Hi all,
This my first real post on this site, and I thought I might as well make it useful. So I decided to write a tut about replacing the leather/vinyl boot on the gearstick. This is a fairly simple operation that can be divided into 5 parts.
---Part 1. What you will need---
> A standard phillips head screwdriver
> If your gear knob came with a hex key, you will need that
> About 15 - 25 minutes of spare time
> A little brute force
---Part 2. Remove the cover---
.:Step 1. Pull out the ashtray:.
It should come out with a fair yank.
.:Step 2. Remove the screws:.
Behind where the ashtray used to be, there should be 2 screws. Remove them and place them in the
change slots next to you (this should keep them from going ashtray [/bad joke]).
.:Step 3. Lift the cover:.
Around the gearstick and handbrake and up to near the radio/cd player there is a separate plastic
panel (the factory one is shiny). Pull it up. You may need a flat head screwdriver to help you lever
it up. DO NOT try to lift it up further than about 10 - 20 cm.
---Part 3. Remove the gear knob---
.:Step 1. Determine what your knob is:.
When you got your gear knob, you might have got an allen (hex) key with it. If so, read on. If you
didn't, skip to step 3.
.:Step 2. Unfasten the gear knob:.
Find the metal band ( ||__||// ) at the bottom of your gear knob. Unscrew it. Under it, there should
be some little hex screws. Take them out and stick them in your other change slot for safekeeping.
.:Step 3. Unscrew the gear knob:.
Twist your gear knob Counter-Clockwise 'til it removes. Simple.
.:Step 4. PULL!:.
Pull the loose panel over the gearstick, and take the gearstick boot out.
.:Step 5. Reverse:.
Now put everything back together, by using REVERSE! <<
I hope this guide helped you