have purchased a white R32 - GTR (see attached pictures or gallery)!! Can't wait. At the moment it is waiting on a port some where (apparently it's not affected by the current earth quakes! I am using Jap Link Motors (Adam). Adam is a champ, and puts up with my annoying questions all the time! Will keep things updated!!! Rob
  12. Can't wait to get my car!! Hope there aren't too many delays with all these earthquakes! Hope every is doing better over there!!

  13. Solo.r32

    New GTR

    My R32 GTR. Just some photos of it in Japan, can't wait til it gets here(14/03/11)
  14. Solo.r32


    From the album: New GTR

  15. Solo.r32


    From the album: New GTR

  16. Solo.r32


    From the album: New GTR

  17. Solo.r32


    From the album: New GTR

  18. Solo.r32


    From the album: New GTR

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